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Rätten att leva som andra - En rättsfallsanalys av HFD 2017 ref. 27 ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Frisk, Moa LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Innan 1994 fanns ingen lagstadgad rätt till personlig assistans. Efter den s.k. Handikapputredningen år 1989 kom ett lagförslag som utmynnade i Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS). Enligt denna lag skulle de funktionshindrade som hade krävande och omfattande hjälpbehov ha rätt till en personlig assistent. Försäkringskassan blev beslutsmyndighet för att avgöra huruvida enskilda hade rätt till assistansersättning (och därmed personlig assistans). Redan ett år efter att LSS trätt ikraft kom en proposition vars innehåll syftade till att minska kostnaderna för assistansen genom att införa en ny paragraf som förtydligade vad assistansersättningen skulle ges för. Detta var 9 a §, som förtydligade vad... (More)
Innan 1994 fanns ingen lagstadgad rätt till personlig assistans. Efter den s.k. Handikapputredningen år 1989 kom ett lagförslag som utmynnade i Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS). Enligt denna lag skulle de funktionshindrade som hade krävande och omfattande hjälpbehov ha rätt till en personlig assistent. Försäkringskassan blev beslutsmyndighet för att avgöra huruvida enskilda hade rätt till assistansersättning (och därmed personlig assistans). Redan ett år efter att LSS trätt ikraft kom en proposition vars innehåll syftade till att minska kostnaderna för assistansen genom att införa en ny paragraf som förtydligade vad assistansersättningen skulle ges för. Detta var 9 a §, som förtydligade vad grundläggande behov innebar, samt att assistans även skulle täcka andra personliga behov.
LSS var revolutionerande då den instiftades, och är oerhört betydelsefull för enskilda än idag. Emellertid har vissa delar av LSS hotats då vägledande avgöranden från HFD har påverkat Försäkringskassans bedömningar negativt för enskilda. Ett sådant exempel är HFD 2017 ref. 27, en dom som väckte stor uppmärksamhet förra året. Målet rörde en flicka som hade fått avslag från sin kommun på hennes ansökan om utökad assistansersättning för resor till och från aktiviteter. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (HFD) fastställde kommunens beslut. Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera domslutet ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv, och ta reda på om domstolen i det här fallet hållit sig inom ramen för LSS syfte i sina domskäl.
En del av uppsatsen är att urskilja syftet med LSS, vilket i analysen fastställs vara att för funktionshindrade kunna leva som andra i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Det som framgår i min analys är att HFD i viss mån frångått syftet med LSS när beslutet om assistansersättning för resor med assistent togs. I och med det här konstaterandet visar uppsatsen på en brist i rättssäkerheten för den enskilde när det kommer till konsekvenserna av HFD 2017 ref. 27. (Less)
Before 1994 there was no legal right to a personal assistant in Sweden. After the so-called Handikapputredningen in year 1989, Lag (1993) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) was instituted.* According to this law, the disabled people who had exigent and extensive needs would have right to a personal assistant. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) became the agency responsible for the decision making concerning if the individual had the need of help that was demanded to grant the assistant allowance, and by that, a personal assistant. Already a year after the LSS came into force there was a proposition which aim was to reduce the costs for the assistance. By introducing a new paragraph (9 a §) that clarified what... (More)
Before 1994 there was no legal right to a personal assistant in Sweden. After the so-called Handikapputredningen in year 1989, Lag (1993) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) was instituted.* According to this law, the disabled people who had exigent and extensive needs would have right to a personal assistant. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) became the agency responsible for the decision making concerning if the individual had the need of help that was demanded to grant the assistant allowance, and by that, a personal assistant. Already a year after the LSS came into force there was a proposition which aim was to reduce the costs for the assistance. By introducing a new paragraph (9 a §) that clarified what the assistant allowance was meant to cover, it became more clear what constituted a basic need, and also that the assistance would cover other personal needs.
The LSS was revolutionizing when it came into force, and is still today very significant for individuals. Although, some parts of the LSS has been threatened when precedents from the Supreme Administrative Court** have affected the SSIA’s judgements in a negative direction for individuals. One example of this is HFD 2017 ref. 27, a precedent who attracted much attention last year. The case concerned a girl who had had her application for extended assistant allowance for travels between activities rejected by her municipality. The Supreme Administrative Court confirmed the municipality’s decision. This thesis is aiming to analyse the verdict from a legal security perspective, and to find out if the court in this case has acted within the frames of the purpose of LSS.
A part of this thesis is furthermore to establish the purpose of LSS. After investigating the preparatory works, I establish that the purpose is that disabled people are supposed to be able to live as other people as much as possible. In the analysis I argue that the Supreme Administrative Court in some ways have diverged from the purpose of the LSS when the decision on assistance allowance was taken. With that in mind, the thesis shows a lack of legal security concerning the consequences of HFD 2017 ref. 27. (Less)
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Frisk, Moa LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
LSS, rättssäkerhet, funktionshinder
date added to LUP
2018-07-09 16:42:08
date last changed
2018-07-09 16:42:08
  abstract     = {{Before 1994 there was no legal right to a personal assistant in Sweden. After the so-called Handikapputredningen in year 1989, Lag (1993) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) was instituted.* According to this law, the disabled people who had exigent and extensive needs would have right to a personal assistant. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (SSIA) became the agency responsible for the decision making concerning if the individual had the need of help that was demanded to grant the assistant allowance, and by that, a personal assistant. Already a year after the LSS came into force there was a proposition which aim was to reduce the costs for the assistance. By introducing a new paragraph (9 a §) that clarified what the assistant allowance was meant to cover, it became more clear what constituted a basic need, and also that the assistance would cover other personal needs. 
The LSS was revolutionizing when it came into force, and is still today very significant for individuals. Although, some parts of the LSS has been threatened when precedents from the Supreme Administrative Court** have affected the SSIA’s judgements in a negative direction for individuals. One example of this is HFD 2017 ref. 27, a precedent who attracted much attention last year. The case concerned a girl who had had her application for extended assistant allowance for travels between activities rejected by her municipality. The Supreme Administrative Court confirmed the municipality’s decision. This thesis is aiming to analyse the verdict from a legal security perspective, and to find out if the court in this case has acted within the frames of the purpose of LSS.
A part of this thesis is furthermore to establish the purpose of LSS. After investigating the preparatory works, I establish that the purpose is that disabled people are supposed to be able to live as other people as much as possible. In the analysis I argue that the Supreme Administrative Court in some ways have diverged from the purpose of the LSS when the decision on assistance allowance was taken. With that in mind, the thesis shows a lack of legal security concerning the consequences of HFD 2017 ref. 27.}},
  author       = {{Frisk, Moa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rätten att leva som andra - En rättsfallsanalys av HFD 2017 ref. 27 ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv}},
  year         = {{2018}},