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LUP Student Papers


Läkemedelspatent - En kritisk analys av den internationella patentregleringen

Lindblad, Samuel LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats har intentionen att behandla det patentsystemet som reglerar läkemedelsutvecklingen. I uppsatsen har det utretts vad som är skälet bakom patentsystemen. Området är unikt gentemot andra patentsystem på så sätt att den innehåller andra skyddsskäl. Det har ansetts att ett väl utvecklat patentsystem för läkemedel ska ta tillvara på mänsklighetens högst skyddsvärda intresse, nämligen folkhälsan. Det är dock diskutabelt om patentsystemet snarare hindrar främjandet av folkhälsan till följd av ett för starkt patentskydd. Framförallt uppstår ett problem för de länder som är mindre välutvecklade och inte själva har en ekonomiskt situation så att de kan betala för patentskyddade läkemedel. Ett patentsystem av något slag är dock... (More)
Denna uppsats har intentionen att behandla det patentsystemet som reglerar läkemedelsutvecklingen. I uppsatsen har det utretts vad som är skälet bakom patentsystemen. Området är unikt gentemot andra patentsystem på så sätt att den innehåller andra skyddsskäl. Det har ansetts att ett väl utvecklat patentsystem för läkemedel ska ta tillvara på mänsklighetens högst skyddsvärda intresse, nämligen folkhälsan. Det är dock diskutabelt om patentsystemet snarare hindrar främjandet av folkhälsan till följd av ett för starkt patentskydd. Framförallt uppstår ett problem för de länder som är mindre välutvecklade och inte själva har en ekonomiskt situation så att de kan betala för patentskyddade läkemedel. Ett patentsystem av något slag är dock nödvändigt för att främja den industriell utvecklingen och således folkhälsan. Ett land utan ett välutvecklat patentsystem skulle inte kunna utveckla effektiva mediciner, då ingen skulle investera i forskningen och utvecklandet av ett sådant läkemedel utan patentskyddet.
Internationella regleringar om patent återfinns i TRIPS-avtalet. Detta avtal togs till en början fram för att vara ett handelsavtal, men har genom inkorporering av konventioner och deklarationer utvecklats till att bli den viktigaste regleringen inom internationell patenträtt att upprätthålla folkhälsoskälet. Det har av allmänheten och framförallt från utvecklingsländer framkommit kritik om hur avtalet begränsar tillgången till läkemedel snarare än att främja denna. Att avtalet har ansetts ha för starkt patentskydd beror på regleringar som hindrar att billiga generiska läkemedel kan tillverkas, samt de följder som följer av att avtalet enbart innehåller minimiregleringar. Somliga anser att regleringarna i stor mån är för vaga och anses de inte anses uppfylla skälen bakom patentskyddet. Genom tolkning av dessa med stöd av underlag från doktrin så kan det dock utläsas möjligheter som nationella regleringar kan införliva utifrån avtalet, såsom tvångslicens och parallellimport för att sänka priser på de patenterade läkemedlen. Att inskränka ensamrätten ytterligare vore enbart till nackdel för främjandet av folkhälsan då utvecklande företag skulle sakna innovation att utveckla nya läkemedel. Det ska även nämnas att det vanligaste förekommande argumentet om att ett patentinnehavande företag kan ta ut vilka priser som helst, enbart är sant i ett fåtal situationer. (Less)
The intention of this essay is to process the patent system and its regulations in the department of pharmaceutical development. An analysis has been made of what the purpose behind the regulation of patents are. This field is unique towards other fields of patent law since it aims to protect different purposes. It has come to the conclusion that a well regulated patent system means to achieve a higher level of public health. Nevertheless, there is a discussion whether the current patent system rather disfavours the furtherance of public health due to the patent protection being to extensive in favour of the patentee. Especially for developing countries that don’t have enough economic resources to pay for patent protected pharmaceuticals... (More)
The intention of this essay is to process the patent system and its regulations in the department of pharmaceutical development. An analysis has been made of what the purpose behind the regulation of patents are. This field is unique towards other fields of patent law since it aims to protect different purposes. It has come to the conclusion that a well regulated patent system means to achieve a higher level of public health. Nevertheless, there is a discussion whether the current patent system rather disfavours the furtherance of public health due to the patent protection being to extensive in favour of the patentee. Especially for developing countries that don’t have enough economic resources to pay for patent protected pharmaceuticals there is a problem due to the patent regulations. A patent system of some kind is however necessary to promote industrial development and thus public health. A country without patent law would not be able to generate any pharmaceutical products, on the ground of that no one would invest in research and development of a product if the end result would not be able to be protected by a patent.
The most central regulations on the subject can be found in, the so called, TRIPS agreement. The agreement was first established as a trade agreement, but has since then, through incorporation of regulations from conventions and declarations, developed into the most important regulation in international patent law to maintain public health. From the public as well as from developing countries it has emerged critics regarding that the agreement indeed neglects the access to pharmaceutical products rather than promote this. That the agreement has been seen to have a too extensive patent protection mainly derives from the patentee’s possibility to sell the patent protected products at monopoly prices, as well as that the patent hindrance the accessibility for developing countries. The agreement has because of this developed with reason to promote public health in a more direct manner. These regulations are considered by some to be to vague and does not meet the reasons behind the adjustments.
By analysing these articles with support from doctrine it can be seen that the patent protection regulated in the agreement is not to extensive and furthermore leaves a great many ways for member states to interpret regulations into national patent law, such as compulsory licenses and parallel imports. These have the purpose to lower the pricing on patent protected pharmaceutical products. To further weaken the patent system would only lower the interest of production by the pharmaceutical companies. It should also be mentioned that the argument that says that patentees can price the pharmaceuticals however they please is only true in very few circumstances. (Less)
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Lindblad, Samuel LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Immaterialrätt, Konkurrensrätt, Läkemedelspatent, Internationellrätt, Patenträtt
date added to LUP
2018-07-15 13:37:14
date last changed
2018-07-15 13:37:14
  abstract     = {{The intention of this essay is to process the patent system and its regulations in the department of pharmaceutical development. An analysis has been made of what the purpose behind the regulation of patents are. This field is unique towards other fields of patent law since it aims to protect different purposes. It has come to the conclusion that a well regulated patent system means to achieve a higher level of public health. Nevertheless, there is a discussion whether the current patent system rather disfavours the furtherance of public health due to the patent protection being to extensive in favour of the patentee. Especially for developing countries that don’t have enough economic resources to pay for patent protected pharmaceuticals there is a problem due to the patent regulations. A patent system of some kind is however necessary to promote industrial development and thus public health. A country without patent law would not be able to generate any pharmaceutical products, on the ground of that no one would invest in research and development of a product if the end result would not be able to be protected by a patent.
The most central regulations on the subject can be found in, the so called, TRIPS agreement. The agreement was first established as a trade agreement, but has since then, through incorporation of regulations from conventions and declarations, developed into the most important regulation in international patent law to maintain public health. From the public as well as from developing countries it has emerged critics regarding that the agreement indeed neglects the access to pharmaceutical products rather than promote this. That the agreement has been seen to have a too extensive patent protection mainly derives from the patentee’s possibility to sell the patent protected products at monopoly prices, as well as that the patent hindrance the accessibility for developing countries. The agreement has because of this developed with reason to promote public health in a more direct manner. These regulations are considered by some to be to vague and does not meet the reasons behind the adjustments. 
By analysing these articles with support from doctrine it can be seen that the patent protection regulated in the agreement is not to extensive and furthermore leaves a great many ways for member states to interpret regulations into national patent law, such as compulsory licenses and parallel imports. These have the purpose to lower the pricing on patent protected pharmaceutical products. To further weaken the patent system would only lower the interest of production by the pharmaceutical companies. It should also be mentioned that the argument that says that patentees can price the pharmaceuticals however they please is only true in very few circumstances.}},
  author       = {{Lindblad, Samuel}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Läkemedelspatent - En kritisk analys av den internationella patentregleringen}},
  year         = {{2018}},