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Kollektivavtalets tillkomst och status - Om avsaknaden av författningsreglerad minimilön

Jangsell, Madeleine LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I Sverige finns ingen författningsreglerad minimilön eller möjlighet att göra kollektivavtal allmängiltiga. Istället är det arbetsmarknadens parter som tillsammans förhandlar fram kollektivavtalets innehåll om löner och andra anställningsvillkor. Den svenska arbetsrätten har en tradition av långtgående fackligt inflytande och avsaknad av statlig inblandning. Staten har uttryckt att författningsreglerad minimilön skulle innebära ett för stort intrång i den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen. Kollektivavtalet som regleringsinstrument på arbetsmarknaden är djupt rotat och för att ta reda på varför det inte finns lagreglerad minimilön måste historien ge svar. Näringsfrihetsförordningen, som infördes 1864, lade grunden till kollektivavtalet. Från... (More)
I Sverige finns ingen författningsreglerad minimilön eller möjlighet att göra kollektivavtal allmängiltiga. Istället är det arbetsmarknadens parter som tillsammans förhandlar fram kollektivavtalets innehåll om löner och andra anställningsvillkor. Den svenska arbetsrätten har en tradition av långtgående fackligt inflytande och avsaknad av statlig inblandning. Staten har uttryckt att författningsreglerad minimilön skulle innebära ett för stort intrång i den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen. Kollektivavtalet som regleringsinstrument på arbetsmarknaden är djupt rotat och för att ta reda på varför det inte finns lagreglerad minimilön måste historien ge svar. Näringsfrihetsförordningen, som infördes 1864, lade grunden till kollektivavtalet. Från den kunde arbetare sammansluta sig, bilda fackföreningar och senare även fackförbund. Arbetsgivarorganisationerna blev etablerade vid sekelskiftet. Kollektivavtalet uppkom som ett svar på vad liberalismens tillämpning på arbetsmarknaden innebar, nämligen ojämlikhet i partsställning vid förhandlingar mellan arbetare och arbetsgivare. Staten intog tidigt en neutral ställning mellan parterna vilket var en förutsättning för att kollektivavtalet skulle bli ett självbärande regleringsinstrument. Något annat som också var av betydelse för kollektivavtalet var föreningsrätten, som till stor det erkändes vid Decemberkompromissen 1906.
Förslag om lagstadgad minimilön har inte varit på tal innan Laval - utredningen, varken hos staten eller arbetsmarknadens organsatiner. Argument som liknar de för lagstadgad minimilön har emellertid förts av fackföreningarna. Det är fråga om rättvisa, om att plana ut det ojämlika partsförhållandet som ofta uppstår mellan arbetare och arbetsgivare samt att upprätta ett minimum av arbetsvillkor som ska verka för att skapa trygghet på arbetsmarknaden. Min slutsats är att lagstadgade minimilöner har inte varit prioriterat hos den fackliga rörelsen, trots att det till viss del egentligen var vad de ville åstadkomma med kollektivavtalet. Föreningsrätten och strejkrätten har varit viktigare, men framförallt möjligheten att tillsammans kunna driva sina egna intressen utan statlig inblandning. (Less)
In Sweden, there is an absence of a minimum wage legislation. The terms and conditions for most workers is constituted in the collective agreement, made by the parties of the Swedish labour market. The government has expressed itself unable to legislate in the matter as it would mean a violation to the “Swedish labour model”, keeping its neutral policy intact. The collective agreement has a very strong hold as regulation on the Swedish labour market, why history has to give us the answer to why there is no minimum wage law. Näringsfrihetsförordningen (the freedom of trade statue) passed in 1864 was the foundation of the collective agreement as it made it possible for workers to start unionising. The employer’s organisations were... (More)
In Sweden, there is an absence of a minimum wage legislation. The terms and conditions for most workers is constituted in the collective agreement, made by the parties of the Swedish labour market. The government has expressed itself unable to legislate in the matter as it would mean a violation to the “Swedish labour model”, keeping its neutral policy intact. The collective agreement has a very strong hold as regulation on the Swedish labour market, why history has to give us the answer to why there is no minimum wage law. Näringsfrihetsförordningen (the freedom of trade statue) passed in 1864 was the foundation of the collective agreement as it made it possible for workers to start unionising. The employer’s organisations were established at the start of the 20th century. The collective agreement was as a response to the liberal application on the labour market, which made the negotiations between workers and employers unequal. The government was early to adapt a neutral policy between the organisations, making it possible for the collective agreement to be a self-supporting regulation on the labour market. The freedom of association has also played a role to the founding of the collective agreement. It was officially recognised in 1906 through the December compromise.
Neither the government or the organisations of the labour market has had any interest on legislating a minimum wage. However, same arguments have been made as to what is said about the minimum wage legislation. They are both concentrated on justice and want to make the parties more equal when negotiating the terms of the labour contract. The arguments are also focused on constituting a minimum of regulation to give the workers economic stability. My conclusions is the minimum wage legislation has not been a prioritised subject among the unions and its members. The freedom of association and rights to strike has been more important. But even more vital for the unions has been the possibility to pursue their joint interest without the meddling of the government. (Less)
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Jangsell, Madeleine LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2018-07-15 13:37:04
date last changed
2018-07-15 13:37:04
  abstract     = {{In Sweden, there is an absence of a minimum wage legislation. The terms and conditions for most workers is constituted in the collective agreement, made by the parties of the Swedish labour market. The government has expressed itself unable to legislate in the matter as it would mean a violation to the “Swedish labour model”, keeping its neutral policy intact. The collective agreement has a very strong hold as regulation on the Swedish labour market, why history has to give us the answer to why there is no minimum wage law. Näringsfrihetsförordningen (the freedom of trade statue) passed in 1864 was the foundation of the collective agreement as it made it possible for workers to start unionising. The employer’s organisations were established at the start of the 20th century. The collective agreement was as a response to the liberal application on the labour market, which made the negotiations between workers and employers unequal. The government was early to adapt a neutral policy between the organisations, making it possible for the collective agreement to be a self-supporting regulation on the labour market. The freedom of association has also played a role to the founding of the collective agreement. It was officially recognised in 1906 through the December compromise.
Neither the government or the organisations of the labour market has had any interest on legislating a minimum wage. However, same arguments have been made as to what is said about the minimum wage legislation. They are both concentrated on justice and want to make the parties more equal when negotiating the terms of the labour contract. The arguments are also focused on constituting a minimum of regulation to give the workers economic stability. My conclusions is the minimum wage legislation has not been a prioritised subject among the unions and its members. The freedom of association and rights to strike has been more important. But even more vital for the unions has been the possibility to pursue their joint interest without the meddling of the government.}},
  author       = {{Jangsell, Madeleine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Kollektivavtalets tillkomst och status - Om avsaknaden av författningsreglerad minimilön}},
  year         = {{2018}},