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LUP Student Papers


Preventivt nödvärn och våld i nära relationer

Ekberg, Ellen LU (2018) LAGF03 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats har med en rättsdogmatisk metod undersökt vilka praktiska konsekvenser nödvärnsregleringens utformning i Sverige respektive Norge leder till för offer för våld i nära relationer. Dessutom behandlar uppsatsen huruvida den svenska rätten erbjuder en rätt till preventivt nödvärn.

I uppsatsen redogörs såväl lagtext som praxis vad gäller nödvärn i svensk och norsk rätt. Eftersom det i båda rättsordningar finns endast ett fåtal fall som behandlar nödvärn i högsta instans har används även avgöranden från underinstanser.

Preventivt nödvärn är tillåtet i Norge men inte i Sverige. Däremot verkar formuleringen ”överhängande angrepp” som finns i den svenska nödvärnsregleringen delvis överlappa med de situationer som den... (More)
Denna uppsats har med en rättsdogmatisk metod undersökt vilka praktiska konsekvenser nödvärnsregleringens utformning i Sverige respektive Norge leder till för offer för våld i nära relationer. Dessutom behandlar uppsatsen huruvida den svenska rätten erbjuder en rätt till preventivt nödvärn.

I uppsatsen redogörs såväl lagtext som praxis vad gäller nödvärn i svensk och norsk rätt. Eftersom det i båda rättsordningar finns endast ett fåtal fall som behandlar nödvärn i högsta instans har används även avgöranden från underinstanser.

Preventivt nödvärn är tillåtet i Norge men inte i Sverige. Däremot verkar formuleringen ”överhängande angrepp” som finns i den svenska nödvärnsregleringen delvis överlappa med de situationer som den preventiva nödvärnsrätten i Norge tar sikte på. Överhängande angrepp omfattar dock inte allt det som preventivt nödvärn täcker – och det tydligaste och mest omdebatterade är att försvarshandlingar som utförs av en person som utsatts för våld i en nära relation som vill oskadliggöra sin plågoande ofta inte omfattas av svensk nödvärnsrätt, eftersom försvarshandlingen ofta genomförs i ett skede då den anses vara preventivt nödvärn.

Uppsatsen diskuterar doktrin som behandlar nödvärn och våld i nära relationer. Det konstateras att nödvärnsrätten är uppbyggd på ett sätt som missgynnar de som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer, bland annat på grund av att straffrätten är dekontextualiserad och sammanhanget en gärning begås i endast delvis påverkar den rättsliga bedömningen. Istället borde det i bedömningen om någon omfattas av nödvärnsexcess tas hänsyn till att den som tidigare utsatts för våld i en nära relation kan befinna sig i ett sådant psykiskt tillstånd att denne svårligen kan besinna sig. (Less)
This paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing which practical consequences the established law regarding self-defense in Sweden and Norway have for victims of domestic violence. In addition to this, the paper discusses if the Swedish legal system allows preventive self-defense.

The paper comments on legislation as well as case law from both Sweden and Norway. There are only a few Supreme Court rulings about self-defense in both legal systems, and therefore I have included court rulings from lower criminal courts as well.

Preventive self-defense is legal in Norway but not in Sweden. Despite this, the wording of the Swedish established law seems to incorporate some of the cases that in Norway fall under preventive... (More)
This paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing which practical consequences the established law regarding self-defense in Sweden and Norway have for victims of domestic violence. In addition to this, the paper discusses if the Swedish legal system allows preventive self-defense.

The paper comments on legislation as well as case law from both Sweden and Norway. There are only a few Supreme Court rulings about self-defense in both legal systems, and therefore I have included court rulings from lower criminal courts as well.

Preventive self-defense is legal in Norway but not in Sweden. Despite this, the wording of the Swedish established law seems to incorporate some of the cases that in Norway fall under preventive self-defense. The wording of the Swedish law does not apply to everything that the Norwegian preventive self-defense law covers though – the most debated being the fact that acts of self-defense by a person trying to neutralize the threat of their abusive spouse or relative are not protected by the Swedish right to self-defense. This is because a violent act in self-defense often is performed at a time when the abused is not under attack, and the act is considered preventive self-defense.

This paper discusses doctrine regarding self-defense and domestic violence. It is concluded that the right to self-defense is constructed in a way that does not benefit those subject to abuse. This is to a large extent because the Swedish criminal law does not consider context when making legal judgements. I argue that for example when a judgement is made about whether someone has used an excessive amount of force or not, it has to be taken into consideration that someone who has previously been subject to abuse may be in such a psychological state that he or she has trouble contemplating his or her behavior. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ekberg, Ellen LU
LAGF03 20181
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, nödvärn, preventivt nödvärn, våld i nära relationer
date added to LUP
2018-07-15 13:33:02
date last changed
2018-07-15 13:33:02
  abstract     = {{This paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing which practical consequences the established law regarding self-defense in Sweden and Norway have for victims of domestic violence. In addition to this, the paper discusses if the Swedish legal system allows preventive self-defense. 

The paper comments on legislation as well as case law from both Sweden and Norway. There are only a few Supreme Court rulings about self-defense in both legal systems, and therefore I have included court rulings from lower criminal courts as well. 

Preventive self-defense is legal in Norway but not in Sweden. Despite this, the wording of the Swedish established law seems to incorporate some of the cases that in Norway fall under preventive self-defense. The wording of the Swedish law does not apply to everything that the Norwegian preventive self-defense law covers though – the most debated being the fact that acts of self-defense by a person trying to neutralize the threat of their abusive spouse or relative are not protected by the Swedish right to self-defense. This is because a violent act in self-defense often is performed at a time when the abused is not under attack, and the act is considered preventive self-defense. 

This paper discusses doctrine regarding self-defense and domestic violence. It is concluded that the right to self-defense is constructed in a way that does not benefit those subject to abuse. This is to a large extent because the Swedish criminal law does not consider context when making legal judgements. I argue that for example when a judgement is made about whether someone has used an excessive amount of force or not, it has to be taken into consideration that someone who has previously been subject to abuse may be in such a psychological state that he or she has trouble contemplating his or her behavior.}},
  author       = {{Ekberg, Ellen}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Preventivt nödvärn och våld i nära relationer}},
  year         = {{2018}},