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Den som sig i leken ger får leken tåla? - En straffrättslig analys av idrottsvåld

Johnsson, Jacob LU (2018) JURM02 20181
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur idrottsvåld, alltså våld som sker mellan idrottsutövare under pågående organiserad idrottsutövning, behandlas i det svenska straffrättssystemet och om denna behandling skiljer sig från den för annat våld. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i idrottsrörelsen och dess önskan om självbestämmande i idrottsliga frågor. Från idrottsrörelsens sida finns en vilja om att idrottsvåldsgärningar ska undantas sedvanlig straffrättslig behandling och istället enbart bestraffas i idrottens egna disciplinsystem. Tre olika argument för att idrottsvåld ska särbehandlas straffrättsligt jämfört med annat våld redogörs för i uppsatsen. Enligt det första av dessa argument medför idrottsutövning stora samhällsfördelar, i såväl ett... (More)
Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur idrottsvåld, alltså våld som sker mellan idrottsutövare under pågående organiserad idrottsutövning, behandlas i det svenska straffrättssystemet och om denna behandling skiljer sig från den för annat våld. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i idrottsrörelsen och dess önskan om självbestämmande i idrottsliga frågor. Från idrottsrörelsens sida finns en vilja om att idrottsvåldsgärningar ska undantas sedvanlig straffrättslig behandling och istället enbart bestraffas i idrottens egna disciplinsystem. Tre olika argument för att idrottsvåld ska särbehandlas straffrättsligt jämfört med annat våld redogörs för i uppsatsen. Enligt det första av dessa argument medför idrottsutövning stora samhällsfördelar, i såväl ett hälsofrämjande som i ett socialt avseende. Rättslig inblandning på idrottens område riskerar enligt detta argument att medföra att individer avhåller sig från att utöva idrott vilket kommer begränsa de samhällsvinster idrotten medför. Vidare argumenteras från idrottsrörelsens sida att en rättslig hantering av idrottsvåldsgärningar är olämplig då det hindrar idrottsutövaren från att ”ge allt” i sin idrottsutövning samt att det innebär en olämplig dubbelbestraffning av dessa gärningar då de även bestraffas inom idrottens egna disciplinsystem.

Idrottsvåld har inte någon i lagtext stadgad särställning jämfört med andra våldsgärningar men uppsatsens rättsfallsanalys visar att idrottsvåld, i praktiken, utgör ett specialfall som behandlas annorlunda än andra våldsgärningar. Först och främst tenderar idrottens hetsiga natur samt motståndarens provokation verka i strafflindrande riktning. Även en tidigare utdömd idrottsintern disciplinpåföljd påverkar domstolarnas straffmätning.

Historiskt sett har det faktum att en våldsgärning i högre utsträckning bedömts vara straffri om den begåtts i en idrottslig kontext motiverats med hänvisning till idrottsutövarens samtycke att bli utsatt för våldsgärningar. I senare praxis och juridisk doktrin har denna användning av idrottsutövarens samtycke för att motivera tillåtligheten av idrottsvåldsgärningar inte ansetts lämplig. Istället har denna ansvarsfrihet motiverats av att idrottsvåldsgärningar i det allmänna rättsmedvetandet, i viss utsträckning, anses socialt godtagbara.

Uppsatsens rättsfallsanalys visar att enbart det idrottsvåld som strider mot idrottens idé samt vissa andra allvarliga regelöverträdelser har i domstolspraxis ansetts vara ansvarsgrundande. Avslutningsvis analyseras i uppsatsen i vilken utsträckning rättsläget beträffande idrottsvåld är rättssäkert. Denna analys mynnar ut i slutsatsen att det föreligger betydande rättssäkerhetsbrister i hur idrottsvåld straffrättsligt behandlas. (Less)
This essay aims to examine how sports violence, in other words violence between athletes during organized sports practice, is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system and if this treatment differs from that of other acts of violence. The essay is based on the sports movement and its desire for self- determination in sport issues. From the sports movement there is a wish that acts of sports violence should be exempted from ordinary criminal proceedings and instead only punished in the sport's own disciplinary system. In the essay, three different arguments for acts of sports violence to be treated differently in the criminal law compared to other violence are explained. According to the first of these arguments, sporting activities... (More)
This essay aims to examine how sports violence, in other words violence between athletes during organized sports practice, is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system and if this treatment differs from that of other acts of violence. The essay is based on the sports movement and its desire for self- determination in sport issues. From the sports movement there is a wish that acts of sports violence should be exempted from ordinary criminal proceedings and instead only punished in the sport's own disciplinary system. In the essay, three different arguments for acts of sports violence to be treated differently in the criminal law compared to other violence are explained. According to the first of these arguments, sporting activities bring major societal benefits, both in terms of health and social considerations. There is a risk, according to this argument, that involvement from the legal system in the field of sport will cause individuals to abstain from practising sports, which will limit the societal benefits the sport entails. Furthermore, it is argued by the sports movement, that judicial involvement in acts of sports violence is inappropriate as it prevents athletes from “giving everything” in their sporting practices as well as resulting in an inappropriate double punishment of these acts as they are also punished within the sport's own disciplinary system.

Sports violence does not hold a different position in the written law compared to other acts of violence but the court case analysis of this essay shows that sports violence, in fact, is a special case that is treated differently compared to other acts of violence. First and foremost, the hot nature of sports and the opponent's provocation tends to work penalty reducing. Furthermore, a previously sentenced disciplinary action from the sport's own disciplinary system affects the courts when determining the severity of the penalty to be imposed.

Historically, the fact that an act of violence is to a greater extent deemed to be free from punishment if committed in a sporting context has been ex- plained in terms of the athlete's consent to be subjected to acts of violence. In recent court practice and legal doctrine, this use of the athlete's consent to motivate the admissibility of sport violence has not been considered appropriate. Instead, this impunity has been motivated by the fact that sports vio- lence, in the general legal consciousness, to a certain extent, is considered socially acceptable.

The essay’s court case analysis shows that only the sports violence that violates the idea of the sport and other severely violent acts has been found punishable in court case law.

Lastly, the essay analyses in what extent the legal position of sports violence is meeting the criteria of legal certainty. This analysis concludes that there are significant legal uncertainties in the way in which sports violence is treated in the criminal justice system. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johnsson, Jacob LU
alternative title
In for a penny - in for a pound? - A criminal law study of sports violence
JURM02 20181
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2018-06-11 13:11:51
date last changed
2018-06-11 13:11:51
  abstract     = {{This essay aims to examine how sports violence, in other words violence between athletes during organized sports practice, is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system and if this treatment differs from that of other acts of violence. The essay is based on the sports movement and its desire for self- determination in sport issues. From the sports movement there is a wish that acts of sports violence should be exempted from ordinary criminal proceedings and instead only punished in the sport's own disciplinary system. In the essay, three different arguments for acts of sports violence to be treated differently in the criminal law compared to other violence are explained. According to the first of these arguments, sporting activities bring major societal benefits, both in terms of health and social considerations. There is a risk, according to this argument, that involvement from the legal system in the field of sport will cause individuals to abstain from practising sports, which will limit the societal benefits the sport entails. Furthermore, it is argued by the sports movement, that judicial involvement in acts of sports violence is inappropriate as it prevents athletes from “giving everything” in their sporting practices as well as resulting in an inappropriate double punishment of these acts as they are also punished within the sport's own disciplinary system.

Sports violence does not hold a different position in the written law compared to other acts of violence but the court case analysis of this essay shows that sports violence, in fact, is a special case that is treated differently compared to other acts of violence. First and foremost, the hot nature of sports and the opponent's provocation tends to work penalty reducing. Furthermore, a previously sentenced disciplinary action from the sport's own disciplinary system affects the courts when determining the severity of the penalty to be imposed.

Historically, the fact that an act of violence is to a greater extent deemed to be free from punishment if committed in a sporting context has been ex- plained in terms of the athlete's consent to be subjected to acts of violence. In recent court practice and legal doctrine, this use of the athlete's consent to motivate the admissibility of sport violence has not been considered appropriate. Instead, this impunity has been motivated by the fact that sports vio- lence, in the general legal consciousness, to a certain extent, is considered socially acceptable.

The essay’s court case analysis shows that only the sports violence that violates the idea of the sport and other severely violent acts has been found punishable in court case law.

Lastly, the essay analyses in what extent the legal position of sports violence is meeting the criteria of legal certainty. This analysis concludes that there are significant legal uncertainties in the way in which sports violence is treated in the criminal justice system.}},
  author       = {{Johnsson, Jacob}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den som sig i leken ger får leken tåla? - En straffrättslig analys av idrottsvåld}},
  year         = {{2018}},