Effekter på sinnesstämning och tankeinnehåll vid inducering av analytiskt och upplevelsebaserat självfokus hos patienter med klinisk hälsoångest
(2018) PPTN76 20181Department of Psychology
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Bakgrund: Hälsoångest är en diagnos som innebär att individen har en stark oro för att drabbas av eller redan vara drabbad av en allvarlig sjukdom. Rädslan grundar sig i feltolkningar, vanligtvis katastrofiering, av kroppsliga symptom. Den aktuella studien undersöker effekterna av vilken roll analytiskt (ASF) och upplevelsebaserat (USF) självfokus har avseende sinnesstämning och tankeinnehåll vid hälsoångest. Tidigare forskning belyser vikten av att differentiera mellan de olika självfokusen, där USF anses vara mer adaptivt än ASF. Metod: 30 deltagare med diagnosen hälsoångest enligt DSM-IV randomiserades parvis till de två olika betingelserna, ASF och USF. Studien utfördes som en ensessionsbehandling. Inledningsvis provocerades... (More)
- Bakgrund: Hälsoångest är en diagnos som innebär att individen har en stark oro för att drabbas av eller redan vara drabbad av en allvarlig sjukdom. Rädslan grundar sig i feltolkningar, vanligtvis katastrofiering, av kroppsliga symptom. Den aktuella studien undersöker effekterna av vilken roll analytiskt (ASF) och upplevelsebaserat (USF) självfokus har avseende sinnesstämning och tankeinnehåll vid hälsoångest. Tidigare forskning belyser vikten av att differentiera mellan de olika självfokusen, där USF anses vara mer adaptivt än ASF. Metod: 30 deltagare med diagnosen hälsoångest enligt DSM-IV randomiserades parvis till de två olika betingelserna, ASF och USF. Studien utfördes som en ensessionsbehandling. Inledningsvis provocerades deltagarnas hälsoångest genom att använda HAI (Heath Anxiety Inventory). Därefter användes skattningsskalor för att mäta sinnesstämning och tankelistning för att mäta tankeinnehåll. Deltagarna instruerades sedan till respektive självfokus. Genom att åter mäta sinnesstämning och tankeinnehåll gjordes en jämförelse med resultaten före och efter självfokusinduceringen. Resultat: Resultaten i denna studie har inte kunnat bekräfta att USF är mer adaptivt än ASF. Studien belyser att vid hög grad av följsamhet gällande instruktion av självfokus går en del av resultaten i riktning mot att bekräfta hypoteserna. I samband med inducering av ASF, ökade antalet negativa tankar och minskade antalet positiva tankar, hos de deltagare som hade hög grad av instruktionsföljsamhet. Resultatet är dock svagt och man bör vara försiktig med att dra för långtgående slutsatser. (Less)
- Abstract
- Background: Health anxiety is a diagnosis where the person has a strong fear of being affected or being affected in the future by a serious illness. The fear originates on misinterpretations, usually catastrophic beliefs, of physical symptoms. The present study examines the effects of analytical (ASF) and experiential (USF) self-focus on mood and thought content in health anxiety. Previous studies highlights the importance of differentiating between the two self-focuses, where the USF is considered to be more adaptive than ASF. Method: 30 participants diagnosed with health anxiety according to DSM-IV were randomized into two different self-focuses, ASF and USF. The study was conducted as a one-session treatment. Initially, the... (More)
- Background: Health anxiety is a diagnosis where the person has a strong fear of being affected or being affected in the future by a serious illness. The fear originates on misinterpretations, usually catastrophic beliefs, of physical symptoms. The present study examines the effects of analytical (ASF) and experiential (USF) self-focus on mood and thought content in health anxiety. Previous studies highlights the importance of differentiating between the two self-focuses, where the USF is considered to be more adaptive than ASF. Method: 30 participants diagnosed with health anxiety according to DSM-IV were randomized into two different self-focuses, ASF and USF. The study was conducted as a one-session treatment. Initially, the participants' health anxiety was induced by using HAI (Health Anxiety Inventory), their mood was rated and the content of thoughts was measured. Next, the self-focus induction was performed. Having remeasured mood and content of thoughts, a comparison was made of the results before and after the self-focus induction. Results: The results in this study could not demonstrate that USF was more adaptive then ASF. The study highlights that with high degree of compliance regarding self-focus instruction, some of the results are in the direction of confirming the hypotheses. In conjunction with the induction of ASF, the number of negative thoughts increased and the number of positive thoughts decreased, among those who had a high degree of compliance. However, the result is weak and far reaching conclusions are not advised. (Less)
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- author
- Vörös, Martina LU and Nilsson, Christina LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- PPTN76 20181
- year
- 2018
- type
- H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
- subject
- keywords
- Health Anxiety, Hypochondria, Self-focus, Analytical, Experiential, Cognitions
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8944028
- date added to LUP
- 2018-06-04 09:28:18
- date last changed
- 2018-06-04 09:28:18
@misc{8944028, abstract = {{Background: Health anxiety is a diagnosis where the person has a strong fear of being affected or being affected in the future by a serious illness. The fear originates on misinterpretations, usually catastrophic beliefs, of physical symptoms. The present study examines the effects of analytical (ASF) and experiential (USF) self-focus on mood and thought content in health anxiety. Previous studies highlights the importance of differentiating between the two self-focuses, where the USF is considered to be more adaptive than ASF. Method: 30 participants diagnosed with health anxiety according to DSM-IV were randomized into two different self-focuses, ASF and USF. The study was conducted as a one-session treatment. Initially, the participants' health anxiety was induced by using HAI (Health Anxiety Inventory), their mood was rated and the content of thoughts was measured. Next, the self-focus induction was performed. Having remeasured mood and content of thoughts, a comparison was made of the results before and after the self-focus induction. Results: The results in this study could not demonstrate that USF was more adaptive then ASF. The study highlights that with high degree of compliance regarding self-focus instruction, some of the results are in the direction of confirming the hypotheses. In conjunction with the induction of ASF, the number of negative thoughts increased and the number of positive thoughts decreased, among those who had a high degree of compliance. However, the result is weak and far reaching conclusions are not advised.}}, author = {{Vörös, Martina and Nilsson, Christina}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Effekter på sinnesstämning och tankeinnehåll vid inducering av analytiskt och upplevelsebaserat självfokus hos patienter med klinisk hälsoångest}}, year = {{2018}}, }