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Hedersrelaterat våld - En nödvändig eller rasistisk straffrättslig bestämmelse?

Rasmussen, Emily LU (2018) LAGF03 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Hedersbegreppet finns på något sätt inom alla kulturer. Mot slutet av 1990-talet uppmärksammades hedersproblematiken runt om i västvärlden. I början av 2000-talet slog Sverige av hedersproblematiken, när tre flickor mördades. Alla tre flickor hade träffat svenska killar som de börjat umgås med, något som familjen och släkten ansåg hade skämt ut familjen och som resulterade i att de mördades. Uppsatsens ändamål är att reda ut huruvida Sverige är i behov av en straffrättslig bestämmelse som reglerar hedersrelaterat våld eller om en sådan bestämmelse anses som rasistisk?

Heder är för det mesta ett positivt laddat ord som handlar om värde, självrespekt och social respekt i egna och andras ögon. Baksidan av heder handlar om makt, skam och... (More)
Hedersbegreppet finns på något sätt inom alla kulturer. Mot slutet av 1990-talet uppmärksammades hedersproblematiken runt om i västvärlden. I början av 2000-talet slog Sverige av hedersproblematiken, när tre flickor mördades. Alla tre flickor hade träffat svenska killar som de börjat umgås med, något som familjen och släkten ansåg hade skämt ut familjen och som resulterade i att de mördades. Uppsatsens ändamål är att reda ut huruvida Sverige är i behov av en straffrättslig bestämmelse som reglerar hedersrelaterat våld eller om en sådan bestämmelse anses som rasistisk?

Heder är för det mesta ett positivt laddat ord som handlar om värde, självrespekt och social respekt i egna och andras ögon. Baksidan av heder handlar om makt, skam och smärta. Det finns ingen enhetlig definition av hedersrelaterat våld. Åklagarmyndigheten anser att hedersrelaterat våld är brott riktat mot någon och begås ofta av en släkting, orsaken bakom våldet har att göra med att gärningsmannen anser att kvinnan vanärat familjens eller släktens heder. Amnesty Internationals å andra sidan anser att hedersrelaterat våld endast kan riktas mot en kvinna och utföras av en manlig släkting.

En grundläggande orsak till hedersrelaterat våld beror på familjens syn på kvinnans sexuella ren- och kyskhet. Våldet förordnas av kollektivet som en legitim, oundviklig handling för att straffa kvinnans olydnad. Hedersrelaterat våld kan ge sig till uttryck både fysiskt och psykiskt.

Det hedersrelaterade våldet bör uppmärksammas eftersom att Sverige har ratificerat ett antal konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter som gör att Sverige har en skyldighet att uppmärksamma och motverka det hedersrelaterade våldet.

De straffrättsliga bestämmelser som reglerar området idag finner vi i brottsbalken. Det handlar om brott mot liv, sexualbrott, olaga frihetsberövande, olaga tvång, grov kvinnofridskränkning, olaga förföljelse, olaga hot samt ofredande. Utöver det finns det i 29 kap. 2 BrB ett antal försvårande omständigheter som ökar straffvärdet vid den aktuella handlingen. I SOU 2018:69 görs en prövning av huruvida hedersrelaterat motiv för brott ska utgöra en försvårande omständighet i 29 kap 2 § BrB.

FN uppskattar att det varje år begås mellan fem- och tjugofemtusen hedersmord i världen. Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland har genom en kartläggning kommit fram till att av de 105 mord som begicks i Sverige år 2016 var tio hedersmord.

Jenny Nordberg, skribent på Svenska Dagbladet anser att hederskulturen bör vara en avgörande integrationsfråga. Sara Mohammad grundare och ordförande av GAPF, har framtida förhoppningar att Sverige år 2019 ska gå från ord till handling.

Något alla är överens om är att det i dagens Sverige finns ett problem kring hederskulturen. Visserligen finns det redan straffrättsliga bestämmelser i Sverige som i viss grad täcker upp det hedersrelaterade våldet. Jag anser att det inte är tillräckligt. Hederskulturen bygger på värderingar som inte är förenliga med det synsätt vi har i Sverige. Av den anledningen anser jag att Sverige genom en lagstiftning sätter ner foten och tar sin ståndpunkt i frågan.

SOU 2014:49 berör problematiken kring en rasistisk underton väldigt väl. Utredningen menar på att en eventuell straffrättslig bestämmelse kring hedersrelaterat våld medför en risk för att dra alla över samma kam. Där det individuella fallet glöms bort och allt våld inom vissa etniciteter kommer att bedömas som hedersrelaterat våld. Uppsatsen slutsats är att en straffrättslig bestämmelse är nödvändig. För att motverka eventuell rasistisk underton behövs kunskap och tillit till vårt svenska rättsväsen. (Less)
The concept of honor exists in some way within all cultures. Towards the end of the 1990s, the issue of honor was recognized throughout the western world. In the early 2000s, Sweden was confronted with the subject, when three girls were murdered. All three girls had met Swedish guys whom they had started to socialize with, something that the family considered to have brought the family shame and which resulted in them being murdered. The following essay will discuss whether Sweden is in need of a penal provision regulating honor-related violence, or whether such a provision should be considered racist?

Honor is for the most part a positively charged word that is about value, self-respect and social respect in one's own eyes and those of... (More)
The concept of honor exists in some way within all cultures. Towards the end of the 1990s, the issue of honor was recognized throughout the western world. In the early 2000s, Sweden was confronted with the subject, when three girls were murdered. All three girls had met Swedish guys whom they had started to socialize with, something that the family considered to have brought the family shame and which resulted in them being murdered. The following essay will discuss whether Sweden is in need of a penal provision regulating honor-related violence, or whether such a provision should be considered racist?

Honor is for the most part a positively charged word that is about value, self-respect and social respect in one's own eyes and those of others. The back of honor is about power, shame and pain. There is no uniform definition of honor-related violence. The prosecution believes that honor-related violence is a crime directed at a person and is often committed by a relative, the reason behind the violence is that the perpetrator believes that the individual has disgraced the family in some manner. On the other hand, Amnesty International believes that honor-related violence can only be directed against a woman and performed by a male relative.

A fundamental cause of honor-related violence depends on the family's view of the woman's sexual cleanliness and chastity. Violence is ordained by the collective as a legitimate, inevitable act to punish women's disobedience. Honor-related violence can be expressed both physically and psychologically.

Honor-related violence should be should be monitored, since Sweden has ratified a number of human rights conventions, which means that Sweden has an obligation to pay attention and counteract any and all honor-related violence.

The criminal law regulations that govern the area today are found in the criminal code. It is about crimes against human rights, sexual offenses, unlawful force, unlawful coercion, gross violation of women's rights, unlawful persecution, unlawful threats and abusive behavior. In addition, there is in Chapter 29. 2 BrB, a number of aggravating circumstances that increase the penalty value of the act. In SOU 2018: 69, an examination is made of whether honor-related motives for crimes should constitute an aggravating circumstance in Chapter 29, Section 2 of the BRB.

The UN estimates that ever year, approximately five- to twenty-five thousand honor-related murders occur worldwide. The county administrative board in Östergötland has, through a survey, concluded that out of the 105 murders committed in Sweden in 2016, ten were honor related.

Jenny Nordberg, a writer at Svenska Dagbladet, believes that the honor culture should be a crucial integration issue. Sara Mohammad, founder and chairman of the GAPF, has future hopes that in 2019 Sweden will move from words to action.

Something everyone agrees with is that Sweden currently has a problem regarding honour-related crimes. Certainly, there are already criminal law provisions in Sweden that to some extent cover up the honor-related violence. However, I don’t think it is enough. The honor culture is based on values that are not consistent with the views we have in Sweden. Because of this, I believe that Sweden should reassess its position on the issue though legislative measures.

SOU 2014: 49 deals with the issue of racist undertones very well. The investigation suggests that any criminal law provision concerning honor-related violence imposes a risk of stigmatizing certain minority groups. Where the individual case is forgotten and all violence within certain ethnicities will be judged as honor-related violence. The essay concludes that a criminal law provision is necessary. In order to counteract any racist undertone, knowledge and trust in our Swedish legal system is needed. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rasmussen, Emily LU
LAGF03 20182
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Heder, Hedersrelaterat våld, Våld, Hederskultur, Straffrättslig bestämmelse.
date added to LUP
2019-03-13 12:10:54
date last changed
2019-03-13 12:10:54
  abstract     = {{The concept of honor exists in some way within all cultures. Towards the end of the 1990s, the issue of honor was recognized throughout the western world. In the early 2000s, Sweden was confronted with the subject, when three girls were murdered. All three girls had met Swedish guys whom they had started to socialize with, something that the family considered to have brought the family shame and which resulted in them being murdered. The following essay will discuss whether Sweden is in need of a penal provision regulating honor-related violence, or whether such a provision should be considered racist?

Honor is for the most part a positively charged word that is about value, self-respect and social respect in one's own eyes and those of others. The back of honor is about power, shame and pain. There is no uniform definition of honor-related violence. The prosecution believes that honor-related violence is a crime directed at a person and is often committed by a relative, the reason behind the violence is that the perpetrator believes that the individual has disgraced the family in some manner. On the other hand, Amnesty International believes that honor-related violence can only be directed against a woman and performed by a male relative. 

A fundamental cause of honor-related violence depends on the family's view of the woman's sexual cleanliness and chastity. Violence is ordained by the collective as a legitimate, inevitable act to punish women's disobedience. Honor-related violence can be expressed both physically and psychologically. 

Honor-related violence should be should be monitored, since Sweden has ratified a number of human rights conventions, which means that Sweden has an obligation to pay attention and counteract any and all honor-related violence. 

The criminal law regulations that govern the area today are found in the criminal code. It is about crimes against human rights, sexual offenses, unlawful force, unlawful coercion, gross violation of women's rights, unlawful persecution, unlawful threats and abusive behavior. In addition, there is in Chapter 29. 2 BrB, a number of aggravating circumstances that increase the penalty value of the act. In SOU 2018: 69, an examination is made of whether honor-related motives for crimes should constitute an aggravating circumstance in Chapter 29, Section 2 of the BRB. 

The UN estimates that ever year, approximately five- to twenty-five thousand honor-related murders occur worldwide. The county administrative board in Östergötland has, through a survey, concluded that out of the 105 murders committed in Sweden in 2016, ten were honor related. 

Jenny Nordberg, a writer at Svenska Dagbladet, believes that the honor culture should be a crucial integration issue. Sara Mohammad, founder and chairman of the GAPF, has future hopes that in 2019 Sweden will move from words to action. 

Something everyone agrees with is that Sweden currently has a problem regarding honour-related crimes. Certainly, there are already criminal law provisions in Sweden that to some extent cover up the honor-related violence. However, I don’t think it is enough. The honor culture is based on values that are not consistent with the views we have in Sweden. Because of this, I believe that Sweden should reassess its position on the issue though legislative measures. 

SOU 2014: 49 deals with the issue of racist undertones very well. The investigation suggests that any criminal law provision concerning honor-related violence imposes a risk of stigmatizing certain minority groups. Where the individual case is forgotten and all violence within certain ethnicities will be judged as honor-related violence. The essay concludes that a criminal law provision is necessary. In order to counteract any racist undertone, knowledge and trust in our Swedish legal system is needed.}},
  author       = {{Rasmussen, Emily}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hedersrelaterat våld - En nödvändig eller rasistisk straffrättslig bestämmelse?}},
  year         = {{2018}},