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På insidan eller utsidan? - En undersökning av bedömningsinstitutets legitimitet för utslussningsåtgärder i kriminalvårdsanstalt

Mikaelsdotter, Amanda LU (2018) JURM02 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
2016 tillsatte regeringen en utredning för att undersöka regleringen av den villkorliga frigivningen. Utredningen fick i uppdrag att undersöka om det finns skäl att föregå ett beslut om uppskjuten villkorlig frigivning med en riskbedömning av huruvida det finns risk för klienter i kriminalvårdsanstalt att återfalla i brott vid frigivningen. Utredningen kom fram till att det strider mot kravet på rättssäkerhet att låta personer dömda till fängelsestraff spendera mer av strafftiden i anstalt på grundval av eventuella framtida brott. Samma riskbedömning används dock för att avgöra huruvida klienterna ska erhålla frihetsförberedande åtgärder, så kallade utslussningsåtgärder.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är därför att i ljuset av... (More)
2016 tillsatte regeringen en utredning för att undersöka regleringen av den villkorliga frigivningen. Utredningen fick i uppdrag att undersöka om det finns skäl att föregå ett beslut om uppskjuten villkorlig frigivning med en riskbedömning av huruvida det finns risk för klienter i kriminalvårdsanstalt att återfalla i brott vid frigivningen. Utredningen kom fram till att det strider mot kravet på rättssäkerhet att låta personer dömda till fängelsestraff spendera mer av strafftiden i anstalt på grundval av eventuella framtida brott. Samma riskbedömning används dock för att avgöra huruvida klienterna ska erhålla frihetsförberedande åtgärder, så kallade utslussningsåtgärder.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är därför att i ljuset av straffideologiska intresseavvägningar undersöka om det finns skäl att reformera bedömningsinstitutet som föregår ett beslut om utslussningsåtgärder i enlighet med 11 kap i fängelselagen (2010:610). Sådana skäl är för handen om bedömningen inte är att anse som legitim. Syftet uppfylls genom en jämförelse med de kriterier som ovan nämnd utredningen la fram för att avgöra huruvida den villkorliga frigivningen ska föregås av en riskbedömning.

Uppsatsens huvudfrågeställning som besvaras för att uppfylla syftet är om bedömningen som föregår ett beslut om utslussningsåtgärder är legitim i sin nuvarande utformning. Legitimitet syftar i uppsatsen till huruvida bedömningen tillgodoser fängelsestraffets krav att verka samhällsskyddande, uppfyller grundläggande rättsprinciper, och i övrigt har förutsättningar att bidra till att syftet med lagstiftningen upprätthålls.

I uppsatsen identifieras att skillnaden mellan utslussningåtgärderna och den villkorliga frigivningen är att finna i dess relation till straffsystemets nivåindelning. Utslussningsåtgärderna har inte en så nära anknytning till straffets utdömande att institutet bör bedömas mot bakgrund av straffrättsliga principer, utan istället undersöks dess överensstämmande med offentligrättsliga principer om god förvaltning.

I analysen identifieras att det i enlighet med gällande rätt inte krävs en proportionalitetsbedömning mellan en fortsatt inlåsning och inlåsningens möjlighet att verka samhällsskyddande, vilket riskerar att leda till att för stor hänsyn tas till samhällsskyddet. Bedömningen lider brist på tydliga kriterier vilket riskerar att inskränka krav på likabehandling. Den individualisering som är inbegripen i bedömningen ger Kriminalvården ett stort bedömningsskön som vidare riskerar att inskränka kravet på förutsägbarhet. Vidare har en paradox i systemet identifierats vilken leder till en inskränkt möjlighet för bedömningsinstitutet att bidra till att syftet med lagstiftningen upprätthålls. Det här får effekten att en nekad utslussningsåtgärd riskerar att enkom skjuta upp risken för återfall i brott till tiden för den villkorliga frigivningen, istället för att möjliggöra en önskvärd hantering av problemet.

Utifrån en sammantagen bedömning av uppsatsen samtliga frågeställningar är min slutsats att bedömningsinstitutets legitimitet kan ifrågasättas och att det därför finns skäl att reformera bedömningsinstitutet. (Less)
In 2016, the government commissioned an investigation to consider possible changes in the regulation of the conditional release. The investigation was commissioned to investigate whether there is a reason to precede a decision on a deferred conditional release with a risk assessment of whether there is a risk for clients in prison to re-offend when released. The investigation found that allowing people sentenced to prison to spend more time in an institution on the basis of possible future crimes do not conform to the claim on legal certainty, why the investigation rejects a use of a risk assessment. However, the same risk assessment is used to determine whether the clients are to receive special preparatory release measures... (More)
In 2016, the government commissioned an investigation to consider possible changes in the regulation of the conditional release. The investigation was commissioned to investigate whether there is a reason to precede a decision on a deferred conditional release with a risk assessment of whether there is a risk for clients in prison to re-offend when released. The investigation found that allowing people sentenced to prison to spend more time in an institution on the basis of possible future crimes do not conform to the claim on legal certainty, why the investigation rejects a use of a risk assessment. However, the same risk assessment is used to determine whether the clients are to receive special preparatory release measures (utslussningsåtgärder).

The purpose of the present thesis is therefore, in the light of criminal law ideologies, to investigate whether or not there is reason to reform the assessment institute that precedes a decision on special preparatory release measures in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Prison Act (2010:610). Reasons to reform are at hand if the assessment is found illegitimate. The purpose is fulfilled by comparing the criteria set out by the investigation mentioned above, used to determine whether the conditional release should be preceded by a risk assessment or not.

The main question of the thesis that is answered to fulfil the purpose is whether the assessment is legitimate in its current design. Legitimacy refers in the paper to whether the assessment satisfies the claim on imprisonment to act for civil protection, the requirement for basic legal principles and has the prerequisites to contribute to maintaining the purpose of the legislation.

The thesis concludes that the special preparatory release measures, unlike the conditional release, do not have such a close connection to the penalty itself that the institution should be examined on the basis of criminal law principles. The special preparatory release measures are instead to be examined by its conformity with public law principles and the claim on so called good administration. The analysis identifies that the established law does not include a proportionality assessment between the effect of the continued execution inside prison for the client, and its effect on civil protection. This leads to a risk for an overrated protection of the civil society. It has been shown that the assessment suffers from a lack of sufficiently clear criteria, for the institute to be said to fulfil the principle of equal treatment. The individualisation that is involved in the assessment gives the investigator an excessive amount of discretion that risks restricting the requirement for predictability.

Furthermore, a paradox in the system has been identified which leads to a limited possibility for the assessment institute to contribute to maintaining the purpose of the legislation. This causes the effect that a denied special preparatory release measures only postpone the risk of re-offending to the time of the conditional release, instead of enabling a desirable way to handle the problem.

Hence, through an overall assessment of the issues of the thesis, my conclusion is that it is possible to question the legitimacy of the assessment institute; why there are reasons to reform the assessment institute for the conditional release measures. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Mikaelsdotter, Amanda LU
alternative title
On the inside or the outside? - An analysis of the assessment of special preparatory release measures in Swedish prisons
JURM02 20182
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Förvaltningsrätt, kriminalvården, utslussningsåtgärder, villkorlig frigivning
date added to LUP
2019-01-28 12:45:02
date last changed
2019-01-28 12:45:02
  abstract     = {{In 2016, the government commissioned an investigation to consider possible changes in the regulation of the conditional release. The investigation was commissioned to investigate whether there is a reason to precede a decision on a deferred conditional release with a risk assessment of whether there is a risk for clients in prison to re-offend when released. The investigation found that allowing people sentenced to prison to spend more time in an institution on the basis of possible future crimes do not conform to the claim on legal certainty, why the investigation rejects a use of a risk assessment. However, the same risk assessment is used to determine whether the clients are to receive special preparatory release measures (utslussningsåtgärder). 

The purpose of the present thesis is therefore, in the light of criminal law ideologies, to investigate whether or not there is reason to reform the assessment institute that precedes a decision on special preparatory release measures in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Prison Act (2010:610). Reasons to reform are at hand if the assessment is found illegitimate. The purpose is fulfilled by comparing the criteria set out by the investigation mentioned above, used to determine whether the conditional release should be preceded by a risk assessment or not. 

The main question of the thesis that is answered to fulfil the purpose is whether the assessment is legitimate in its current design. Legitimacy refers in the paper to whether the assessment satisfies the claim on imprisonment to act for civil protection, the requirement for basic legal principles and has the prerequisites to contribute to maintaining the purpose of the legislation.

The thesis concludes that the special preparatory release measures, unlike the conditional release, do not have such a close connection to the penalty itself that the institution should be examined on the basis of criminal law principles. The special preparatory release measures are instead to be examined by its conformity with public law principles and the claim on so called good administration. The analysis identifies that the established law does not include a proportionality assessment between the effect of the continued execution inside prison for the client, and its effect on civil protection. This leads to a risk for an overrated protection of the civil society. It has been shown that the assessment suffers from a lack of sufficiently clear criteria, for the institute to be said to fulfil the principle of equal treatment. The individualisation that is involved in the assessment gives the investigator an excessive amount of discretion that risks restricting the requirement for predictability.

Furthermore, a paradox in the system has been identified which leads to a limited possibility for the assessment institute to contribute to maintaining the purpose of the legislation. This causes the effect that a denied special preparatory release measures only postpone the risk of re-offending to the time of the conditional release, instead of enabling a desirable way to handle the problem. 

Hence, through an overall assessment of the issues of the thesis, my conclusion is that it is possible to question the legitimacy of the assessment institute; why there are reasons to reform the assessment institute for the conditional release measures.}},
  author       = {{Mikaelsdotter, Amanda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{På insidan eller utsidan? - En undersökning av bedömningsinstitutets legitimitet för utslussningsåtgärder i kriminalvårdsanstalt}},
  year         = {{2018}},