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Straffansvar vid försäljning av narkotikaanaloger - En analys av tillämpningen av gärningsculpa i fentanylmålet

Thörnmo, Jacob LU (2018) LAGF03 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Mot bakgrund av den uppmärksammade domen mål nr B 13806-16, i media omnämnt som fentanylmålet, som avkunnades av Södertörns tingsrätt i slutet på maj 2018 granskas i förevarande uppsats hur såväl tingsrätten som åklagarna resonerat i målet. Åklagarna valde i sitt anförande att lyfta fram Nils Jareborgs teori om gärningsculpa i sin argumentation för varför försäljningen av preparaten skulle anses straffbar. Södertörns tingsrätt gick på samma linje och ansåg att erforderlig relevans mellan försäljning och dödsfall förelåg. De tilltalade dömdes för åtta fall av grovt vållande till annans död.

Uppsatsen granskar hur teorin gärningsculpa har tillämpats i målet utifrån hur teorin beskrivs i läroboken Kriminalrättens grunder. En diskussion... (More)
Mot bakgrund av den uppmärksammade domen mål nr B 13806-16, i media omnämnt som fentanylmålet, som avkunnades av Södertörns tingsrätt i slutet på maj 2018 granskas i förevarande uppsats hur såväl tingsrätten som åklagarna resonerat i målet. Åklagarna valde i sitt anförande att lyfta fram Nils Jareborgs teori om gärningsculpa i sin argumentation för varför försäljningen av preparaten skulle anses straffbar. Södertörns tingsrätt gick på samma linje och ansåg att erforderlig relevans mellan försäljning och dödsfall förelåg. De tilltalade dömdes för åtta fall av grovt vållande till annans död.

Uppsatsen granskar hur teorin gärningsculpa har tillämpats i målet utifrån hur teorin beskrivs i läroboken Kriminalrättens grunder. En diskussion hålls också beträffande om domen kan sägas uppfylla det krav på förutsebarhet som råder inom svensk straffrätt.

Det är min uppfattning att åklagarnas och tingsrättens tolkning av gärningsculpa överensstämmer med den som framhålls i doktrinen. Emellertid finns skäl att fråga sig om de invecklade juridiska resonemang som framförs i målet verkligen kan sägas uppfylla kravet på förutsebarhet. Att målet kommer överprövas i Svea hovrätt är dock en faktor som bidrar till att upprätthålla rättssäkerheten. (Less)
In regards of the verdict B 13806-16, in Swedish media mentioned as fentanylmålet, which was pronounced by Södertörn's district court at the end of May 2018, I have examined how both the district court and the prosecutors argued in the case. In their argumentation the prosecutors chose to emphasize Nils Jareborg's theory gärningsculpa in their attempt to demonstrate why the sales of the substances should be considered punishable. Södertörn's district court agreed with the assessment made by the prosecutors and stated that necessary relevance between the sales and the deaths existed. The defendants were held accountable for the deaths of eight people and sentenced to prison.

The essay examines how the theory of gärningsculpa has been... (More)
In regards of the verdict B 13806-16, in Swedish media mentioned as fentanylmålet, which was pronounced by Södertörn's district court at the end of May 2018, I have examined how both the district court and the prosecutors argued in the case. In their argumentation the prosecutors chose to emphasize Nils Jareborg's theory gärningsculpa in their attempt to demonstrate why the sales of the substances should be considered punishable. Södertörn's district court agreed with the assessment made by the prosecutors and stated that necessary relevance between the sales and the deaths existed. The defendants were held accountable for the deaths of eight people and sentenced to prison.

The essay examines how the theory of gärningsculpa has been applied in the case based on how the theory is described in the textbook, Kriminalrättens grunder. A discussion is also held if the judgment can be said to fulfill the requirement for predictability that prevails in Swedish criminal law.

It is my opinion that the prosecution's and the district court's interpretation of the theory of gärningsculpa is in accordance with the one emphasized in the doctrine. However, there are reasons to ask whether the complex legal reasoning set out in the case can indeed be said to satisfy the requirement for predictability. However, the fact that the case will be reviewed in the Svea Court of Appeal is a factor that contributes to maintaining legal certainty. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Thörnmo, Jacob LU
LAGF03 20182
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, criminal law, gärningsculpa, fentanylmålet, fentanyldomen
date added to LUP
2019-03-13 12:09:39
date last changed
2019-03-13 12:09:39
  abstract     = {{In regards of the verdict B 13806-16, in Swedish media mentioned as fentanylmålet, which was pronounced by Södertörn's district court at the end of May 2018, I have examined how both the district court and the prosecutors argued in the case. In their argumentation the prosecutors chose to emphasize Nils Jareborg's theory gärningsculpa in their attempt to demonstrate why the sales of the substances should be considered punishable. Södertörn's district court agreed with the assessment made by the prosecutors and stated that necessary relevance between the sales and the deaths existed. The defendants were held accountable for the deaths of eight people and sentenced to prison.

The essay examines how the theory of gärningsculpa has been applied in the case based on how the theory is described in the textbook, Kriminalrättens grunder. A discussion is also held if the judgment can be said to fulfill the requirement for predictability that prevails in Swedish criminal law.

It is my opinion that the prosecution's and the district court's interpretation of the theory of gärningsculpa is in accordance with the one emphasized in the doctrine. However, there are reasons to ask whether the complex legal reasoning set out in the case can indeed be said to satisfy the requirement for predictability. However, the fact that the case will be reviewed in the Svea Court of Appeal is a factor that contributes to maintaining legal certainty.}},
  author       = {{Thörnmo, Jacob}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Straffansvar vid försäljning av narkotikaanaloger - En analys av tillämpningen av gärningsculpa i fentanylmålet}},
  year         = {{2018}},