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En kollision av allmänna intressen - En rättsvetenskaplig uppsats om idrottsvåld

Nieminen, Tommy LU (2018) LAGF03 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
De senaste åren har rättsfall och debatter gjort allmänheten uppmärksam på att våld som sker inom idrott behandlas annorlunda än våld i andra delar av samhället. Vissa tycker att ett självstyre inom idrotten vore lämpligt, medan andra tycker att man inom idrotten bör följa samma regler som alla andra. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utreda hur idrottsvåld tar sig uttryck i den svenska rätten samt att förstå hur den svenska rätten ser på en rättslig särbehandling av idrott. Uppsatsen syftar även till att diskutera idrottens rättsliga särart utifrån Åke Frändbergs syn på legal förutsebarhet.

Det är förhållandevis uppenbart att många tacklingar och bråk som sker i samband med idrott skulle uppfylla rekvisiten för misshandel om de... (More)
De senaste åren har rättsfall och debatter gjort allmänheten uppmärksam på att våld som sker inom idrott behandlas annorlunda än våld i andra delar av samhället. Vissa tycker att ett självstyre inom idrotten vore lämpligt, medan andra tycker att man inom idrotten bör följa samma regler som alla andra. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utreda hur idrottsvåld tar sig uttryck i den svenska rätten samt att förstå hur den svenska rätten ser på en rättslig särbehandling av idrott. Uppsatsen syftar även till att diskutera idrottens rättsliga särart utifrån Åke Frändbergs syn på legal förutsebarhet.

Det är förhållandevis uppenbart att många tacklingar och bråk som sker i samband med idrott skulle uppfylla rekvisiten för misshandel om de hade skett på gatan. Men straffrättsligt ansvar kräver även att det inte finns några rättfärdigande omständigheter. I dessa sammanhang är de mest vanliga ansvarsfrihetsgrunderna reglerna om samtycke och läran om social adekvans. Samtycke innebär i princip att en utövare samtycker till en del av idrottsvåldet bara genom sitt medverkande. Läran om social adekvans är en möjlighet att utesluta straffrättsligt ansvar inom vissa företeelser, så som idrott, då de bidrar med andra fördelar till samhället.

Den svenska lagen, rättspraxis och doktrin visar att det starka intresset av idrottsutövande som finns hos det allmänna motiverar ett ökat utrymme för ansvarsfrihet i fall av idrottsvåld. Inom idrott kan utövarna samtycka till mer allvarligt våld än vad de skulle kunna i andra delar av sitt liv. Eftersom allmänintresset av idrottsutövning väger tungt, ökar också utrymmet för hur många fall av idrottsvåld som man med hänvisning till läran om social adekvans kan anse som tillåtna.

Den legala förutsebarheten gällande idrottsvåld är både bra och dålig. Det finns publicerade regler om misshandel och rättfärdigande omständigheter, men de kan vara relativt vaga för allmänheten. Det finns inga särskilda lagar
som reglerar idrottsvåld, men ett nytt prejudikat från HD skapar mer klarhet inom det rättsliga området. Det finns dock anledning att anta att många fall inte når domstolen på grund av de starka sociala normerna som finns i idrottens värld. (Less)
In recent years, court cases and debates has brought attention to the fact that violence between athletes, from a legal point of view is treated differently than violence in other areas of society. Some favor autonomy for the world of sports and others think that athletes should follow the same rules as everyone else. The purpose of this essay is to examine how violence between athletes during organized sports practice is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system, but also to understand what the Swedish law says about the special position that sports seems to have in the Swedish society. The essay also aims to discuss the legal treatment of sports violence from Åke Frändbergs theory of legal predictability.

It is rather obvious... (More)
In recent years, court cases and debates has brought attention to the fact that violence between athletes, from a legal point of view is treated differently than violence in other areas of society. Some favor autonomy for the world of sports and others think that athletes should follow the same rules as everyone else. The purpose of this essay is to examine how violence between athletes during organized sports practice is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system, but also to understand what the Swedish law says about the special position that sports seems to have in the Swedish society. The essay also aims to discuss the legal treatment of sports violence from Åke Frändbergs theory of legal predictability.

It is rather obvious that a lot of the tackles and fights that happen on a sport field would be considered assault if they happened on the street. But criminal liability regarding assault requires lack of justifying circumstances. In these contexts the most common justifying circumstances are consent and the general principle of social adequacy. Consent is basically meaning that the athlete consent to some of the sport violence when he or she participates. The general principle of social adequacy is a possibility to exclude criminal liability for certain acts, such as sports, because of the advantages that the acts bring to the society.

The Swedish law, court cases and legal literature shows that the strong public interest in sport justifies the discharge of sport-related violence. In sports, athletes can consent to more violence than they can in other parts of their life’s. And since the public interest in sport is big, the general principle of social adequacy makes it more likely that a person charged with assault wont get convicted.

The legal predictability of sports violence is both good and bad. There is published rules about assault and justifying circumstances, but they are still
unclear for the public. There are no certain laws about sports violence, but a recent case from the Supreme Court has made the legal area more clear than it used to be. There is reason to believe that acts of violence in sport never reach the court because of the social norms in the world of sports. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nieminen, Tommy LU
LAGF03 20182
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, rättssäkerhet, legal förutsebarhet, idrottsjuridik, Idrottsvåld, idrottens rättsliga särart, svensk idrott
date added to LUP
2019-03-17 14:17:19
date last changed
2019-03-17 14:17:19
  abstract     = {{In recent years, court cases and debates has brought attention to the fact that violence between athletes, from a legal point of view is treated differently than violence in other areas of society. Some favor autonomy for the world of sports and others think that athletes should follow the same rules as everyone else. The purpose of this essay is to examine how violence between athletes during organized sports practice is treated in the Swedish criminal justice system, but also to understand what the Swedish law says about the special position that sports seems to have in the Swedish society. The essay also aims to discuss the legal treatment of sports violence from Åke Frändbergs theory of legal predictability. 
It is rather obvious that a lot of the tackles and fights that happen on a sport field would be considered assault if they happened on the street. But criminal liability regarding assault requires lack of justifying circumstances. In these contexts the most common justifying circumstances are consent and the general principle of social adequacy. Consent is basically meaning that the athlete consent to some of the sport violence when he or she participates. The general principle of social adequacy is a possibility to exclude criminal liability for certain acts, such as sports, because of the advantages that the acts bring to the society. 
The Swedish law, court cases and legal literature shows that the strong public interest in sport justifies the discharge of sport-related violence. In sports, athletes can consent to more violence than they can in other parts of their life’s. And since the public interest in sport is big, the general principle of social adequacy makes it more likely that a person charged with assault wont get convicted. 
The legal predictability of sports violence is both good and bad. There is published rules about assault and justifying circumstances, but they are still 
unclear for the public. There are no certain laws about sports violence, but a recent case from the Supreme Court has made the legal area more clear than it used to be. There is reason to believe that acts of violence in sport never reach the court because of the social norms in the world of sports.}},
  author       = {{Nieminen, Tommy}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En kollision av allmänna intressen - En rättsvetenskaplig uppsats om idrottsvåld}},
  year         = {{2018}},