Förhandlingsskyldighet och arbetsgivarprerogativen
(2019) HARH16 20182Department of Business Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Enligt lagen (1976:580) om medbestämmande i arbetslivet (nedan MBL) har arbetsgivaren en förhandlingsskyldighet gentemot arbetstagarorganisationer vid viktigare förändringar. Denna omfattar främst kollektivavtalsslutande organisationer, men även icke-kollektivavtalsslutande organisationer kan ha rätt till förhandling i vissa fall. Vad som vidare avses med viktigare förändring delas upp i två delar, dels arbetstagarfallet och dels verksamhetsfallet. De båda är tvetydiga i lagtext men rättspraxis kan ge en viss klarhet i frågan.
Arbetsgivarens förhandingsskyldighet ställs emot de så kallade arbetsgivarprerogativen. Detta är fyra områden inom vilka arbetsgivaren har rätt att bestämma. Uppsatsen kommer fördjupa sig i om... (More) - Enligt lagen (1976:580) om medbestämmande i arbetslivet (nedan MBL) har arbetsgivaren en förhandlingsskyldighet gentemot arbetstagarorganisationer vid viktigare förändringar. Denna omfattar främst kollektivavtalsslutande organisationer, men även icke-kollektivavtalsslutande organisationer kan ha rätt till förhandling i vissa fall. Vad som vidare avses med viktigare förändring delas upp i två delar, dels arbetstagarfallet och dels verksamhetsfallet. De båda är tvetydiga i lagtext men rättspraxis kan ge en viss klarhet i frågan.
Arbetsgivarens förhandingsskyldighet ställs emot de så kallade arbetsgivarprerogativen. Detta är fyra områden inom vilka arbetsgivaren har rätt att bestämma. Uppsatsen kommer fördjupa sig i om förhandlingsskyldigheten är något som inskränker arbetsgivarens fria rätt att fördela, leda, anställa och uppsäga.
Eftersom medbestämmandelagen inte ger någon beslutsrätt för arbetstagarorganisationerna kan man benämna den som en tuta-och-kör-lag. Detta innebär att trots arbetstagarorganisationens rätt till förhandling behöver parterna inte nå konsensus. Förhandlingsprocessen kan däremot ha viss påverkan på arbetsgivarprerogativen. Följden av detta är att en fördröjning av arbetsgivarens beslutsrätt. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Firstly, the employer has, According to lagen (1976:580) om medbestämmande i arbetslivet, an obligation to negotiate with employee unions when making significant changes in the organization. This predominantly applies to unions with collective agreements, but in some cases even unions without collective agreements may have a right to negotiate. The question of what constitutes a significant change is divided into two cases, firstly, a significant change of an employee’s work circumstances and secondly, a significant change in the business. The two are not always distinct and the law does not give much clarity in the two, so one must turn to the practice of the court.
Furthermore, the employer’s obligation to negotiate contradicts the... (More) - Firstly, the employer has, According to lagen (1976:580) om medbestämmande i arbetslivet, an obligation to negotiate with employee unions when making significant changes in the organization. This predominantly applies to unions with collective agreements, but in some cases even unions without collective agreements may have a right to negotiate. The question of what constitutes a significant change is divided into two cases, firstly, a significant change of an employee’s work circumstances and secondly, a significant change in the business. The two are not always distinct and the law does not give much clarity in the two, so one must turn to the practice of the court.
Furthermore, the employer’s obligation to negotiate contradicts the so called employer prerogatives. These are four areas in which the employer is at right to execute their decisions. This essay will clarify if the obligation to negotiate restricts the employer’s right to lead, distribute, employ and dismiss employees.
Moreover, the regulations on negotiations do not give the unions a right to make decisions, which means that, even though they have a right to make their opinions known, the employer must not align to the unions sentiment on the matter. However, the negotiations may have an effect on the employer prerogatives as the employer must suspend the execution of the planned change. (Less)
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- author
- Persson, Frida LU and Olbin, Matilda LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- HARH16 20182
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- förhandlingsskyldighet, arbetsrätt, arbetsgivarprerogativ
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8966896
- date added to LUP
- 2019-01-22 13:53:05
- date last changed
- 2019-01-22 13:53:05
@misc{8966896, abstract = {{Firstly, the employer has, According to lagen (1976:580) om medbestämmande i arbetslivet, an obligation to negotiate with employee unions when making significant changes in the organization. This predominantly applies to unions with collective agreements, but in some cases even unions without collective agreements may have a right to negotiate. The question of what constitutes a significant change is divided into two cases, firstly, a significant change of an employee’s work circumstances and secondly, a significant change in the business. The two are not always distinct and the law does not give much clarity in the two, so one must turn to the practice of the court. Furthermore, the employer’s obligation to negotiate contradicts the so called employer prerogatives. These are four areas in which the employer is at right to execute their decisions. This essay will clarify if the obligation to negotiate restricts the employer’s right to lead, distribute, employ and dismiss employees. Moreover, the regulations on negotiations do not give the unions a right to make decisions, which means that, even though they have a right to make their opinions known, the employer must not align to the unions sentiment on the matter. However, the negotiations may have an effect on the employer prerogatives as the employer must suspend the execution of the planned change.}}, author = {{Persson, Frida and Olbin, Matilda}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Förhandlingsskyldighet och arbetsgivarprerogativen}}, year = {{2019}}, }