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Preskription - ett utgångsdatum för brottsoffrets möjlighet till upprättelse? - En kritisk granskning av preskriptionstiden för sexualbrott mot barn

Vegelius, Cecilia LU (2019) JURM02 20191
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Problematiken med sexualbrott mot barn har funnits i Sverige under en lång tid och successivt har lagstiftningen utvecklats för att utöka skyddet för barnet som brottsoffer. Nuvarande förskjutna preskriptionstid, som påbörjas den dag då brottsoffret fyller 18 år, är ur en historisk synvinkel ett mycket starkt skydd i förhållande till bestämmelserna som rådde under början av 1900-talet då barnet skuldbelades för att ha förfört den vuxna. I takt med att preskriptionstider för de mest allvarliga brotten, däribland mord och terroristbrott, avskaffats har även frågan lyfts avseende sexualbrott mot barn. På senare tid har även fler enskilda fall där preskriptionstiden varit avgörande för brottsoffrets möjlighet till upprättelse uppmärksammats... (More)
Problematiken med sexualbrott mot barn har funnits i Sverige under en lång tid och successivt har lagstiftningen utvecklats för att utöka skyddet för barnet som brottsoffer. Nuvarande förskjutna preskriptionstid, som påbörjas den dag då brottsoffret fyller 18 år, är ur en historisk synvinkel ett mycket starkt skydd i förhållande till bestämmelserna som rådde under början av 1900-talet då barnet skuldbelades för att ha förfört den vuxna. I takt med att preskriptionstider för de mest allvarliga brotten, däribland mord och terroristbrott, avskaffats har även frågan lyfts avseende sexualbrott mot barn. På senare tid har även fler enskilda fall där preskriptionstiden varit avgörande för brottsoffrets möjlighet till upprättelse uppmärksammats och fört ljus till problematiken.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera, utifrån såväl ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv, barnperspektiv och delvis rättsutvecklingsperspektiv, om det nuvarande systemet med preskriptionstider för sexualbrott mot barn är rättssäkert och innebär ett tillräckligt skydd för brottsoffret, eller om det finns behov av ett ännu starkare skydd i form av slopad preskription. Genom framställningen sker på så vis en kritisk granskning av preskriptionssystemet för sexualbrott mot barn och brottsoffrets möjlighet till upprättelse. Uppsatsen syftar även till att ge en inblick i hur frågan reglerats inom det norska rättssystemet. Inblicken ges för att visa på konkreta exempel av slopade preskriptionstider för sexualbrott mot barn och hur frågan valt att regleras. Genom uppsatsens framställning har den rättsanalytiska metoden använts.

Framställningen har visat att det såväl ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv som ett barnperspektiv finns tydliga argument för att den nuvarande regleringen, och därmed skyddet för barn som brottsoffer, inte kan anses tillräcklig. Detta eftersom ett brottsoffers möjlighet till upprättelse begränsas till en viss given tidpunkt i enlighet med preskriptionstiden. Genom bestämmelserna om preskriptionstider för sexualbrott mot barn åläggs brottsoffret, ett barn, ett ansvar till att bearbeta och anmäla det trauma som personen utsatts för inom den givna tidpunkt som staten reglerat. Det förlängda skyddet till brottsoffret 18-årsdag kan således inte anses tillräckligt då möjligheten till den straffrättsliga upprättelsen och till viss del även den psykologiska upprättelsen upphör den dag preskriptionstiden förfaller. De motargument som presenterats mot ett eventuellt slopande av preskriptionstider för sexualbrott mot barn kan inte heller anses väga tillräckligt tungt. Huvudregeln, att preskription ska råda för alla brott, har redan flera undantag för de mest allvarliga brotten där till exempel mord och terroristbrott ingår. Eftersom sexualbrott mot barn redan idag är särreglerat med en förskjuten start av preskriptionstiden till brottsoffrets 18-årsdag kan inte argumentet att ett slopande skulle minska förutsebarheten anses hållbart.

Ytterligare argument som påtalats är gärningspersonens perspektiv samt om en lagändring verkligen skulle medföra en verklig effekt. För en rättsstat måste det anses mer angeläget att skydda barn och brottsoffer från sexualförbrytare än att en gärningsperson ska kunna gå fri efter en viss svunnen tid. Barn innehar redan en särställning i det svenska rättssystemet som mer skyddsvärda varför intresseavvägningen får ske till brottsoffrets fördel. Argumentet om att en lagändring inte skulle få någon verklig effekt är en något mer komplicerad fråga. Med hänsyn till det stora mörkertal som råder för sexualbrott mot barn och att det av den presenterade utredningen redan idag visat sig vara en problematik med att en del anmälningar först sker efter att preskription inträtt får en lagändring ändock anses medföra en viss effekt. Uppsatsens slutsats är således att den nuvarande regleringen inte ger brottsoffret en tillräcklig möjlighet till upprättelse samt att de motargument som påtalats mot slopandet av preskriptionstider för sexualbrott mot barn inte kan anses hållbara. (Less)
Sexual offences against children have been a problem in Sweden for many years and successively the legislation has developed to broaden the protection for the child as a victim. When comparing to previous legislation at the beginning of the 20th century when the child was blamed for having seduced the adult, the current postponed period of limitation, which starts the day the victim turns 18 years old, is a much stronger protection. Because periods of limitation for the most serious crimes involving murder and terrorist offences have been abolished, questions regarding sexual offences against children have also been raised. Lately, more attention has been put on individual cases where the period of limitation has been crucial for the... (More)
Sexual offences against children have been a problem in Sweden for many years and successively the legislation has developed to broaden the protection for the child as a victim. When comparing to previous legislation at the beginning of the 20th century when the child was blamed for having seduced the adult, the current postponed period of limitation, which starts the day the victim turns 18 years old, is a much stronger protection. Because periods of limitation for the most serious crimes involving murder and terrorist offences have been abolished, questions regarding sexual offences against children have also been raised. Lately, more attention has been put on individual cases where the period of limitation has been crucial for the victim’s opportunity to redress and has therefore brought light to the problem.

The purpose of the essay is to examine and analyze, from a legal security perspective, a child’s perspective and partly a legal development perspective, if the current system with periods of limitation for sexual offences against children is legally secure and an adequate protection for the victim, or if there is a need for even stronger protection in terms of abolished period of limitation. Throughout the essay, a critical examination of the period of limitation system for sexual offences against children and the victim’s opportunity to redress is addressed. The purpose of the essay is also to provide insight into how the question has been regulated within the Norwegian legal system. The intention of this insight is to show an actual example of abolished period of limitation and how the problem has been regulated. Throughout the essay, the legal analytical method is used.

The examination of this essay has shown, both from a legal security perspective and a child’s perspective, that there are clear arguments that the current regulation, and therefore the protection for the child as a victim, can be seen as inadequate. This is because the victim’s opportunity to redress is limited to a certain time according to the period of limitation. According to the regulations regarding periods of limitation for sexual offences against children, the victim, a child, is obliged with the responsibility to process and report the trauma within the given time determined by the government. The extended protection to the victim’s 18th birthday cannot be seen as adequate since the opportunity for penal redress, and to some extent the psychological redress, ceases the day the period of limitation expires. The counterarguments that have been presented against an abolishment of periods of limitation for sexual offences against children cannot be regarded as sufficient. The general rule that the period of limitation should exist for all crimes already has several exceptions for the most serious crimes in which murder and terrorist offences are involved. Since sexual offences against children are already specially regulated with an extended start of the period of limitation to the victim’s 18th birthday, the argument that an abolishment would reduce foreseeability cannot be seen as tenable.

Other arguments that have been discussed revolve around the perspective of the perpetrator and if an amendment of law would actually result in a real effect. For a state governed by law, it must be considered more important to protect children and the victims from sexual perpetrators, than to let the perpetrator go without penalty after an allotted amount of time. In the Swedish legal system, children already have a special position as being more worthy of protection and therefore greater interest must be allotted to the victim’s advantage. The argument that an amendment of the law would not result in a real effect is therefore a complicated issue. Considering the great number of unrecorded sexual offences against children and the fact that the presented government inquiry already shows that there is a problematic situation regarding reports that take place after the period of limitation expires, an amendment of law must be considered in order for change to take effect. The conclusion of this essay is thus that the current legislation does not give the victim an adequate opportunity to redress and that the counterarguments which have been presented against an abolishment of period of limitation for sexual offences against children cannot be considered as tenable. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Vegelius, Cecilia LU
alternative title
Period of limitation - an expiration date for the victim’s opportunity to redress? - A critical examination of the period of limitation for sexual offences against children
JURM02 20191
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, preskription, preskriptionstid, sexualbrott, sexualbrott mot barn, criminal law
date added to LUP
2019-06-17 14:46:44
date last changed
2019-06-17 14:46:44
  abstract     = {{Sexual offences against children have been a problem in Sweden for many years and successively the legislation has developed to broaden the protection for the child as a victim. When comparing to previous legislation at the beginning of the 20th century when the child was blamed for having seduced the adult, the current postponed period of limitation, which starts the day the victim turns 18 years old, is a much stronger protection. Because periods of limitation for the most serious crimes involving murder and terrorist offences have been abolished, questions regarding sexual offences against children have also been raised. Lately, more attention has been put on individual cases where the period of limitation has been crucial for the victim’s opportunity to redress and has therefore brought light to the problem. 

The purpose of the essay is to examine and analyze, from a legal security perspective, a child’s perspective and partly a legal development perspective, if the current system with periods of limitation for sexual offences against children is legally secure and an adequate protection for the victim, or if there is a need for even stronger protection in terms of abolished period of limitation. Throughout the essay, a critical examination of the period of limitation system for sexual offences against children and the victim’s opportunity to redress is addressed. The purpose of the essay is also to provide insight into how the question has been regulated within the Norwegian legal system. The intention of this insight is to show an actual example of abolished period of limitation and how the problem has been regulated. Throughout the essay, the legal analytical method is used. 

The examination of this essay has shown, both from a legal security perspective and a child’s perspective, that there are clear arguments that the current regulation, and therefore the protection for the child as a victim, can be seen as inadequate. This is because the victim’s opportunity to redress is limited to a certain time according to the period of limitation. According to the regulations regarding periods of limitation for sexual offences against children, the victim, a child, is obliged with the responsibility to process and report the trauma within the given time determined by the government. The extended protection to the victim’s 18th birthday cannot be seen as adequate since the opportunity for penal redress, and to some extent the psychological redress, ceases the day the period of limitation expires. The counterarguments that have been presented against an abolishment of periods of limitation for sexual offences against children cannot be regarded as sufficient. The general rule that the period of limitation should exist for all crimes already has several exceptions for the most serious crimes in which murder and terrorist offences are involved. Since sexual offences against children are already specially regulated with an extended start of the period of limitation to the victim’s 18th birthday, the argument that an abolishment would reduce foreseeability cannot be seen as tenable.

Other arguments that have been discussed revolve around the perspective of the perpetrator and if an amendment of law would actually result in a real effect. For a state governed by law, it must be considered more important to protect children and the victims from sexual perpetrators, than to let the perpetrator go without penalty after an allotted amount of time. In the Swedish legal system, children already have a special position as being more worthy of protection and therefore greater interest must be allotted to the victim’s advantage. The argument that an amendment of the law would not result in a real effect is therefore a complicated issue. Considering the great number of unrecorded sexual offences against children and the fact that the presented government inquiry already shows that there is a problematic situation regarding reports that take place after the period of limitation expires, an amendment of law must be considered in order for change to take effect. The conclusion of this essay is thus that the current legislation does not give the victim an adequate opportunity to redress and that the counterarguments which have been presented against an abolishment of period of limitation for sexual offences against children cannot be considered as tenable.}},
  author       = {{Vegelius, Cecilia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Preskription - ett utgångsdatum för brottsoffrets möjlighet till upprättelse? - En kritisk granskning av preskriptionstiden för sexualbrott mot barn}},
  year         = {{2019}},