Interimistisk passivitet - ett tvärsäkert kanske
(2019) LAGF03 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Med interimistisk passivitet menas att Polisen under viss tid skjuter upp ett ingripande mot brottslighet som man i normala fall skulle ha ingripit mot på grund av spaningstaktiska skäl. Metoden kan användas dels när Polisen misstänker att gärningsmannen kommer att begå ett nytt brott, dels när Polisen inte misstänker att gärningsmannen kommer att begå ett nytt brott.
Metoden har använts i Sverige sedan 1960-talet och det finns stöd i svensk rätt för att Polisen får använda sig av interimistisk passivitet under förutsättning att det så långt som möjligt kan säkerställas att ett ingripande kan ske vid ett senare tillfälle. Det är inte utrett i svensk rätt om interimistisk passivitet får användas i situationer då det finns en konkret... (More) - Med interimistisk passivitet menas att Polisen under viss tid skjuter upp ett ingripande mot brottslighet som man i normala fall skulle ha ingripit mot på grund av spaningstaktiska skäl. Metoden kan användas dels när Polisen misstänker att gärningsmannen kommer att begå ett nytt brott, dels när Polisen inte misstänker att gärningsmannen kommer att begå ett nytt brott.
Metoden har använts i Sverige sedan 1960-talet och det finns stöd i svensk rätt för att Polisen får använda sig av interimistisk passivitet under förutsättning att det så långt som möjligt kan säkerställas att ett ingripande kan ske vid ett senare tillfälle. Det är inte utrett i svensk rätt om interimistisk passivitet får användas i situationer då det finns en konkret risk för att enskilda drabbas av brottsliga gärningar. Åklagarmyndigheten förutsätter dock att interimistisk passivitet i begränsad omfattning kan tillämpas även i sådana situationer.
Om Polisen inser eller borde inse att det finns en verklig och direkt risk för att en enskild kommer att bli utsatt för ett våldsbrott som faller inom ramen för den enskildes rätt till liv och mänsklig behandling, föreligger enligt Europadomstolen en positiv skyldighet för Polisen att avvärja riskerna. Den svenska tillämpningen av interimistisk passivitet verkar förhålla sig till denna princip.
Vid pågående eller förestående förmögenhetsbrott ska enligt Åklagarmyndigheten och Europadomstolen en intresseavvägning göras mellan det allmännas intresse och den enskildes intresse att åtnjuta sitt egendomsskydd. Om det allmännas intresse väger tyngre än den enskildes intressen får Polisen använda sig av interimistisk passivitet vid pågående eller förestående förmögenhetsbrott, även om passiviteten innebär att den enskilde berövas sin egendom. (Less) - Abstract
- In the scope of this essay, the meaning of interim passivity is that the police postpone an intervention against a crime that the police normally would have intervened against. The purpose of the passivity is to secure evidence against the suspect. Interim passivity can be used when the police suspect that the person of interest is about to commit a new crime, as well as when the police do not have such suspicions.
The method has been used in Sweden since the 1960´s and is mentioned as an admissible method in the preparatory work of the law on police activities, if the police can make sure that the intervention can take place later. It is unclear if the method is admissible in situations where there is a risk of an individual being... (More) - In the scope of this essay, the meaning of interim passivity is that the police postpone an intervention against a crime that the police normally would have intervened against. The purpose of the passivity is to secure evidence against the suspect. Interim passivity can be used when the police suspect that the person of interest is about to commit a new crime, as well as when the police do not have such suspicions.
The method has been used in Sweden since the 1960´s and is mentioned as an admissible method in the preparatory work of the law on police activities, if the police can make sure that the intervention can take place later. It is unclear if the method is admissible in situations where there is a risk of an individual being subjected to another person’s criminal acts. However, The Swedish Prosecution Authority assumes that the method can be applied to some extend even in such situations.
If it can be established that the police knew or ought to have known of a real and immediate risk of a crime of violence against an individual within the scope of the ECHR articles, the police must, according to ECtHR, take measures within the scope of their powers to avoid that risk. The Swedish application of interim passivity seems to be well in line with these principles.
In the case of ongoing or imminent crimes against property, according to The Swedish Prosecution Authority and the ECtHR, a balancing of interest must be made between the public interest and the individual's interest in enjoying their property. If the public interest outweighs the individual's interests, the police may apply interim passivity in situations of ongoing or imminent crimes against property, even if it deprives the individual of their property. (Less)
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- author
- Trolle Olsson, Carl LU
- supervisor
- Karol Nowak LU
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Processrätt, passivitet, spaningsmetoder, polismetoder, straffprocess, straffprocessrätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8977001
- date added to LUP
- 2019-09-16 10:34:39
- date last changed
- 2019-09-16 10:34:39
@misc{8977001, abstract = {{In the scope of this essay, the meaning of interim passivity is that the police postpone an intervention against a crime that the police normally would have intervened against. The purpose of the passivity is to secure evidence against the suspect. Interim passivity can be used when the police suspect that the person of interest is about to commit a new crime, as well as when the police do not have such suspicions. The method has been used in Sweden since the 1960´s and is mentioned as an admissible method in the preparatory work of the law on police activities, if the police can make sure that the intervention can take place later. It is unclear if the method is admissible in situations where there is a risk of an individual being subjected to another person’s criminal acts. However, The Swedish Prosecution Authority assumes that the method can be applied to some extend even in such situations. If it can be established that the police knew or ought to have known of a real and immediate risk of a crime of violence against an individual within the scope of the ECHR articles, the police must, according to ECtHR, take measures within the scope of their powers to avoid that risk. The Swedish application of interim passivity seems to be well in line with these principles. In the case of ongoing or imminent crimes against property, according to The Swedish Prosecution Authority and the ECtHR, a balancing of interest must be made between the public interest and the individual's interest in enjoying their property. If the public interest outweighs the individual's interests, the police may apply interim passivity in situations of ongoing or imminent crimes against property, even if it deprives the individual of their property.}}, author = {{Trolle Olsson, Carl}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Interimistisk passivitet - ett tvärsäkert kanske}}, year = {{2019}}, }