Equity line-faciliteter och aktiebolagsrätt
(2019) LAGF03 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Denna uppsats behandlar equity line-faciliteters förhållande till den svenska aktiebolagslagen. Equity line-faciliteter är en typ av finansieringsupplägg som ger aktiebolag möjlighet att erhålla periodiska kapitaltillskott från en finansiär genom utgivande av nya aktier under en avtalad period. Upplägget har sitt ursprung i USA:s 1990-tal men förekommer även på dagens svenska kapitalmarknad.
Uppsatsen är skriven med rättsdogmatisk metod. Utgångspunkten är den svenska aktiebolagslagen. I övrigt utgörs materialet av förarbeten och doktrin. Anmärkningsvärt är att amerikansk företagsekonomisk litteratur förekommer för att beskriva det aktuella finansieringsupplägget.
Equity line-faciliteter ingås vanligen genom avtal som benämns Standby... (More) - Denna uppsats behandlar equity line-faciliteters förhållande till den svenska aktiebolagslagen. Equity line-faciliteter är en typ av finansieringsupplägg som ger aktiebolag möjlighet att erhålla periodiska kapitaltillskott från en finansiär genom utgivande av nya aktier under en avtalad period. Upplägget har sitt ursprung i USA:s 1990-tal men förekommer även på dagens svenska kapitalmarknad.
Uppsatsen är skriven med rättsdogmatisk metod. Utgångspunkten är den svenska aktiebolagslagen. I övrigt utgörs materialet av förarbeten och doktrin. Anmärkningsvärt är att amerikansk företagsekonomisk litteratur förekommer för att beskriva det aktuella finansieringsupplägget.
Equity line-faciliteter ingås vanligen genom avtal som benämns Standby Equity Distribution Agreements (SEDA). I dessa avtal finns vanligen klausuler om hur teckningskursen ska bestämmas och hur stort penningbelopp finansiären kan bli skyldig att teckna aktier för i varje emission. Uppsatsens rättsliga fokus utgår emellertid från faktumet att varje kapitaltillskott inom ramen för en equity line-facilitet tillförs genom en riktad kontantemission till finansiärens fördel.
Huvudregeln enligt den svenska aktiebolagslagen är att aktieägare har företrädesrätt att teckna aktier som ges ut vid nyemissioner som ska betalas kontant. Lagen tillåter dock undantag under vissa förutsättningar, bland annat genom att företrädesrätten regleras på annat sätt till följd av bestämmelser i emissionsbeslutet. I sådana fall talar man om riktade kontantemissioner. De främsta begränsningarna för sådana emissioner utgörs av aktiebolagslagens generalklausuler i 7 kap. 47 § och 8 kap. 41 § 1 st. Dessa förbjuder beslut, rättshandlingar eller andra åtgärder som är ägnade att ge en otillbörlig fördel åt en aktieägare eller någon annan till nackdel för bolaget eller någon annan aktieägare.
I uppsatsen behandlas därför frågan under vilka förutsättningar bolag kan besluta om riktade kontantemissioner. Sådana beslut är underkastade ett krav på kvalificerad majoritet. Den bärande tanken i aktiebolagslagen är att beslut om riktade kontantemissioner ska vara väl förankrade hos aktieägarna. För att styrelsen ska kunna besluta om sådana emissioner förutsätts därför bolagsstämmans godkännande i efterhand eller på förhand genom bemyndigande. Grunderna för teckningskursen vid riktade kontantemissioner ska anges. Om teckningskursen sätts för lågt i förhållande till aktiens marknadsvärde kan emissionsbeslutet angripas med stöd av generalklausulerna. Även skälen till att aktieägarnas företrädesrätt frångås ska anges. För att vara förenliga med generalklausulerna ska dessa vara godtagbara. Vad som utgör godtagbara skäl får bedömas mot bakgrund av omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet. En avgörande bedömningspunkt synes dock vara hur bolagets förutsättningar för en lyckad företrädesemission ser ut.
Slutligen diskuteras hur equity line-faciliteter förhåller sig till aktiebolagslagens regler om riktade kontantemissioner, främst generalklausulerna. Genomförandet av sådan finansiering underlättas om bolagets styrelse tillåts besluta om emissioner med stöd av bemyndigande. Equity line-faciliteters typiska drag medför inte att de står i strid med generalklausulerna. Finansiären erhåller visserligen en fördel, men utan yttre omständigheter som påverkar bedömningen är denna inte otillbörlig i generalklausulernas mening enligt undertecknads åsikt. (Less) - Abstract
- This thesis addresses the relation between Equity Line Facilities and the Swedish Companies Act. Utilization of Equity Line Facilities is a way of raising capital that allows companies listed on markets and exchanges to get periodical capital infusions from an investor via issues of new shares during an agreed period. The financing goes back to the 1990s in the US but now also appears on the Swedish capital markets.
The thesis is written in accordance with the conventional legal method. The basis for the investigation is the Swedish Companies Act. Other underlying material comprises legislative history and doctrine. It should be noted that American business literature is used to describe the financing method at hand.
The terms for... (More) - This thesis addresses the relation between Equity Line Facilities and the Swedish Companies Act. Utilization of Equity Line Facilities is a way of raising capital that allows companies listed on markets and exchanges to get periodical capital infusions from an investor via issues of new shares during an agreed period. The financing goes back to the 1990s in the US but now also appears on the Swedish capital markets.
The thesis is written in accordance with the conventional legal method. The basis for the investigation is the Swedish Companies Act. Other underlying material comprises legislative history and doctrine. It should be noted that American business literature is used to describe the financing method at hand.
The terms for Equity Line Facilities are usually stipulated in agreements referred to as Standby Equity Distribution Agreements (SEDA). These agreements normally contain clauses for the determination of the subscription price and the maximum amount of capital the investor can be obliged to invest in each share issue. However, the legal focus of this essay is the aspect that every capital infusion in an Equity Line Facility is carried out via a directed issue of shares to the investor.
The main rule in to the Swedish Companies Act is that new shares issues that are being paid in cash shall be done in the form of rights issues. However, the Act permits certain exceptions, inter alia if the right is regulated in the share issue resolution. In these cases, the issue is directed. The most prominent restrictions with regard to such directed share issues are the general clauses in Chapter 7 Section 47 and Chapter 8 Section 41 first paragraph in the Swedish Companies Act. These clauses prohibit measures which may provide an inappropriate benefit for a specific shareholder or another person at the expense of the company or other shareholders.
Therefore, the main topic discussed in this essay is to what extent companies are allowed to decide on directed share issues. Such decisions need to be supported by a certain majority to be valid. Since the Swedish Companies Act is focused on the protection of shareholder rights, the Board can only make decisions about new share issues with a subsequent ratification from a Shareholders´ meeting, or in accordance with a previously decided share issue mandate from the Shareholder´s meeting. The method for determining the subscription price must be accounted for in the share issue decision. If the subscription price is too low in relation to the market price, the share issue can be contrary to the general clauses. Also, the justification for making a directed issue rather than a rights issue must be accounted for. To be consistent with the general clauses the reasons must be acceptable. Which reasons are acceptable depends on the circumstances in each case. However, the likelihood for the company to successfully carry out a rights issue seems to be crucial for the assessment.
Finally, the relation between Equity Line Facilities and the Swedish Companies Act is discussed. The directed share issue procedure becomes more effective if the Board can conduct such share issues in accordance with a share issue mandate from the Shareholder´s meeting. The typical features of Equity Line Facilities do not automatically seem to be in conflict with the general clauses. The investor does indeed gain a benefit in the form of a price discount. However, the conclusion of the author of this thesis, is that the benefit is not inappropriate in the perspective of the general clauses of the Swedish Companies Act. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Lindgren, Agaton LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- associationsrätt, aktiebolagsrätt, equity line-faciliteter, SEDA, Standy Equity Distribution Agreements, ABL, aktiebolagslagen
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8977095
- date added to LUP
- 2019-09-16 10:31:11
- date last changed
- 2019-09-16 10:31:11
@misc{8977095, abstract = {{This thesis addresses the relation between Equity Line Facilities and the Swedish Companies Act. Utilization of Equity Line Facilities is a way of raising capital that allows companies listed on markets and exchanges to get periodical capital infusions from an investor via issues of new shares during an agreed period. The financing goes back to the 1990s in the US but now also appears on the Swedish capital markets. The thesis is written in accordance with the conventional legal method. The basis for the investigation is the Swedish Companies Act. Other underlying material comprises legislative history and doctrine. It should be noted that American business literature is used to describe the financing method at hand. The terms for Equity Line Facilities are usually stipulated in agreements referred to as Standby Equity Distribution Agreements (SEDA). These agreements normally contain clauses for the determination of the subscription price and the maximum amount of capital the investor can be obliged to invest in each share issue. However, the legal focus of this essay is the aspect that every capital infusion in an Equity Line Facility is carried out via a directed issue of shares to the investor. The main rule in to the Swedish Companies Act is that new shares issues that are being paid in cash shall be done in the form of rights issues. However, the Act permits certain exceptions, inter alia if the right is regulated in the share issue resolution. In these cases, the issue is directed. The most prominent restrictions with regard to such directed share issues are the general clauses in Chapter 7 Section 47 and Chapter 8 Section 41 first paragraph in the Swedish Companies Act. These clauses prohibit measures which may provide an inappropriate benefit for a specific shareholder or another person at the expense of the company or other shareholders. Therefore, the main topic discussed in this essay is to what extent companies are allowed to decide on directed share issues. Such decisions need to be supported by a certain majority to be valid. Since the Swedish Companies Act is focused on the protection of shareholder rights, the Board can only make decisions about new share issues with a subsequent ratification from a Shareholders´ meeting, or in accordance with a previously decided share issue mandate from the Shareholder´s meeting. The method for determining the subscription price must be accounted for in the share issue decision. If the subscription price is too low in relation to the market price, the share issue can be contrary to the general clauses. Also, the justification for making a directed issue rather than a rights issue must be accounted for. To be consistent with the general clauses the reasons must be acceptable. Which reasons are acceptable depends on the circumstances in each case. However, the likelihood for the company to successfully carry out a rights issue seems to be crucial for the assessment. Finally, the relation between Equity Line Facilities and the Swedish Companies Act is discussed. The directed share issue procedure becomes more effective if the Board can conduct such share issues in accordance with a share issue mandate from the Shareholder´s meeting. The typical features of Equity Line Facilities do not automatically seem to be in conflict with the general clauses. The investor does indeed gain a benefit in the form of a price discount. However, the conclusion of the author of this thesis, is that the benefit is not inappropriate in the perspective of the general clauses of the Swedish Companies Act.}}, author = {{Lindgren, Agaton}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Equity line-faciliteter och aktiebolagsrätt}}, year = {{2019}}, }