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Vem lyssnar på ungdomarna? - Får ungdomar på särskilda ungdomshem sin åsikt hörd och kommer något förändras när barnkonventionen blir lag?

Guardado Lundqvist, Joanna LU (2019) LAGF03 20191
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Samhällsvården har under de senaste åren blivit hårt kritiserad i media. I synnerhet är det de särskilda ungdomshemmen som legat i fokus där man bl.a. har läst om övergrepp och kränkningar. Men den mediala uppmärksamheten har missat att belysa de systematiska fel som föreligger inom framförallt socialtjänsten när det gäller hanteringen av ungdomarnas rättigheter. Socialtjänsten brister i sin tillämpning av principen om barnets bästa (artikel 3 i konventionen) och principen om barnens rätt att få sin åsikt hörd (artikel 12) vilket resulterar i att många av ungdomarna inte får sina rättigheter tillgodosedda på ungdomshemmen. I takt med att problematiken har kommit till ytan har också idén om Barnkonventionen som svensk lag växt fram.

En... (More)
Samhällsvården har under de senaste åren blivit hårt kritiserad i media. I synnerhet är det de särskilda ungdomshemmen som legat i fokus där man bl.a. har läst om övergrepp och kränkningar. Men den mediala uppmärksamheten har missat att belysa de systematiska fel som föreligger inom framförallt socialtjänsten när det gäller hanteringen av ungdomarnas rättigheter. Socialtjänsten brister i sin tillämpning av principen om barnets bästa (artikel 3 i konventionen) och principen om barnens rätt att få sin åsikt hörd (artikel 12) vilket resulterar i att många av ungdomarna inte får sina rättigheter tillgodosedda på ungdomshemmen. I takt med att problematiken har kommit till ytan har också idén om Barnkonventionen som svensk lag växt fram.

En inkorporering av Barnkonventionen har bestämts äga rum den 1 januari 2020 på dess originalspråk, dvs engelska och franska. Frågan lyftes från en början till stor del av olika frivilligorganisationer som kämpar för barns rättigheter men de som såg ur det juridiska perspektivet var inte lika motiverade. Inkorporeringen innebär att stort ansvar läggs på rättstillämparen att tolka konventionen trots vaga artiklar och få hjälpmedel. Dagens svenska lagstiftning på det här området gör det redan svårt för ungdomarna att ut kräva sina rättigheter. I den här uppsatsen är den främsta frågeställningen därför huruvida inkorporeringen kommer göra någon skillnad för ungdomarnas möjligheter att ta tillvara på sina rättigheter på de särskilda ungdomshemmen. Det är av min uppfattning att riksdagen och regeringen borde gjort en bredare utredning kring de olika aspekterna av konsekvenser innan man slog fast att Barnkonventionen skulle bli lag. Risken finns att ett redan svårtolkat tillämpningsområde kommer bli ännu svårare att tolka när ännu ett regelverk kommer in och utan något förtydligande från lagstiftaren. Trots det är jag av uppfattningen att det nya barnrättsperspektivet kommer fortsätta få större genomslag och att det tillsammans med transformering och ökad utbildning ändå kan ge artiklarna större slagkraft i den praktiska tillämpningen på ungdomshemmen. Diskussionerna i samhällsdebatten som pågått i takt med att Barnkonventionen blivit lag har redan bidragit till stora förändringar.

Förhoppningen är att lagstiftaren i sin kartläggning ser att Barnkonventionen behöver förtydligas och att transformeringsarbetet behöver motiveras tydligt i förarbeten till kommande lagstiftning. Utbildning av det nya barnrättsperspektivet behövs också och tillsammans kommer det stärka ungdomarnas rättsliga ställning på de särskilda ungdomshemmen. Inkorporeringen är ett startskott på viktiga förändringar kring barnens rättigheter men är enligt min uppfattning inte i närheten av slutdestinationen. (Less)
In recent years social care has been harshly criticized in the media. There have been reports on abuse and other different kinds of violations, especially about the special youth homes. As the problem has come to the surface, the idea of the Convention on the rights of the child as Swedish law has also emerged. The social services lack in their enforcement of the articles which results in many of the adolescence not getting their legal rights met in the youth homes, especially when it comes to getting their voices heard and therefor also putting the best interest of the child first.

An incorporation of the Convention on the rights of the child has been decided to enter into force on 1 January 2020 in its original languages, English and... (More)
In recent years social care has been harshly criticized in the media. There have been reports on abuse and other different kinds of violations, especially about the special youth homes. As the problem has come to the surface, the idea of the Convention on the rights of the child as Swedish law has also emerged. The social services lack in their enforcement of the articles which results in many of the adolescence not getting their legal rights met in the youth homes, especially when it comes to getting their voices heard and therefor also putting the best interest of the child first.

An incorporation of the Convention on the rights of the child has been decided to enter into force on 1 January 2020 in its original languages, English and French. The subject was from the beginning lifted by various non-governmental organizations struggling for children's rights, but those who saw it from a legal perspective were not as excited. The incorporation means that great responsibility is placed on the legal practitioner to interpret the convention despite vague articles and few aids. The legislative rules are already making it hard for the adolescence in special youth homes to claim their rights. In this essay, the main question has been whether the incorporation will make any difference to the young people's opportunities to demand their rights in the particular youth homes. It is my opinion that the government should have made a broader investigation of the various aspects of consequences before it was established that the Convention on the rights of the child would be law. There is a risk that the articles will be even harder to interpret when another regulatory framework comes in, and demands are made without any clarification from the legislator. Despite this, I believe that the new child rights perspective continues to have a greater impact and that, together with transformation and increased education, can still give the articles greater impact in the practical application to youth homes. The approach we’ve used so far, when interpreting children’s rights during their stay at the special youth homes, is outdated but the discussions about making the convention to Swedish law has already contributed to major changes for the adolescences rights.

The hope is that the legislature sees in its survey that the Convention on the rights of the child needs to be clarified and that the transformation work needs to be clearly motivated in preparatory work. The education of the new child rights perspective in this way will nevertheless strengthen the young people's legal position on the particular youth homes. The incorporation is a start of important changes regarding children's rights, but in my opinion is not on the vicinity of the final destination. (Less)
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Guardado Lundqvist, Joanna LU
LAGF03 20191
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Socialrätt, Social and welfare law, LVU
date added to LUP
2019-12-12 10:25:02
date last changed
2019-12-12 10:25:02
  abstract     = {{In recent years social care has been harshly criticized in the media. There have been reports on abuse and other different kinds of violations, especially about the special youth homes. As the problem has come to the surface, the idea of the Convention on the rights of the child as Swedish law has also emerged. The social services lack in their enforcement of the articles which results in many of the adolescence not getting their legal rights met in the youth homes, especially when it comes to getting their voices heard and therefor also putting the best interest of the child first. 

An incorporation of the Convention on the rights of the child has been decided to enter into force on 1 January 2020 in its original languages, English and French. The subject was from the beginning lifted by various non-governmental organizations struggling for children's rights, but those who saw it from a legal perspective were not as excited. The incorporation means that great responsibility is placed on the legal practitioner to interpret the convention despite vague articles and few aids. The legislative rules are already making it hard for the adolescence in special youth homes to claim their rights. In this essay, the main question has been whether the incorporation will make any difference to the young people's opportunities to demand their rights in the particular youth homes. It is my opinion that the government should have made a broader investigation of the various aspects of consequences before it was established that the Convention on the rights of the child would be law. There is a risk that the articles will be even harder to interpret when another regulatory framework comes in, and demands are made without any clarification from the legislator. Despite this, I believe that the new child rights perspective continues to have a greater impact and that, together with transformation and increased education, can still give the articles greater impact in the practical application to youth homes. The approach we’ve used so far, when interpreting children’s rights during their stay at the special youth homes, is outdated but the discussions about making the convention to Swedish law has already contributed to major changes for the adolescences rights.

The hope is that the legislature sees in its survey that the Convention on the rights of the child needs to be clarified and that the transformation work needs to be clearly motivated in preparatory work. The education of the new child rights perspective in this way will nevertheless strengthen the young people's legal position on the particular youth homes. The incorporation is a start of important changes regarding children's rights, but in my opinion is not on the vicinity of the final destination.}},
  author       = {{Guardado Lundqvist, Joanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Vem lyssnar på ungdomarna? - Får ungdomar på särskilda ungdomshem sin åsikt hörd och kommer något förändras när barnkonventionen blir lag?}},
  year         = {{2019}},