Överlåtelser av aktier till anställda - En kritisk analys av anställdas direkta och indirekta aktieförvärv i ljuset av neutralitetsprincipen
(2019) JURM02 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract
- Transferring shares to employees is a common, and sometimes necessary, measure to expand or adjust the ownership in a company and in the long run, for the company to be able to continue to operate in a successful way. Possible advantages of transferring shares to employees are that they often possess good understanding about the company in which they operate. The shares can be transferred based on market terms or against a remuneration that is less than market value. There can be several reasons for transferring the shares to a compensation less than the market value. Firstly, the transferor's intention might be purely beneficial. However, there are also practical reasons for such a transfer, not least in cases where the employee is not... (More)
- Transferring shares to employees is a common, and sometimes necessary, measure to expand or adjust the ownership in a company and in the long run, for the company to be able to continue to operate in a successful way. Possible advantages of transferring shares to employees are that they often possess good understanding about the company in which they operate. The shares can be transferred based on market terms or against a remuneration that is less than market value. There can be several reasons for transferring the shares to a compensation less than the market value. Firstly, the transferor's intention might be purely beneficial. However, there are also practical reasons for such a transfer, not least in cases where the employee is not able to finance an acquisition at market price.
However, in the event of a transfer of shares to employees, certain issues in terms of taxation may arise. Under some conditions a beneficial transfer to an employee may be regarded as compensation for performed work. In these cases, the tax consequences cannot be avoided. Furthermore, the tax consequences are governed by different provisions. In the case of direct acquisitions, the assessment is made against 8 chap. 2 § and 11 chap. 1 § of the Income Tax Act (1999: 1229), IL. In the case of indirect acquisitions, that is such an acquisition that takes place between two companies, the assessment is conducted against chap. 23 IL, primarily against 23 chap. 3 and 11 §§ IL. The fact that a transfer of shares, depending on whether acquired directly or indirectly by the employee, is assessed with regards to different provisions as well as the fact that the tax consequences seem to vary depending on who receives the gift raises questions about neutrality in taxation. Consequently, based on the application of a legal dogmatic method, this essay intends to examine the current legal situation regarding transfers of shares to employees in the light of the principle of neutrality.
The issue has been tried in legal practice several times. In some cases, the court has found that the transfer has no basis in the employment, in other cases the court has found that the transfer is based on the employment. My conclusion is that, because of the special character that characterizes each individual case, it is difficult to draw any definite conclusions about which considerations that govern the taxation, however, some recurrent guidelines can be distinguished in legal practice. In cases where the receiver is related to the giver, there seems to be a presumption that the transfer does not have its basis in the employment. The tax consequences in these cases can therefore generally be avoided. Difficulties in distinguishing clear guidelines for the assessment derives mainly from the fact that the decisions have the character of in casu decisions.
As far as the neutrality issue is concerned, the conclusion in this regard is that it is possible, both in the case of direct and indirect acquisitions, to consider work efforts when calculating the total acquired remuneration. In this regard, the neutrality between the two types of acquisition is met. However, due to the particularity of the decisions, it is difficult to discern any major or definitive similarities or differences in this assessment. Though, a distinct similarity is that the fact that the employee is related to the giver is of great importance in both situations. This development is in line with the line with the concept of gifts as expressed in legal practice as a relationship between the giver and the recipient suggests that a beneficial intention exists against the latter. However, it is possible to question whether this special treatment is justified in terms of neutrality. There are several reasons to consider a benefit intention to exist in most situations, thus, also in cases where the recipient is not related to the giver. Consequently, tax consequences should be avoided to a greater extent also in such situations. There are numerous reasons for this conclusion. Not least reasons based on neutrality and, hence, also socio-economic reasons in form of more successful changes of ownership. Consequently, this thesis shows that neutrality purposes are forced to stand back in favour of a formalized assessment of the prerequisites that constitutes a gift. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Att överlåta aktier till anställda är en vanlig, och ibland nödvändig, åtgärd för att utvidga eller förändra ägarkretsen i ett företag och i förlängningen för att företaget ska kunna drivas vidare. Fördelar med att överlåta till anställda är att de ofta besitter god kunskap och kännedom kring företaget de verkar i. En sådan aktieöverlåtelse kan ske till marknadsmässiga villkor eller mot en ersättning som understiger marknadsvärdet. Skäl till att överlåta aktierna mot en ersättning som understiger marknadsvärdet kan vara att överlåtarens avsikt är rent benefik. Det finns emellertid också praktiska skäl till en sådan överlåtelse, exempelvis i de fall den anställde inte har möjlighet att finansiera ett förvärv till marknadspris.
Vid en... (More) - Att överlåta aktier till anställda är en vanlig, och ibland nödvändig, åtgärd för att utvidga eller förändra ägarkretsen i ett företag och i förlängningen för att företaget ska kunna drivas vidare. Fördelar med att överlåta till anställda är att de ofta besitter god kunskap och kännedom kring företaget de verkar i. En sådan aktieöverlåtelse kan ske till marknadsmässiga villkor eller mot en ersättning som understiger marknadsvärdet. Skäl till att överlåta aktierna mot en ersättning som understiger marknadsvärdet kan vara att överlåtarens avsikt är rent benefik. Det finns emellertid också praktiska skäl till en sådan överlåtelse, exempelvis i de fall den anställde inte har möjlighet att finansiera ett förvärv till marknadspris.
Vid en överlåtelse av aktier kan emellertid vissa skatterättsliga svårigheter uppkomma. Under vissa förutsättningar kan nämligen en vederlagsfri aktieöverlåtelse till en anställd vara att betrakta som ersättning för utfört arbete. I dessa fall kan beskattningskonsekvenserna inte undvikas. Beskattningskonsekvenserna styrs i sin tur av olika bestämmelser, vid direkta förvärv sker bedömningen mot 8 kap. 2 § och 11 kap. 1 § inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229), IL. Vid indirekta förvärv, det vill säga ett sådant förvärv som sker mellan två bolag, sker prövningen mot 23 kap. IL, främst genom 23 kap. 3 och 11 §§ IL. Att en överlåtelse, beroende på om den förvärvas direkt eller indirekt av mottagaren, aktualiserar olika bestämmelser samt att bedömningen tycks variera beroende på vem som mottar gåvan väcker frågor kring neutralitet i beskattningen. Genom denna uppsats avses utifrån en tillämpning av rättsdogmatisk metod därför att undersöka rättsläget vad beträffar överlåtelser av aktier till anställda i ljuset av neutralitetsprincipen.
Frågan har prövats i praxis ett antal gånger. Domstolen har i vissa fall funnit att överlåtelsen inte har grund i anställningen, i andra fall har domstolen funnit att överlåtelsen har sin grund i anställningen. Det som blir tydligt av dessa avgöranden är att skattekonsekvenserna, beroende på omständigheterna i det särskilda fallet, varierar för såväl givare som mottagare. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att det på grund av den särart som präglar varje enskilt fall är svårt att dra några tydliga slutsatser kring vilka överväganden som styr beskattningen. Vissa hållpunkter kan dock urskiljas. I de fall där mottagaren är närstående till givaren tycks det föreligga en presumtion för att överlåtelsen inte har sin grund i anställningen, varför beskattningen i dessa fall i regel kan undvikas. Svårigheter att urskilja tydliga riktlinjer för bedömningen följer av att avgörandena snarare har karaktären av in casu-avgöranden.
Vad gäller neutralitetsfrågan är slutsatsen i detta avseende att det är möjligt, såväl vid direkta som vid indirekta förvärv, att beakta arbetsinsatser vid beräknandet av den totala ersättningen. I detta avseende tillgodoses neutraliteten mellan de båda förvärvstyperna. På grund av avgörandenas särart är det emellertid svårt att urskilja några större eller definitiva likheter eller skillnader i fråga om denna bedömning. En tydlig likhet är att den omständighet att mottagaren är närstående har tillmätts stor betydelse i praxis i båda situationerna. Denna utveckling är i linje med linje med gåvobegreppet eftersom en närståenderelation talar för att benefik avsikt föreligger gentemot mottagaren. Även om utvecklingen i praxis därför är logisk med beaktande av nu gällande gåvobegrepp går det att ifrågasätta huruvida denna särbehandling är motiverad ur neutralitetsaspekt. Flera skäl talar istället för att benefik avsikt i flertalet situationer bör kunna anses föreligga också i de fall mottagaren inte är närstående. Följaktligen bör beskattningskonsekvenserna också i sådana situationer i större utsträckning kunna undvikas. För denna slutsats talar inte minst neutralitetsskäl och i förlängningen också samhällsekonomiska skäl, främst i form av flera framgångsrika ägarskiften. Uppsatsen visar följaktligen att neutralitetsändamål får stå tillbaka till förmån för en formaliserad prövning av gåvorekvisiten. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Ödman, Jens LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- Transfers of shares to employees - A critical analysis of employees' direct and indirect acquisitions of shares in the light of the principle of neutrality
- course
- JURM02 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Skatterätt, aktieöverlåtelser, neutralitetsprincipen
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8977499
- date added to LUP
- 2019-06-19 17:12:46
- date last changed
- 2019-06-19 17:12:46
@misc{8977499, abstract = {{Transferring shares to employees is a common, and sometimes necessary, measure to expand or adjust the ownership in a company and in the long run, for the company to be able to continue to operate in a successful way. Possible advantages of transferring shares to employees are that they often possess good understanding about the company in which they operate. The shares can be transferred based on market terms or against a remuneration that is less than market value. There can be several reasons for transferring the shares to a compensation less than the market value. Firstly, the transferor's intention might be purely beneficial. However, there are also practical reasons for such a transfer, not least in cases where the employee is not able to finance an acquisition at market price. However, in the event of a transfer of shares to employees, certain issues in terms of taxation may arise. Under some conditions a beneficial transfer to an employee may be regarded as compensation for performed work. In these cases, the tax consequences cannot be avoided. Furthermore, the tax consequences are governed by different provisions. In the case of direct acquisitions, the assessment is made against 8 chap. 2 § and 11 chap. 1 § of the Income Tax Act (1999: 1229), IL. In the case of indirect acquisitions, that is such an acquisition that takes place between two companies, the assessment is conducted against chap. 23 IL, primarily against 23 chap. 3 and 11 §§ IL. The fact that a transfer of shares, depending on whether acquired directly or indirectly by the employee, is assessed with regards to different provisions as well as the fact that the tax consequences seem to vary depending on who receives the gift raises questions about neutrality in taxation. Consequently, based on the application of a legal dogmatic method, this essay intends to examine the current legal situation regarding transfers of shares to employees in the light of the principle of neutrality. The issue has been tried in legal practice several times. In some cases, the court has found that the transfer has no basis in the employment, in other cases the court has found that the transfer is based on the employment. My conclusion is that, because of the special character that characterizes each individual case, it is difficult to draw any definite conclusions about which considerations that govern the taxation, however, some recurrent guidelines can be distinguished in legal practice. In cases where the receiver is related to the giver, there seems to be a presumption that the transfer does not have its basis in the employment. The tax consequences in these cases can therefore generally be avoided. Difficulties in distinguishing clear guidelines for the assessment derives mainly from the fact that the decisions have the character of in casu decisions. As far as the neutrality issue is concerned, the conclusion in this regard is that it is possible, both in the case of direct and indirect acquisitions, to consider work efforts when calculating the total acquired remuneration. In this regard, the neutrality between the two types of acquisition is met. However, due to the particularity of the decisions, it is difficult to discern any major or definitive similarities or differences in this assessment. Though, a distinct similarity is that the fact that the employee is related to the giver is of great importance in both situations. This development is in line with the line with the concept of gifts as expressed in legal practice as a relationship between the giver and the recipient suggests that a beneficial intention exists against the latter. However, it is possible to question whether this special treatment is justified in terms of neutrality. There are several reasons to consider a benefit intention to exist in most situations, thus, also in cases where the recipient is not related to the giver. Consequently, tax consequences should be avoided to a greater extent also in such situations. There are numerous reasons for this conclusion. Not least reasons based on neutrality and, hence, also socio-economic reasons in form of more successful changes of ownership. Consequently, this thesis shows that neutrality purposes are forced to stand back in favour of a formalized assessment of the prerequisites that constitutes a gift.}}, author = {{Ödman, Jens}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Överlåtelser av aktier till anställda - En kritisk analys av anställdas direkta och indirekta aktieförvärv i ljuset av neutralitetsprincipen}}, year = {{2019}}, }