Kronvittnessystem - En främmande fågel i svensk rätt? - dåtid, samtid, framtid -
(2019) JURM02 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Vid straffmätningen ska domstolen, utöver brottets straffvärde, i skälig om-fattning beakta omständigheter som saknar samband med straffvärdet men som har samband med gärningsmannens personrelaterade omständigheter efter brottet. Dessa omständigheter stadgas i 29 kap 5 § brottsbalken och kal-las för billighetsskäl. Om det föreligger en omständighet bland billighetsskälen kan det medföra strafflindring för gärningsmannen. En avsevärd omständighet bland dessa nio punkter är om den tilltalade frivilligt angett sig eller lämnat uppgifter som är av väsentlig betydelse för utredningen av det egna brottet. En sådan omständighet kan medföra strafflindring.
I den aktuella kriminalpolitiska debatten har det uttalats en önskan om att ut-vidga... (More) - Vid straffmätningen ska domstolen, utöver brottets straffvärde, i skälig om-fattning beakta omständigheter som saknar samband med straffvärdet men som har samband med gärningsmannens personrelaterade omständigheter efter brottet. Dessa omständigheter stadgas i 29 kap 5 § brottsbalken och kal-las för billighetsskäl. Om det föreligger en omständighet bland billighetsskälen kan det medföra strafflindring för gärningsmannen. En avsevärd omständighet bland dessa nio punkter är om den tilltalade frivilligt angett sig eller lämnat uppgifter som är av väsentlig betydelse för utredningen av det egna brottet. En sådan omständighet kan medföra strafflindring.
I den aktuella kriminalpolitiska debatten har det uttalats en önskan om att ut-vidga omständigheterna i billighetsskälen till att även avse strafflindring för den gärningsman som, i väsentlig grad, bidragit till uppklarandet av andras brott genom att lämna avgörande upplysningar, ett så kallat kronvittne. Syftet med ett kronvittne sägs vara att utrusta de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna med ett effektivt verktyg för att upplösa den organiserade brottsligheten som, på senare år, bidragit till oroligheter i det svenska samhället i form av döds-skjutningar, sprängningar och andra brottsligheter.
Förslaget om att införa ett kronvittnessystem har, sedan slutet av 1900-talet, utretts men avfärdats i ett flertal förarbeten med anledning av att en sådan ordning ansetts medföra fler nackdelar än fördelar. Det finns därmed inget uttryckligt lagstöd för tillämpningen av ett kronvittne grundad i billighetshänsyn. Däremot har Högsta domstolen, HD, öppnat upp för att undantagsvis medge straffnedsättning i enlighet med 29 kap. 5 § 1 st 9 p BrB. HD fastslog i NJA 2009 s 599 att strafflindring, undantagsvis, kunde medges under förut-sättning att gärningsmannen lämnar uppgifter om sina medbrottslingar samt om det, till följd av kronvittnesutsagan, medför en risk för att gärningsman-nen, under överskådlig tid, kommer att leva under hot om allvarliga repressalier.
Förslaget om att införa ett system med kronvittne är återigen aktuellt men mötte däremot kraftigt motstånd av de som anser att en sådan ordning är främmande i svensk rätt och att det sedermera medför rättsosäkerhet. Riks-dagsledamöterna biföll emellertid utskottets förslag om att utreda ett kronvittnessystem. (Less) - Abstract
- The court must, in the meting out of punishment, in addition to the penal value, consider reasonable circumstances that has no connection to the penal value, but which has a connection to the offender's personal circumstances after the crime. These circumstances are regulated in chapter 29, section 5 of the penal code and is referred to as the equitable grounds. If there is a circumstance among the equitable grounds, it can result in mitigation of a sentence for the offender. A significant circumstance among these nine paragraphs is whether the defendant voluntarily surrendered or provided information which is of significant importance for the investigation of their own crime. Such a circumstance can lead to mitigation of a sentence.
... (More) - The court must, in the meting out of punishment, in addition to the penal value, consider reasonable circumstances that has no connection to the penal value, but which has a connection to the offender's personal circumstances after the crime. These circumstances are regulated in chapter 29, section 5 of the penal code and is referred to as the equitable grounds. If there is a circumstance among the equitable grounds, it can result in mitigation of a sentence for the offender. A significant circumstance among these nine paragraphs is whether the defendant voluntarily surrendered or provided information which is of significant importance for the investigation of their own crime. Such a circumstance can lead to mitigation of a sentence.
In the current criminal policy debate, it has expressed a desire to expand the circumstances in the equitable grounds to also relate to the mitigation of a sentence for the offender who, in substantial degree, contributed to the settlement of other people's crimes by providing crucial information, a so-called crown witness. The purpose of a crown witness is said to be to equip enforcement authorities with an effective tool in order to dissolve the organized crime which, in recent years, have contributed to unrest in the Swedish society in terms of shootings, explosions and other crimes.
The proposal to introduce a crown witness system has, since the end of the 1900s, been investigated but discarded in a number of legislative efforts due to the fact that a such order has been considered having more disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, there is no explicit legal support for the applicable of a crown witness based on equitable considerations. However, the Supreme court has opened up to exceptionally allow penalty reduction in accordance with the Penal Code chapter 29 § 5 paragraph 9. The supreme court stated in case NJA 2009 s 599 that the mitigation of a sentence could, exceptionally, be allowed under the condition that the offender submits information about other people’s crime and also if it poses a risk for the offender, in the foreseeable future, that the he will live under the threat of severe retaliation.
The proposal to introduce a crown witness system is once again current but is encountering resistance by those who believe that such order is foreign in Swedish law and that it subsequently brings legal uncertainties. However, the member of Parliament upheld the committee's proposal to investigate a crown witness system. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Khouri, Alfred LU
- supervisor
- Karol Nowak LU
- organization
- alternative title
- Crown witness system - A strange bird in the Swedish legal system?
- course
- JURM02 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Kronvittne, Kronvittnessystem, Strafflindring, Straffnedsättning
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8977572
- date added to LUP
- 2019-12-12 10:25:16
- date last changed
- 2019-12-12 10:25:16
@misc{8977572, abstract = {{The court must, in the meting out of punishment, in addition to the penal value, consider reasonable circumstances that has no connection to the penal value, but which has a connection to the offender's personal circumstances after the crime. These circumstances are regulated in chapter 29, section 5 of the penal code and is referred to as the equitable grounds. If there is a circumstance among the equitable grounds, it can result in mitigation of a sentence for the offender. A significant circumstance among these nine paragraphs is whether the defendant voluntarily surrendered or provided information which is of significant importance for the investigation of their own crime. Such a circumstance can lead to mitigation of a sentence. In the current criminal policy debate, it has expressed a desire to expand the circumstances in the equitable grounds to also relate to the mitigation of a sentence for the offender who, in substantial degree, contributed to the settlement of other people's crimes by providing crucial information, a so-called crown witness. The purpose of a crown witness is said to be to equip enforcement authorities with an effective tool in order to dissolve the organized crime which, in recent years, have contributed to unrest in the Swedish society in terms of shootings, explosions and other crimes. The proposal to introduce a crown witness system has, since the end of the 1900s, been investigated but discarded in a number of legislative efforts due to the fact that a such order has been considered having more disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, there is no explicit legal support for the applicable of a crown witness based on equitable considerations. However, the Supreme court has opened up to exceptionally allow penalty reduction in accordance with the Penal Code chapter 29 § 5 paragraph 9. The supreme court stated in case NJA 2009 s 599 that the mitigation of a sentence could, exceptionally, be allowed under the condition that the offender submits information about other people’s crime and also if it poses a risk for the offender, in the foreseeable future, that the he will live under the threat of severe retaliation. The proposal to introduce a crown witness system is once again current but is encountering resistance by those who believe that such order is foreign in Swedish law and that it subsequently brings legal uncertainties. However, the member of Parliament upheld the committee's proposal to investigate a crown witness system.}}, author = {{Khouri, Alfred}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Kronvittnessystem - En främmande fågel i svensk rätt? - dåtid, samtid, framtid -}}, year = {{2019}}, }