Outnyttjade byggrätter för flerbostadshus - Förekommer det och varför?
(2019) VFTM01 20191Real Estate Science
- Abstract
- In the public report, Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande, a research was made to find out how the utilization of undeveloped building rights could be made more efficient. However, the material on which the research was based was found insufficient, which created the idea for this report. To what extent do undeveloped building rights occur and what are the reasons?
The purpose of this report is to examine if undeveloped building rights regarding apartment buildings exists and to identify what the reasons may be. Furthermore, proposals will be discussed on how municipalities can work to try to prevent this.
The focus of this report is on the Skåne region and the municipalities studied are Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Kristianstad, Landskrona,... (More) - In the public report, Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande, a research was made to find out how the utilization of undeveloped building rights could be made more efficient. However, the material on which the research was based was found insufficient, which created the idea for this report. To what extent do undeveloped building rights occur and what are the reasons?
The purpose of this report is to examine if undeveloped building rights regarding apartment buildings exists and to identify what the reasons may be. Furthermore, proposals will be discussed on how municipalities can work to try to prevent this.
The focus of this report is on the Skåne region and the municipalities studied are Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Kristianstad, Landskrona, Staffanstorp, Ystad and Eslöv. To achieve the purpose, a number of questions have been formulated. These are examined in the report through a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part mainly consists of literature studies. The empirical survey consists of mapping and reporting the existence of undeveloped building rights within the municipalities. This is followed up by a qualitative interview study made with property owners and municipalities.
The result of this report shows that undeveloped building rights exists to some extent. On the other hand, the result implies that this is not perceived as a problem in the same extent to which it is described in Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande. This is confirmed by the surveyed municipalities, who do not consider undeveloped building rights being a major problem. In addition, the data material clarifies that it is a minor proportion of building rights which have expired implementation time.
Explanations can be found to why some building rights have remained undeveloped for a long time. In some cases, these properties are being used for alternative purposes, for example in the form of parking area, garden etc. This mainly applies to smaller building rights with private persons as owners. Major building rights are essentially owned by construction companies or municipalities, and the reason for these properties remaining undeveloped is largely due to the fact that the market is not as solid as needed. Another reason can be that the building right is part of an ongoing larger development. Construction companies are planning to constantly have a continuous flow in production, giving an opportunity to keep the employees busy.
In some cases, measures may be required for building rights to be utilized. Some possible measures against undeveloped building rights are to increase the cost of owning them and gather information regarding the extent of undeveloped building rights. However, since undeveloped building rights is not considered a big problem, the most reasonable solution is probably just to await a more solid market. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- I den statliga utredningen, Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande, undersöktes hur utnyttjandet av byggrätter kunde effektiviseras. Underlaget var dock tämligen begränsat, vilket skapade idén till den här rapporten. I vilken utsträckning förekommer outnyttjade byggrätter och varför utnyttjas de isåfall inte?
Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om det finns outnyttjade byggrätter med ändamål flerbostadshus samt identifiera vad det kan bero på. Vidare ska förslag diskuteras på hur kommuner kan arbeta för att försöka motverka att detta förekommer.
Rapporten har lagt fokus på Skåne och de kommuner som undersökts är Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Kristianstad, Landskrona, Staffanstorp, Ystad och Eslöv. För att uppnå syftet har ett antal... (More) - I den statliga utredningen, Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande, undersöktes hur utnyttjandet av byggrätter kunde effektiviseras. Underlaget var dock tämligen begränsat, vilket skapade idén till den här rapporten. I vilken utsträckning förekommer outnyttjade byggrätter och varför utnyttjas de isåfall inte?
Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om det finns outnyttjade byggrätter med ändamål flerbostadshus samt identifiera vad det kan bero på. Vidare ska förslag diskuteras på hur kommuner kan arbeta för att försöka motverka att detta förekommer.
Rapporten har lagt fokus på Skåne och de kommuner som undersökts är Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Kristianstad, Landskrona, Staffanstorp, Ystad och Eslöv. För att uppnå syftet har ett antal frågeställningar formulerats. Dessa utreds i rapporten genom en teoretisk och en empirisk del. Den teoretiska delen utgörs främst av litteraturstudier. Den empiriska undersökningen består i att kartlägga och redovisa förekomsten av outnyttjade byggrätter inom åtta utvalda kommuner. Detta följs sedan upp av en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fastighetsägare och kommuner.
Ur resultatet av undersökningen framgår att det visserligen förekommer en del byggrätter som inte utnyttjas. Däremot visar resultatet att det inte upplevs som ett problem i den utsträckning som Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande beskriver. Detta bekräftas av tillfrågade kommuner, vilka inte anser att outnyttjade byggrätter är ett stort problem i dagsläget. Dessutom visar datamaterialet att det inte är en speciellt stor andel av byggrätterna som har utgången genomförandetid.
Det finns förklaringar till att vissa byggrätter förblivit outnyttjade under längre tid. I en del fall nyttjas dessa fastigheter för alternativ användning, exempelvis för parkering, trädgård m.m. Detta gäller framförallt mindre byggrätter som ägs av privatpersoner. Större byggrätter ägs främst av byggbolag eller kommuner och anledningen till utebliven byggnation gällande dessa beror till stor del på att marknaden inte är tillräckligt stark. Det kan även bero på att byggrätten är en del av en etapputbyggnad. Byggbolag planerar för att hela tiden ha ett kontinuerligt flöde i produktionen och ha möjlighet att sysselsätta företagets anställda.
I en del fall kan det vara aktuellt med åtgärder för att byggrätter ska utnyttjas. Några tänkbara åtgärder mot outnyttjade byggrätter är att öka kostnaden för att äga dessa samt kartlägga omfattningen av outnyttjade byggrätter. Den mest triviala lösningen borde trots allt rimligtvis vara att invänta marknaden då outnyttjade byggrätter inte är att anse som ett stort problem. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Persson, Emil LU and Jonsson, Joel LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- Undeveloped building rights for apartment buildings - Does it occur and why?
- course
- VFTM01 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Byggrätter, outnyttjad mark, detaljplan, fastighet, exploatering, genomförandetid
- other publication id
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8988655
- date added to LUP
- 2019-06-28 09:28:30
- date last changed
- 2019-06-28 09:28:30
@misc{8988655, abstract = {{In the public report, Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande, a research was made to find out how the utilization of undeveloped building rights could be made more efficient. However, the material on which the research was based was found insufficient, which created the idea for this report. To what extent do undeveloped building rights occur and what are the reasons? The purpose of this report is to examine if undeveloped building rights regarding apartment buildings exists and to identify what the reasons may be. Furthermore, proposals will be discussed on how municipalities can work to try to prevent this. The focus of this report is on the Skåne region and the municipalities studied are Malmö, Lund, Helsingborg, Kristianstad, Landskrona, Staffanstorp, Ystad and Eslöv. To achieve the purpose, a number of questions have been formulated. These are examined in the report through a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part mainly consists of literature studies. The empirical survey consists of mapping and reporting the existence of undeveloped building rights within the municipalities. This is followed up by a qualitative interview study made with property owners and municipalities. The result of this report shows that undeveloped building rights exists to some extent. On the other hand, the result implies that this is not perceived as a problem in the same extent to which it is described in Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande. This is confirmed by the surveyed municipalities, who do not consider undeveloped building rights being a major problem. In addition, the data material clarifies that it is a minor proportion of building rights which have expired implementation time. Explanations can be found to why some building rights have remained undeveloped for a long time. In some cases, these properties are being used for alternative purposes, for example in the form of parking area, garden etc. This mainly applies to smaller building rights with private persons as owners. Major building rights are essentially owned by construction companies or municipalities, and the reason for these properties remaining undeveloped is largely due to the fact that the market is not as solid as needed. Another reason can be that the building right is part of an ongoing larger development. Construction companies are planning to constantly have a continuous flow in production, giving an opportunity to keep the employees busy. In some cases, measures may be required for building rights to be utilized. Some possible measures against undeveloped building rights are to increase the cost of owning them and gather information regarding the extent of undeveloped building rights. However, since undeveloped building rights is not considered a big problem, the most reasonable solution is probably just to await a more solid market.}}, author = {{Persson, Emil and Jonsson, Joel}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Outnyttjade byggrätter för flerbostadshus - Förekommer det och varför?}}, year = {{2019}}, }