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LUP Student Papers


Samordning av konsulter i projekteringsfasen

Olsson, Josefine LU (2019) In TVBP VBEM01 20191
Construction Management
Abstract (Swedish)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjliga situationer där kvalitetsbristkostnader uppkommer och de former av samordning som kan användas för konsulter i projekteringsfasen. Detta för att möjliggöra slutsatser kring hur ett projekts samordning av konsulter bör utformas för att minimera kvalitetsbristkostnader i projekteringsfasen. Målsättningen är att uppmärksamma de områden där man kan utveckla arbetssätt för att effektivisera arbetet och minska de kvalitetsbristkostnader som uppkommer, men som hade kunnat förebyggas.

Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie hos ett konsultföretag där konsulterna har jobbat i projekt med olika former av samordning. Empirin består av en förstudie, i form av observationer, som tillsammans med teorin... (More)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjliga situationer där kvalitetsbristkostnader uppkommer och de former av samordning som kan användas för konsulter i projekteringsfasen. Detta för att möjliggöra slutsatser kring hur ett projekts samordning av konsulter bör utformas för att minimera kvalitetsbristkostnader i projekteringsfasen. Målsättningen är att uppmärksamma de områden där man kan utveckla arbetssätt för att effektivisera arbetet och minska de kvalitetsbristkostnader som uppkommer, men som hade kunnat förebyggas.

Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie hos ett konsultföretag där konsulterna har jobbat i projekt med olika former av samordning. Empirin består av en förstudie, i form av observationer, som tillsammans med teorin användes som förberedelse inför de kvalitativa intervjuer som hölls med konsulter som arbetat med de två former av samordning som undersöks. Utöver de kvalitativa intervjuerna gjordes även en dokumentstudie av företagets relevanta rutiner kring samordning, kvalitet och erfarenhetsåterföring.

Inställningen till de olika formerna av samordning skiljer sig åt. Vilken form av samordning som upplevs som mest positiv beror dels på hur individen föredrar att arbeta och kompetensen som den enskilde besitter och dels på projektet. Vid större och mer komplexa projekt är behovet av samordning av de olika disciplinernas konsulter högre än vid mindre komplexa projekt, då kan det vara fördelaktigt att samla alla discipliner för att minimera tidsfördröjningar. I vissa projekt kan konsulter behöva stort stöd från övriga i projekteringsgruppen på grund av samordningen och då är det fördelaktigt om den finns nära till hands. Om den form av samordning som ska användas är att konsulterna sitter på en gemensam arbetsplats så kräver det att arbetsmiljön är god.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader är ett begrepp som inte verkar vara så välkänt och därmed behöver man börja med att utbilda medarbetarna för att förstå begreppet och dess innebörd så att dess användningsområden ska kunna ge resultat. Annars är det lätt att missuppfatta att det är kvalitet som kostar, vilket inte är fallet. Arbetet med kvalitetsbristkostnader varierar beroende på projekt och de som är inblandade i varje enskilt projekt. Om det finns en medveten projektorganisation med erfarenhet kring vad följderna blir av att kvalitetsbristkostnader inte uppmärksammas tidigt så kan man jobba proaktivt, dock är detta oftast inte fallet. Man arbetar inte så mycket med att informera vad kostnaderna blir om det krävs ändringar efter att bygghandlingar skickats ut, så insikten om hur mycket dyrare det kan bli är inte alltid så stor.

Arbetet med erfarenhetsåterföring varierar väldigt, men det vanligaste är att den inte sker i projekteringsgruppen och det fungerar därmed inte optimalt i dagsläget. Varje person tar individuellt med sig erfarenhet från varje projekt som den deltar i men den gemensamma erfarenhetsåterföringen sker inte alltid. Det finns riktlinjer och mallar som stöd för att genomföra erfarenhetsåterföring men dessa behöver förtydligas och systematiseras. Erfarenhetsåterföring kring form av samordning kan ingå i återkopplingen alternativt sker det inte eller förs ned skriftligt. Det är upp till den som ansvarar för erfarenhetsåterföringen i varje projekt att bedöma vad som ska ingå och då är det inte säkert att detta inkluderas. Det visar därmed att det behövs ett förtydligande eller specificering av hur återkoppling kring form av samordning ska ske. (Less)
The purpose of the study is to investigate possible situations where costs of poor quality arise and the form of coordination that is used for consultants during the design phase. Through this being able to draw conclusions on how the consultants of a project should be coordinated to minimize the cost of poor quality during the design phase. The objective is to highlight on the areas where working methods can be further developed to increase efficiency and reduce the costs of poor quality that occur, but which could have been prevented.

The study has been conducted as a case study at a consulting company where the consultants have worked on projects with varying forms of coordination. The empirical study consists of a preliminary... (More)
The purpose of the study is to investigate possible situations where costs of poor quality arise and the form of coordination that is used for consultants during the design phase. Through this being able to draw conclusions on how the consultants of a project should be coordinated to minimize the cost of poor quality during the design phase. The objective is to highlight on the areas where working methods can be further developed to increase efficiency and reduce the costs of poor quality that occur, but which could have been prevented.

The study has been conducted as a case study at a consulting company where the consultants have worked on projects with varying forms of coordination. The empirical study consists of a preliminary study, in the form of observations, which, together with the theory, were used as a preparation for the qualitative interviews. The interviews were held with consultants who previously worked with the two forms of coordination that are being investigated. In addition to the qualitative interviews, a document study of the company’s relevant routines regarding coordination, quality and experience feedback was conducted.

The approach to the different forms of coordination during projects varies. The favored kind of coordination depends partly on how the individual prefers to work and the expertise that the individual possesses and partly on the specific project. The need for coordination of the various disciplines’ consultants is higher for larger and more complex projects than it is for less complex projects, and then it can be advantageous to assemble all disciplines in one space to minimize time delays. In some projects a higher level of support may be needed from the design team because of the coordination and at such times it is advantageous if the group is close by. If the coordination requires that the consultants share a common workspace then it is important that the work environment is good.

Cost of poor quality is not a concept that is well-known, and therefore it is important to start educating employees to understand the concept and its meaning so that prevention can yield results. Otherwise, it is easy to misunderstand and think that it is quality that costs, which is not the case. The work with cost of poor quality varies depending on the project and those involved in each individual project. If the project organization is conscious and has experience of what the consequences are if cost of poor quality is not noticed early on, then work can be performed proactively, however, this is not usually the case. Effort is not very focused on informing what the costs result are if there are required changes that need to be done after construction documents have been sent out, therefore, the understanding of how much more expensive the projects can turn out is not always that great.

How experience feedback is done varies, but the most common is that it does not occur within the project team, and therefore it cannot be considered to function optimally today. Each individual collect experience from each project and bring it with them into new projects, however, experience feedback as a group does not always take place. There are guidelines and templates in place to support the implementation of experience feedback, but these need to be clarified and systematized. Experience feedback regarding the form of coordination that is used in projects is either included in the feedback alternatively is not performed or documented. It is up to the person who is responsible for the experience feedback in each project to assess what should be included, and that makes it uncertain if that will be included. This shows that there is a need for clarification or specification of how feedback about the form of coordination should take place. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Olsson, Josefine LU
VBEM01 20191
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Kvalitetsbristkostnad, Samordning, Erfarenhetsåterföring, Projekteringsfas, Effektivisering
report number
additional info
Handledare: Stefan Olander
Examinator: Radlinah Aulin
date added to LUP
2019-07-03 11:42:37
date last changed
2019-10-07 13:35:24
  abstract     = {{The purpose of the study is to investigate possible situations where costs of poor quality arise and the form of coordination that is used for consultants during the design phase. Through this being able to draw conclusions on how the consultants of a project should be coordinated to minimize the cost of poor quality during the design phase. The objective is to highlight on the areas where working methods can be further developed to increase efficiency and reduce the costs of poor quality that occur, but which could have been prevented. 

The study has been conducted as a case study at a consulting company where the consultants have worked on projects with varying forms of coordination. The empirical study consists of a preliminary study, in the form of observations, which, together with the theory, were used as a preparation for the qualitative interviews. The interviews were held with consultants who previously worked with the two forms of coordination that are being investigated. In addition to the qualitative interviews, a document study of the company’s relevant routines regarding coordination, quality and experience feedback was conducted. 

The approach to the different forms of coordination during projects varies. The favored kind of coordination depends partly on how the individual prefers to work and the expertise that the individual possesses and partly on the specific project. The need for coordination of the various disciplines’ consultants is higher for larger and more complex projects than it is for less complex projects, and then it can be advantageous to assemble all disciplines in one space to minimize time delays. In some projects a higher level of support may be needed from the design team because of the coordination and at such times it is advantageous if the group is close by. If the coordination requires that the consultants share a common workspace then it is important that the work environment is good. 

Cost of poor quality is not a concept that is well-known, and therefore it is important to start educating employees to understand the concept and its meaning so that prevention can yield results. Otherwise, it is easy to misunderstand and think that it is quality that costs, which is not the case. The work with cost of poor quality varies depending on the project and those involved in each individual project. If the project organization is conscious and has experience of what the consequences are if cost of poor quality is not noticed early on, then work can be performed proactively, however, this is not usually the case. Effort is not very focused on informing what the costs result are if there are required changes that need to be done after construction documents have been sent out, therefore, the understanding of how much more expensive the projects can turn out is not always that great.

How experience feedback is done varies, but the most common is that it does not occur within the project team, and therefore it cannot be considered to function optimally today. Each individual collect experience from each project and bring it with them into new projects, however, experience feedback as a group does not always take place. There are guidelines and templates in place to support the implementation of experience feedback, but these need to be clarified and systematized. Experience feedback regarding the form of coordination that is used in projects is either included in the feedback alternatively is not performed or documented. It is up to the person who is responsible for the experience feedback in each project to assess what should be included, and that makes it uncertain if that will be included. This shows that there is a need for clarification or specification of how feedback about the form of coordination should take place.}},
  author       = {{Olsson, Josefine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{TVBP}},
  title        = {{Samordning av konsulter i projekteringsfasen}},
  year         = {{2019}},