Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt - Fallet Thomas Quick utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
(2019) LAGF03 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract
- In recent years, the prosecutor's duty to act objectively has received special attention due to the case of Thomas Quick. During the 90’s, Quick confessed to over 30 murders, of which he was convicted for eight of them. However, all this changed in the year of 2008 when he took back his confessions. This led to a number of re-trials, where Quick eventually was cleared from all charges. Extensive criticism against the criminal proceedings has been made in both courts and the media. Against this background, the Bergwall Commission ruled that the duty to act objectively was waived in numerous cases by the prosecutor. The duty to act objectively is a fundamental principle in criminal law and forms a cornerstone in the prosecutor's role. The... (More)
- In recent years, the prosecutor's duty to act objectively has received special attention due to the case of Thomas Quick. During the 90’s, Quick confessed to over 30 murders, of which he was convicted for eight of them. However, all this changed in the year of 2008 when he took back his confessions. This led to a number of re-trials, where Quick eventually was cleared from all charges. Extensive criticism against the criminal proceedings has been made in both courts and the media. Against this background, the Bergwall Commission ruled that the duty to act objectively was waived in numerous cases by the prosecutor. The duty to act objectively is a fundamental principle in criminal law and forms a cornerstone in the prosecutor's role. The principle aims to guarantee the legal security for individuals and places high demands on the prosecutor.
The main purpose of this essay is to examine the prosecutor's duty to act objectively and in what way it is important for the legal security. Therefore, the thesis mainly describes the duty of objectivity. Nonetheless, acknowledgments are also dealt with briefly. Moreover, the essay investigates the Bergwall Commission’s report and what is has led to. The thesis is characterized by a legal security perspective.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis is that the prosecutor's duty to observe objectivity is very far-reaching and in principle without exceptions. There is a strong connection between the duty and the individual's legal certainty. Therefore, deficiencies in complying with the duty of objectivity can have serious consequences for the legal security. Furthermore, it is stated that the Bergwall Commission's report has led to several changes within the Prosecutor's Office. Finally, the essay also discusses problems that may arise when fulfilling the duty of objectivity and possible necessary changes. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt har under de senaste åren blivit särskilt uppmärksammad med anledning av Thomas Quick-fallet. Under 90-talet erkände Quick ett 30-tal mord, varav han blev dömd för åtta av dem. Emellertid förändrades allt år 2008 när Quick tog tillbaka sina erkännanden. Detta ledde till ett antal omprövningar, där han så småningom blev friad från samtliga åtal. I såväl domstolar som media har det framförts omfattande kritik av brottmålsprocesserna. Mot denna bakgrund fastslog Bergwallkommissionen att den lagstadgade objektivitetsplikten frångåtts i åtskilliga fall av åklagaren i Quick-fallet. Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt är en grundläggande princip inom straffprocessrätten och utgör en hörnsten i åklagarrollen. Principen... (More)
- Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt har under de senaste åren blivit särskilt uppmärksammad med anledning av Thomas Quick-fallet. Under 90-talet erkände Quick ett 30-tal mord, varav han blev dömd för åtta av dem. Emellertid förändrades allt år 2008 när Quick tog tillbaka sina erkännanden. Detta ledde till ett antal omprövningar, där han så småningom blev friad från samtliga åtal. I såväl domstolar som media har det framförts omfattande kritik av brottmålsprocesserna. Mot denna bakgrund fastslog Bergwallkommissionen att den lagstadgade objektivitetsplikten frångåtts i åtskilliga fall av åklagaren i Quick-fallet. Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt är en grundläggande princip inom straffprocessrätten och utgör en hörnsten i åklagarrollen. Principen syftar till att garantera rättssäkerheten för den enskilde och ställer höga krav på åklagaren.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka åklagarens objektivitetsplikt och på vilket sätt denna är viktig för rättssäkerheten. Därför redogör uppsatsen främst för åklagarens objektivitetsplikt, men även erkännanden behandlas kort. Vidare undersöks Bergwallkommissionens rapport och vad denna har lett till. Uppsatsen präglas därutöver av ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv.
Slutsatsen som kan dras av analysen är att åklagarens skyldighet att iaktta objektivitet är mycket långtgående och i princip undantagslös. Dessutom finns det ett starkt samband mellan objektivitetsplikten och den enskildes rättssäkerhet. Därav riskerar brister vid iakttagandet av objektivitetsplikten att få allvarliga konsekvenser för rättssäkerheten. Vidare konstateras att Bergwallkommissionens rapport lett till ett flertal förändringsarbeten inom Åklagarmyndigheten. Slutligen, diskuteras även problem som kan uppstå vid uppfyllandet av objektivitetsplikten och möjliga förändringsbehov. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Roth, Tina LU
- supervisor
- Tova Bennet LU
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Straffrätt, Objektivitetsplikt, Åklagare, Quick, Rättssäkerhet
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8999033
- date added to LUP
- 2020-03-28 10:56:52
- date last changed
- 2020-03-28 10:56:52
@misc{8999033, abstract = {{In recent years, the prosecutor's duty to act objectively has received special attention due to the case of Thomas Quick. During the 90’s, Quick confessed to over 30 murders, of which he was convicted for eight of them. However, all this changed in the year of 2008 when he took back his confessions. This led to a number of re-trials, where Quick eventually was cleared from all charges. Extensive criticism against the criminal proceedings has been made in both courts and the media. Against this background, the Bergwall Commission ruled that the duty to act objectively was waived in numerous cases by the prosecutor. The duty to act objectively is a fundamental principle in criminal law and forms a cornerstone in the prosecutor's role. The principle aims to guarantee the legal security for individuals and places high demands on the prosecutor. The main purpose of this essay is to examine the prosecutor's duty to act objectively and in what way it is important for the legal security. Therefore, the thesis mainly describes the duty of objectivity. Nonetheless, acknowledgments are also dealt with briefly. Moreover, the essay investigates the Bergwall Commission’s report and what is has led to. The thesis is characterized by a legal security perspective. The conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis is that the prosecutor's duty to observe objectivity is very far-reaching and in principle without exceptions. There is a strong connection between the duty and the individual's legal certainty. Therefore, deficiencies in complying with the duty of objectivity can have serious consequences for the legal security. Furthermore, it is stated that the Bergwall Commission's report has led to several changes within the Prosecutor's Office. Finally, the essay also discusses problems that may arise when fulfilling the duty of objectivity and possible necessary changes.}}, author = {{Roth, Tina}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Åklagarens objektivitetsplikt - Fallet Thomas Quick utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv}}, year = {{2019}}, }