Ung och dum - en anledning till straffnedsättning? - Rättsvetenskaplig uppsats om ungdomsrabatten
(2019) LAGF03 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Denna uppsats behandlar ungdomsrabatten i 29 kap. 7 § brottsbalken (1962:700). Ungdomsrabatten är en reduktion som särbehandlar unga lagöverträdare i åldrarna 15–20 år vid straffmätningen. Den unge lagöverträdaren får ett avdrag på straffet baserat på dennes ålder vid gärningstillfället. Ungdomsrabatten är sedan länge en rättstradition i Sverige, men den har under lång tid kritiserats. På senare år har en diskussion förts kring ett avskaffande av rabatten.
Uppsatsen, som är skriven med en rättsdogmatisk metod, ämnar diskutera och analysera hur ungdomsrabatten förhåller sig till principen om relativ proportionalitet och skuldprincipen. 1989 års påföljdsreform är den straffrättsliga reform som skapade förutsättningar för att se... (More) - Denna uppsats behandlar ungdomsrabatten i 29 kap. 7 § brottsbalken (1962:700). Ungdomsrabatten är en reduktion som särbehandlar unga lagöverträdare i åldrarna 15–20 år vid straffmätningen. Den unge lagöverträdaren får ett avdrag på straffet baserat på dennes ålder vid gärningstillfället. Ungdomsrabatten är sedan länge en rättstradition i Sverige, men den har under lång tid kritiserats. På senare år har en diskussion förts kring ett avskaffande av rabatten.
Uppsatsen, som är skriven med en rättsdogmatisk metod, ämnar diskutera och analysera hur ungdomsrabatten förhåller sig till principen om relativ proportionalitet och skuldprincipen. 1989 års påföljdsreform är den straffrättsliga reform som skapade förutsättningar för att se påföljdsbestämmelserna på ett strukturerat sätt. Reformen förde in de nya begreppen straffvärde och straffmätning, som tillsammans har en stor betydelse för bestämmelsen av påföljd. Ungdomsrabatten aktualiseras vid straffmätningen.
I uppsatsen presenteras att outvecklad ansvarsförmåga, större sanktionskänslighet och samhällets behov av att visa större tolerans gentemot ungdomar, är anledningarna till att unga lagöverträdare särbehandlas.
Vidare ges en inblick i den politiska debatten om ungdomsrabatten. Regeringen har presenterat förslag att slopa delar av rabatten medan en del partier vill se tuffare åtgärder, och andra vill behålla rabatten. Därefter presenteras det ökande grova våldet hos unga människor i kriminella miljöer och utnyttjandet av dessa unga individer att utföra kriminella gärningar.
Slutligen diskuteras svaren på uppsatsens syfte och frågeställning i den analyserande delen. Ungdomsrabatten är en generell reduktionssats som enbart baseras på den tilltalades ålder vid gärningstillfället och som saknar legitimitet med hänvisning till principerna om relativ proportionalitet och skuld. Ungdomar kan fortfarande, enligt principerna, erhålla ett lindrigare straffmätningsvärde med hänsyn till deras ålder, men det borde vara upp till domstolen att avgöra om åldern verkligen påverkar det brottsliga handlandet vid varje enskilt fall. (Less) - Abstract
- This thesis addresses the reduced sentence for juveniles in Chapter 29 Section 7 of the Swedish Penal Code (1962:700). The reduced sentence for juveniles is a reduction which targets young offenders aged 15–20 years when meting out of punishment. The young offender receives a reduction of the punishment based on the age of the criminal offender at the time of the crime. The reduced sentence for juveniles is part of a long judicial tradition in Sweden, however, it has been criticized during its existence. In recent years, the question of annulling the reduced sentence for juveniles has been discussed.
The thesis, which is written in accordance with the conventional legal method, intends to discuss and analyze how the reduced sentence... (More) - This thesis addresses the reduced sentence for juveniles in Chapter 29 Section 7 of the Swedish Penal Code (1962:700). The reduced sentence for juveniles is a reduction which targets young offenders aged 15–20 years when meting out of punishment. The young offender receives a reduction of the punishment based on the age of the criminal offender at the time of the crime. The reduced sentence for juveniles is part of a long judicial tradition in Sweden, however, it has been criticized during its existence. In recent years, the question of annulling the reduced sentence for juveniles has been discussed.
The thesis, which is written in accordance with the conventional legal method, intends to discuss and analyze how the reduced sentence for juveniles relates to the principle of relative proportionality and the principle of guilt. The reform regarding sanctions from 1989 made the regulations of sanctions more structural. The reform introduced the new terms penal value and meting out of punishment and together, these terms has a great significance when deciding the punishment. The reduced sentence for juveniles becomes relevant when meting out of punishment.
In the thesis, it is presented that the undeveloped ability to responsibility, a greater sensitivity towards sanctions and the need for society to show more tolerance towards adolescents, are the reasons why juveniles receives a special treatment.
Furthermore, this thesis provides with an insight of the political debate regarding the reduced sentence for juveniles. The government have presented proposals to abolish parts of the reduced sentence for juveniles, while other political parties wants to see tougher actions, others wants to keep the reduced sentences for juveniles. After this section, the increasing numbers of violent crimes of juveniles in criminal environments and the exploitation of the youth to execute criminal actions will be introduced.
Lastly, the answer of the thesis’ purpose and the framing of question is discussed in the analyzing section. The reduced sentence for juveniles is a general reduction based only on the age of the defendant at the time of the criminal act and it lacks legitimacy in accordance with the principle of relative proportionality and the principle of guilt. Juveniles can still, in accordance with the principles, receive a milder meting out of punishment, considering their age. However, the court should determine if the criminal act is influenced by the age in each case. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Lagerström, Philip LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Straffrätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8999727
- date added to LUP
- 2020-04-04 16:59:57
- date last changed
- 2020-04-04 16:59:57
@misc{8999727, abstract = {{This thesis addresses the reduced sentence for juveniles in Chapter 29 Section 7 of the Swedish Penal Code (1962:700). The reduced sentence for juveniles is a reduction which targets young offenders aged 15–20 years when meting out of punishment. The young offender receives a reduction of the punishment based on the age of the criminal offender at the time of the crime. The reduced sentence for juveniles is part of a long judicial tradition in Sweden, however, it has been criticized during its existence. In recent years, the question of annulling the reduced sentence for juveniles has been discussed. The thesis, which is written in accordance with the conventional legal method, intends to discuss and analyze how the reduced sentence for juveniles relates to the principle of relative proportionality and the principle of guilt. The reform regarding sanctions from 1989 made the regulations of sanctions more structural. The reform introduced the new terms penal value and meting out of punishment and together, these terms has a great significance when deciding the punishment. The reduced sentence for juveniles becomes relevant when meting out of punishment. In the thesis, it is presented that the undeveloped ability to responsibility, a greater sensitivity towards sanctions and the need for society to show more tolerance towards adolescents, are the reasons why juveniles receives a special treatment. Furthermore, this thesis provides with an insight of the political debate regarding the reduced sentence for juveniles. The government have presented proposals to abolish parts of the reduced sentence for juveniles, while other political parties wants to see tougher actions, others wants to keep the reduced sentences for juveniles. After this section, the increasing numbers of violent crimes of juveniles in criminal environments and the exploitation of the youth to execute criminal actions will be introduced. Lastly, the answer of the thesis’ purpose and the framing of question is discussed in the analyzing section. The reduced sentence for juveniles is a general reduction based only on the age of the defendant at the time of the criminal act and it lacks legitimacy in accordance with the principle of relative proportionality and the principle of guilt. Juveniles can still, in accordance with the principles, receive a milder meting out of punishment, considering their age. However, the court should determine if the criminal act is influenced by the age in each case.}}, author = {{Lagerström, Philip}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Ung och dum - en anledning till straffnedsättning? - Rättsvetenskaplig uppsats om ungdomsrabatten}}, year = {{2019}}, }