Umgängessabotagets betydelse i vårdnadstvister
(2019) LAGF03 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract
- Disputes involving the custody of children often poses complex judicial questions for the court. Often, answers cannot be found only in the law and therefore the court must also take social investigations into account. The law states that the best interests of the child must be decisive for all decisions regarding custody, residence, and visitation. It also states that the child's contact with both parents must be considered in the assessment of the child's best interests. This means that if one of the parents counteracts the contact between the child and the other parent, exercises so-called visitation sabotage, this indicates that the other parent should receive custody of the child. Another factor that must be considered when assessing... (More)
- Disputes involving the custody of children often poses complex judicial questions for the court. Often, answers cannot be found only in the law and therefore the court must also take social investigations into account. The law states that the best interests of the child must be decisive for all decisions regarding custody, residence, and visitation. It also states that the child's contact with both parents must be considered in the assessment of the child's best interests. This means that if one of the parents counteracts the contact between the child and the other parent, exercises so-called visitation sabotage, this indicates that the other parent should receive custody of the child. Another factor that must be considered when assessing the best interests of the child is the risk of the child or someone else in the family being harmed.
In 2019, there was a judgment from Svea Court of Appeal, T 11396–17, where a father received custody of his children because the mother was exercising visitation sabotage, even though he served a prison sentence for abuse of the children a few years earlier. The main purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the court's application of the law in custody disputes corresponds with the best interests of the child. To investigate this, I have examined ten court judgments relating to this type of dispute. The investigation shows that the court puts considerable emphasis on visitation sabotage and less emphasis on the risk of the child or someone in the family being harmed. My investigation shows that in three out of the ten cases, one of the parents has been convicted of assaulting either one of the children or the other parent. In neither of these cases did the court consider that the parent was an inappropriate guardian. Instead of a thorough examination of the risk of the parent being violent again, the court investigates the visitation sabotage and other circumstances.
It is necessary that the legal text has a flexible wording for the assessment to be adapted to the individual child. I do not think that the structure of the legislation needs to be changed, but that the application of the law by the courts needs to be reviewed. To make the application in the courts correspond with the best interests of the child, I believe that the court should pay greater attention to the motives behind visitation sabotage, especially when there is a judgment of violence or abuse. I also think that a special court should be introduced for cases concerning children to achieve a more appropriate and uniform application of the best interests of the child. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Tvister som rör vårdnad av barn ger ofta upphov till svåra bedömningsfrågor för domstolarna. Ofta går svaren inte att finna enbart i lagen utan domstolen måste även beakta sociala utredningar. I 6 kap. 2 a § FB framgår att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I samma paragraf framgår det att barnets kontakt med båda föräldrar ska beaktas i bedömningen av barnets bästa. Detta innebär att om en av föräldrarna motarbetar barnets kontakt med den andra föräldern, d.v.s. utövar s.k. umgängessabotage, talar detta för att den andra föräldern ska få ensam vårdnad. En annan omständighet som ska beaktas vid bedömningen av barnets bästa är risken att barnet eller någon annan i familjen far illa.
Under... (More) - Tvister som rör vårdnad av barn ger ofta upphov till svåra bedömningsfrågor för domstolarna. Ofta går svaren inte att finna enbart i lagen utan domstolen måste även beakta sociala utredningar. I 6 kap. 2 a § FB framgår att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I samma paragraf framgår det att barnets kontakt med båda föräldrar ska beaktas i bedömningen av barnets bästa. Detta innebär att om en av föräldrarna motarbetar barnets kontakt med den andra föräldern, d.v.s. utövar s.k. umgängessabotage, talar detta för att den andra föräldern ska få ensam vårdnad. En annan omständighet som ska beaktas vid bedömningen av barnets bästa är risken att barnet eller någon annan i familjen far illa.
Under 2019 kom en dom från Svea hovrätt, T 11396–17, där en pappa fick ensam vårdnad av parternas barn p.g.a. att mamman utövade umgängessabotage, trots att han några år tidigare avtjänat ett fängelsestraff för misshandel av barnen. Därav har denna uppsats som huvudsakligt syfte att utreda om domstolens tillämpning av rätten i vårdnadstvister där den ena parten ägnar sig åt umgängessabotage överensstämmer med barnets bästa. För att utreda detta har jag granskat tio hovrättsdomar i den typ av tvist. Granskningen visar att domstolen lägger avsevärd vikt vid umgängessabotage, och mindre vikt vid risken att barnet eller någon i familjen far illa. Min utredning visar att i tre av de tio fallen har en av föräldrarna blivit dömda för misshandel av antingen något av barnen eller av den andra föräldern. Inte i någon av dessa fall ansåg domstolen att föräldern var en olämplig vårdnadshavare. Istället för en grundlig undersökning av risken för att föräldern agerar våldsamt eller olämpligt igen, fokuserar domstolen på den andra förälderns umgängessabotage och andra omständigheter.
Det är nödvändigt att lagtexten på området har en flexibel formulering för att bedömningen ska kunna anpassas till det enskilda barnet. Jag anser således inte att lagstiftningens utformning behöver ändras, men att domstolens tillämpning av lagen behöver ses över. För att tillämpningen i domstolarna ska stå i linje med barnets bästa anser jag att domstolen i större utsträckning bör ta hänsyn till motiven bakom ett umgängessabotage, speciellt när det grundar sig i en dom för misshandel eller övergrepp. Jag föreslår också att det inrättas en specialdomstol för tvister som rör barn för att nå en mer ändamålsenlig och enhetlig tillämpning av barnets bästa. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Gröön, Astrid LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Familjerätt, Vårdnad, Umgängessabotage
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8999825
- date added to LUP
- 2020-04-05 13:20:43
- date last changed
- 2020-04-05 13:20:43
@misc{8999825, abstract = {{Disputes involving the custody of children often poses complex judicial questions for the court. Often, answers cannot be found only in the law and therefore the court must also take social investigations into account. The law states that the best interests of the child must be decisive for all decisions regarding custody, residence, and visitation. It also states that the child's contact with both parents must be considered in the assessment of the child's best interests. This means that if one of the parents counteracts the contact between the child and the other parent, exercises so-called visitation sabotage, this indicates that the other parent should receive custody of the child. Another factor that must be considered when assessing the best interests of the child is the risk of the child or someone else in the family being harmed. In 2019, there was a judgment from Svea Court of Appeal, T 11396–17, where a father received custody of his children because the mother was exercising visitation sabotage, even though he served a prison sentence for abuse of the children a few years earlier. The main purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the court's application of the law in custody disputes corresponds with the best interests of the child. To investigate this, I have examined ten court judgments relating to this type of dispute. The investigation shows that the court puts considerable emphasis on visitation sabotage and less emphasis on the risk of the child or someone in the family being harmed. My investigation shows that in three out of the ten cases, one of the parents has been convicted of assaulting either one of the children or the other parent. In neither of these cases did the court consider that the parent was an inappropriate guardian. Instead of a thorough examination of the risk of the parent being violent again, the court investigates the visitation sabotage and other circumstances. It is necessary that the legal text has a flexible wording for the assessment to be adapted to the individual child. I do not think that the structure of the legislation needs to be changed, but that the application of the law by the courts needs to be reviewed. To make the application in the courts correspond with the best interests of the child, I believe that the court should pay greater attention to the motives behind visitation sabotage, especially when there is a judgment of violence or abuse. I also think that a special court should be introduced for cases concerning children to achieve a more appropriate and uniform application of the best interests of the child.}}, author = {{Gröön, Astrid}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Umgängessabotagets betydelse i vårdnadstvister}}, year = {{2019}}, }