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Digitalisering, formkrav och fastighetsöverlåtelser

Lindström, Adam LU (2019) LAGF03 20192
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The real estate market in Sweden has a turnover of approximately 100,000 properties with a total value of 300 billion SEK. The impact of the property transfers on the individual and at the community level cannot be underestimated. The digitalisation trend has had a major impact on this industry internationally and in Norway, legislative changes have been made to adapt the property transfer to the modern and digitized player. Norway's counterpart to the Lantmäteriet fully accepts digital documents and the time and financial savings and opportunities for added value have been high. In addition, the security tightening techniques have resulted in being good. In Sweden today, a property transfer must comply with the form requirements found in... (More)
The real estate market in Sweden has a turnover of approximately 100,000 properties with a total value of 300 billion SEK. The impact of the property transfers on the individual and at the community level cannot be underestimated. The digitalisation trend has had a major impact on this industry internationally and in Norway, legislative changes have been made to adapt the property transfer to the modern and digitized player. Norway's counterpart to the Lantmäteriet fully accepts digital documents and the time and financial savings and opportunities for added value have been high. In addition, the security tightening techniques have resulted in being good. In Sweden today, a property transfer must comply with the form requirements found in the fourth chapter of the jordabalken. A written purchase document must be drawn up with information on which property is intended, a transfer statement and specified purchase price, which will then be signed by both parties. In order for the buyer to gain a title deed directly, the signatures must also be witnessed by two witnesses. However, a resting deed speed can be allowed even without witnessed signing when a certain time has passed. The validity of a property transfer rests on the fulfillment of these formal requirements. The two technologies that are relevant to the Swedish property transfer today are the digital signature and blockchain technology. Blockchain is a technology that aims to create a tamper-free platform for agreements and information management and to verify events and users. Each user has two unique keys, which together ensure that a sender of information is the correct sender and that the information has not been manipulated since it was sent. The technology creates chains of information that are verified by other users in the network and cannot be falsified or subsequently manipulated. The technology also allows immediate access to information for all parties. Digital signatures are a proven and secure technology that allows a party to identify themselves using electronic identification and digitally sign documents. This technology is strong in evidence, as it is clear who has identified themselves, as long as the personal code is not known by others who possess the necessary technical assistance, usually a personal phone with a software installed. In Sweden today, there are a number of major players, including the Ministry of Trade and Industry and lanmäteriet, who want to see that Sweden takes the next step in digitization and makes the legislative changes required to make digital elements a part of the property transfer. They highlight savings in real money as a reason for digitization but also the reduced time wastage it would entail and the increased order and security it would entail. Lantmäteriet has, together with other players, carried out a real estate transfer entirely via blockchain, however parallel to a normal paper process to achieve legal effect, and believes that such transfer can be made entirely through the technology. The obstacle to a fully digitized process is the form requirements that a transfer must today be adapted to. Form requirements do not currently allow a transfer via blockchain, but as in the case of Norway, it is possible to achive harmonization between the form requirements and the digitized world in which we live today with small legislative changes. The desire for digitization exists, technology is available and the savings that can be achieved in time and money cannot be overlooked. All in all, the Swedish real estate market is willing and ready to move to a digitized process, and when the will is explicitly with the government, ministries, private players and authorities, it should be a matter of time before legislative proposals are submitted. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige omsätter ungefär 100.000 fastigheter till ett sammanlagt värde av 300 miljarder svenska kronor. Fastighetsöverlåtelsernas påverkan för individen och på samhällsnivå kan inte underskattas. Den digitaliserande trenden har påverkat denna bransch starkt internationellt och i Norge har lagändringar genomförts för att anpassa fastighetsöverlåtelsen till den moderna och digitaliserade aktören. Norges motsvarighet till Lantmäteriet accepterar digitala handlingar fullt ut och tids- och ekonomibesparingarna och möjligheterna till mervärdeskapande har varit höga. Dessutom har säkerhetsskärpningen teknikerna medfört varit fläckfria.
I Sverige idag måste en fastighetsöverlåtelse följa de formkrav som återfinns i... (More)
Fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige omsätter ungefär 100.000 fastigheter till ett sammanlagt värde av 300 miljarder svenska kronor. Fastighetsöverlåtelsernas påverkan för individen och på samhällsnivå kan inte underskattas. Den digitaliserande trenden har påverkat denna bransch starkt internationellt och i Norge har lagändringar genomförts för att anpassa fastighetsöverlåtelsen till den moderna och digitaliserade aktören. Norges motsvarighet till Lantmäteriet accepterar digitala handlingar fullt ut och tids- och ekonomibesparingarna och möjligheterna till mervärdeskapande har varit höga. Dessutom har säkerhetsskärpningen teknikerna medfört varit fläckfria.
I Sverige idag måste en fastighetsöverlåtelse följa de formkrav som återfinns i jordabalkens fjärde kapitel. En skriftlig köpehandling ska upprättas med uppgifter om vilken fastighet som avses, en överlåtelseförklaring och specificerad köpeskilling, som sedan ska signeras av båda parter. För att köparen ska få lagfart direkt, måste även signaturerna bevittnas av två vittnen. En vilande lagfart kan dock medges även utan bevittnad signering när en viss tid passerat. En fastighetsöverlåtelses giltighet vilar på att dessa formkrav uppfyllts.

De två teknikerna som är relevanta för den svenska fastighetsöverlåtelsen idag är den digitala signaturen och blockchainteknologin. Blockchain är en teknik som syftar till att skapa en manipuleringsfri liggare för avtal och informationshantering och verifiera händelser och användare. Varje användare har två unika nycklar, vilka tillsammans garanterar att en avsändare av information är den korrekta avsändaren och att informationen inte har manipulerats sedan den skickats. Tekniken skapar kedjor av information som verifieras av övriga användare i nätverket och inte kan förfalskas eller efterhands manipuleras. Tekniken medger även omedelbar informationstillgång för samtliga parter.
Digitala signaturer är en beprövad och säker teknik som möjliggör en part att identifiera sig med hjälp av elektronisk identifikation och signera dokument digitalt. Denna teknik är stark ur bevishänseende, då det står klart vem som identifierat sig, så länge inte den personliga koden är känd av annan som innehar det tekniska hjälpmedlet som krävs, oftast en personlig telefon med en programvara installerad.

I Sverige idag finns en rad stora aktörer, bland andra Näringsdepartementet och Lantmäteriet som vill se att Sverige tar nästa steg i digitaliseringen och gör de lagändringar som krävs för att låta digitala inslag bli en del av fastighetsöverlåtelsen. De lyfter fram besparingar i reda pengar som ett skäl till en digitalisering men även den minskade tidsspillan det skulle innebära och den förhöjda ordningen och säkerheten den skulle medföra.
Lantmäteriet har ihop med andra aktörer genomfört en fastighetsöverlåtelse helt via blockchain, dock parallellt med en gängse pappersprocess för att nå rättsverkan, och menar att en sådan överlåtelse kan göras fullt ut via tekniken. Hindret mot en helt digitaliserad process är de formkrav som en överlåtelse idag måste anpassas till. Formkraven tillåter idag inte en överlåtelse via blockchain men som i fallet Norge, är det möjligt att med små lagändringar öppna upp för en harmonisering mellan formkraven och den digitaliserade värld vi idag lever i.

Viljan till digitalisering finns, tekniken är tillgänglig och de besparingar som går att nå i tid och pengar kan inte förbises. Sammantaget är den svenska fastighetsmarknaden villig och redo att övergå till en digitaliserad process och då viljan uttryckligen finns hos regering, departement, privata aktörer och myndigheter, så bör det vara en tidsfråga innan lagförslag lämnas i ärendet. (Less)
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Lindström, Adam LU
LAGF03 20192
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2020-04-09 13:55:59
date last changed
2020-04-09 13:55:59
  abstract     = {{The real estate market in Sweden has a turnover of approximately 100,000 properties with a total value of 300 billion SEK. The impact of the property transfers on the individual and at the community level cannot be underestimated. The digitalisation trend has had a major impact on this industry internationally and in Norway, legislative changes have been made to adapt the property transfer to the modern and digitized player. Norway's counterpart to the Lantmäteriet fully accepts digital documents and the time and financial savings and opportunities for added value have been high. In addition, the security tightening techniques have resulted in being good. In Sweden today, a property transfer must comply with the form requirements found in the fourth chapter of the jordabalken. A written purchase document must be drawn up with information on which property is intended, a transfer statement and specified purchase price, which will then be signed by both parties. In order for the buyer to gain a title deed directly, the signatures must also be witnessed by two witnesses. However, a resting deed speed can be allowed even without witnessed signing when a certain time has passed. The validity of a property transfer rests on the fulfillment of these formal requirements. The two technologies that are relevant to the Swedish property transfer today are the digital signature and blockchain technology. Blockchain is a technology that aims to create a tamper-free platform for agreements and information management and to verify events and users. Each user has two unique keys, which together ensure that a sender of information is the correct sender and that the information has not been manipulated since it was sent. The technology creates chains of information that are verified by other users in the network and cannot be falsified or subsequently manipulated. The technology also allows immediate access to information for all parties. Digital signatures are a proven and secure technology that allows a party to identify themselves using electronic identification and digitally sign documents. This technology is strong in evidence, as it is clear who has identified themselves, as long as the personal code is not known by others who possess the necessary technical assistance, usually a personal phone with a software installed. In Sweden today, there are a number of major players, including the Ministry of Trade and Industry and lanmäteriet, who want to see that Sweden takes the next step in digitization and makes the legislative changes required to make digital elements a part of the property transfer. They highlight savings in real money as a reason for digitization but also the reduced time wastage it would entail and the increased order and security it would entail. Lantmäteriet has, together with other players, carried out a real estate transfer entirely via blockchain, however parallel to a normal paper process to achieve legal effect, and believes that such transfer can be made entirely through the technology. The obstacle to a fully digitized process is the form requirements that a transfer must today be adapted to. Form requirements do not currently allow a transfer via blockchain, but as in the case of Norway, it is possible to achive harmonization between the form requirements and the digitized world in which we live today with small legislative changes. The desire for digitization exists, technology is available and the savings that can be achieved in time and money cannot be overlooked. All in all, the Swedish real estate market is willing and ready to move to a digitized process, and when the will is explicitly with the government, ministries, private players and authorities, it should be a matter of time before legislative proposals are submitted.}},
  author       = {{Lindström, Adam}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Digitalisering, formkrav och fastighetsöverlåtelser}},
  year         = {{2019}},