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Faktorerna bakom den rättsliga bedömningen av självförvållat rus i förhållande till svensk alkoholpolitik

Kalludra, Egzon LU (2019) LAGF03 20192
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The regulation of culpability in self-induced intoxication situations has been discussed for at least a century. The most part of the doctrine of intoxication will be described through State investigations, court practice and doctrine in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not only to describe the development of the doctrine of intoxication, but to analyze the underlying causes to the doctrine’s development, based on Swedish alcohol policy.
The meaning of the provisions in a Royal Decree of 1841, in the 1864 Penal Code and subsequently in the present Penal Code has varied over time, and so has the development of the alcohol policy. The restrictive alcohol policy was forceful in the society in the early 1900s because of... (More)
The regulation of culpability in self-induced intoxication situations has been discussed for at least a century. The most part of the doctrine of intoxication will be described through State investigations, court practice and doctrine in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not only to describe the development of the doctrine of intoxication, but to analyze the underlying causes to the doctrine’s development, based on Swedish alcohol policy.
The meaning of the provisions in a Royal Decree of 1841, in the 1864 Penal Code and subsequently in the present Penal Code has varied over time, and so has the development of the alcohol policy. The restrictive alcohol policy was forceful in the society in the early 1900s because of the influence of the temperance movement. An impact can be reflected in current investigations made regarding self-induced intoxication. Arguments from a rational perspective were stated against combating intoxication, at least when crimes were committed while intoxicated. During the major part of the 1900s, the legal position was based on the fact that culpability, premeditation and negligence, could be waived to a certain extent. The criminal liability was consequently extended in case of self-induced intoxication. In NJA 1973 s. 590, the Supreme Court considered that the wording of the provision in the Penal Code 1:2 second paragraph regarding intoxication was in accordance with applicable law in the light of the preparatory history of the Penal Code. Some criticism was directed at the ruling with the view that the Supreme Court’s interpretation resulted in difficulty of process adjudication and exemption of fundamental criminal principles. After the ruling, a criminal policy change occurred and the rule of law became decisive in the assessment of culpability, i.a. because of Sweden’s membership of the European Union. A new ruling was passed in 2011 in which the Supreme Court changed the legal position and stated that a regular assessment of culpability should be made even in situations of self-induced intoxication.

Between the 1970s and the first decade of the 2000s, alcohol policy was also lively. Despite the pursuit of preventive measures, the society developed in a modern and international direction. Gradually, this resulted in a more liberal view of alcohol. As well as in the criminal law perspective, Sweden’s membership of the European Union has affected this extended liberal view. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Regleringen för skuldbedömningen vid självförvållad berusning har diskuterats i minst ett sekel. I arbetet förklaras större del av ruslärans rättsliga utveckling, genom statliga utredningar, praxis och doktrin. Syftet med arbetet är emellertid inte enbart att förklara ruslärans utveckling, utan även att parallellt analysera eventuella bakomliggande orsaker till ruslärans utveckling, med utgångspunkt i alkoholpolitiken.

Innebörden av rusbestämmelserna i en kunglig förordning från 1841, i 1864 års strafflag (SL) och sedermera i nuvarande brottsbalk (BrB) har varierat över tid och likaså utvecklingen av alkoholpolitiken. Restriktiv alkoholpolitik var ledande i början av 1900-talet p.g.a. nykterhetsrörelsens inflytande i samhället och en... (More)
Regleringen för skuldbedömningen vid självförvållad berusning har diskuterats i minst ett sekel. I arbetet förklaras större del av ruslärans rättsliga utveckling, genom statliga utredningar, praxis och doktrin. Syftet med arbetet är emellertid inte enbart att förklara ruslärans utveckling, utan även att parallellt analysera eventuella bakomliggande orsaker till ruslärans utveckling, med utgångspunkt i alkoholpolitiken.

Innebörden av rusbestämmelserna i en kunglig förordning från 1841, i 1864 års strafflag (SL) och sedermera i nuvarande brottsbalk (BrB) har varierat över tid och likaså utvecklingen av alkoholpolitiken. Restriktiv alkoholpolitik var ledande i början av 1900-talet p.g.a. nykterhetsrörelsens inflytande i samhället och en viss inverkan kan reflekteras i aktuella utredningar som gjordes beträffande självförvållat rus. Argument ur rationella ståndpunkter framfördes mot bekämpning av berusning, åtminstone under brott. Under 1900-talets större del utgick rättsläget från att skuld, uppsåt och oaktsamhet, i viss utsträckning kunde efterges. Följaktligen utökades straffansvaret vid självförvållat rus. I NJA 1973 s. 590 ansåg Högsta domstolen (HD) att ordalydelsen i rusbestämmelsen i BrB 1:2 st. 2 överensstämde med gällande rätt mot bakgrund av förarbetena till BrB. Viss kritik riktades mot avgörandet p.g.a. de tillämpningsproblem och undantag från grundläggande straffrättsliga principer som tolkningen resulterade i. Efter rättsfallet skedde en kriminalpolitisk kursförändring och rättsstatliga intressen blev avgörande grunder i bedömningen, bl.a. med anledning av Sveriges medlemskap i Europeiska unionen (EU). Ett nytt avgörande meddelades 2011 där HD förändrade rättsläget och konstaterade att en vanlig skuldbedömning skulle göras även vid självförvållad berusning.

Mellan 1970- och 2000-talets första årtionde var även alkoholpolitiken livlig. Trots strävan efter alkoholförebyggande åtgärder, utvecklades samhället i en modern och internationell riktning. Successivt medförde detta en mer liberal alkoholsyn. Sveriges EU-medlemskap är även i detta hänseende en faktor till en utvidgad liberal alkoholsyn. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Kalludra, Egzon LU
LAGF03 20192
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, straffrättsligt ansvar, självförvållat rus, rusläran
date added to LUP
2020-04-11 16:20:57
date last changed
2020-04-11 16:20:57
  abstract     = {{The regulation of culpability in self-induced intoxication situations has been discussed for at least a century. The most part of the doctrine of intoxication will be described through State investigations, court practice and doctrine in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not only to describe the development of the doctrine of intoxication, but to analyze the underlying causes to the doctrine’s development, based on Swedish alcohol policy.
The meaning of the provisions in a Royal Decree of 1841, in the 1864 Penal Code and subsequently in the present Penal Code has varied over time, and so has the development of the alcohol policy. The restrictive alcohol policy was forceful in the society in the early 1900s because of the influence of the temperance movement. An impact can be reflected in current investigations made regarding self-induced intoxication. Arguments from a rational perspective were stated against combating intoxication, at least when crimes were committed while intoxicated. During the major part of the 1900s, the legal position was based on the fact that culpability, premeditation and negligence, could be waived to a certain extent. The criminal liability was consequently extended in case of self-induced intoxication. In NJA 1973 s. 590, the Supreme Court considered that the wording of the provision in the Penal Code 1:2 second paragraph regarding intoxication was in accordance with applicable law in the light of the preparatory history of the Penal Code. Some criticism was directed at the ruling with the view that the Supreme Court’s interpretation resulted in difficulty of process adjudication and exemption of fundamental criminal principles. After the ruling, a criminal policy change occurred and the rule of law became decisive in the assessment of culpability, i.a. because of Sweden’s membership of the European Union. A new ruling was passed in 2011 in which the Supreme Court changed the legal position and stated that a regular assessment of culpability should be made even in situations of self-induced intoxication.

Between the 1970s and the first decade of the 2000s, alcohol policy was also lively. Despite the pursuit of preventive measures, the society developed in a modern and international direction. Gradually, this resulted in a more liberal view of alcohol. As well as in the criminal law perspective, Sweden’s membership of the European Union has affected this extended liberal view.}},
  author       = {{Kalludra, Egzon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Faktorerna bakom den rättsliga bedömningen av självförvållat rus i förhållande till svensk alkoholpolitik}},
  year         = {{2019}},