Pest eller kolera? - Om umgängessabotage och våld i bedömningen av barnets bästa
(2019) JURM02 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Den här uppsatsen är inspirerad av en omtalad dom från Svea Hovrätt som meddelades i februari 2019. Svea Hovrätt beslutade att tilldela en pappa ensam vårdnad om sina barn, trots att han ett par år tidigare dömdes till fängelse för att ha misshandlat dem. Anledningen till vårdnadsöverflyttningen var att mamman gjort sig skyldig till umgängessabotage. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda umgängessabotage i de situationer där den andra föräldern har utsatt barnet för fysiskt våld. Inom ramen för sitt syfte utreder uppsatsen även vad umgängessabotage innebär i praktiken och vad det faktum att föräldrarna utsatt barnet för fysiskt våld, respektive umgängessabotage, får för betydelse i bedömningen av barnets bästa.
Bestämmelserna som reglerar... (More) - Den här uppsatsen är inspirerad av en omtalad dom från Svea Hovrätt som meddelades i februari 2019. Svea Hovrätt beslutade att tilldela en pappa ensam vårdnad om sina barn, trots att han ett par år tidigare dömdes till fängelse för att ha misshandlat dem. Anledningen till vårdnadsöverflyttningen var att mamman gjort sig skyldig till umgängessabotage. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda umgängessabotage i de situationer där den andra föräldern har utsatt barnet för fysiskt våld. Inom ramen för sitt syfte utreder uppsatsen även vad umgängessabotage innebär i praktiken och vad det faktum att föräldrarna utsatt barnet för fysiskt våld, respektive umgängessabotage, får för betydelse i bedömningen av barnets bästa.
Bestämmelserna som reglerar vårdnad, boende och umgänge finns i 6 kap. FB. I en av de inledande paragraferna stadgas att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut. I bedömningen ska det fästas särskilt avseende vid bland annat risken för att barnet utsätts för övergrepp eller far illa och barnets behov av nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna. Dessa omständigheter ska väga lika mycket i bedömningen. Lagen framhåller vidare att barnets föräldrar har en skyldighet att medverka till barnets umgänge med den andra föräldern. Umgängessabotage innebär att en förälder utan godtagbara skäl motverkar det umgänge barnet har en laglig rätt till.
Undersökningen visar att begreppet umgängessabotage används för att beskriva allt en förälder gör som visar en negativ inställning till barnets umgänge med den andra föräldern. Allt umgängessabotage, oavsett hur långtgående det är, bedöms likadant. De rättsfall uppsatsen studerat har vidare visat att i praktiken så bedöms behovet av kontakt väga tyngre än eventuella risker för att barnet kan råka illa ut. Undersökningen visar också att umgängessabotage i de flesta fall anses utgöra en större risk än vad en förälders våld mot barnet gör. Domstolarna bedömer en förälder som bedrivit umgängessabotage mer strängt än en förälder som utsatt barnet eller någon annan i familjen för misshandel eller övergrepp. Uppsatsen har funnit att det finns ett fåtal situationer då det är berättigat att bedriva umgängessabotage. Det förefaller däremot svårt att visa att situationen varit allvarlig nog att berättiga ett umgängessabotage. (Less) - Abstract
- This paper is inspired by the well-known and disputed judgment from Svea Court of Appeal passed in February of 2019. Svea Court of Appeal decided to assign a father sole custody of his children, despite of having been sentenced to prison a couple of years earlier for assaulting them. The reason behind the change in custody was the mother sabotaging the children’s right to visitation with their father. The paper aims to examine a parent’s action of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with the other parent when said parent has subjected the child to physical violence. Within the scope of this purpose, the paper also examines what the act of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with its parent amounts to in practice. Furthermore,... (More)
- This paper is inspired by the well-known and disputed judgment from Svea Court of Appeal passed in February of 2019. Svea Court of Appeal decided to assign a father sole custody of his children, despite of having been sentenced to prison a couple of years earlier for assaulting them. The reason behind the change in custody was the mother sabotaging the children’s right to visitation with their father. The paper aims to examine a parent’s action of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with the other parent when said parent has subjected the child to physical violence. Within the scope of this purpose, the paper also examines what the act of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with its parent amounts to in practice. Furthermore, the paper examines how the actions of sabotaging the right to visitation on one hand, and subjecting the child to physical violence on the other, affects the assessment of the best interest of the child.
The regulations regarding matters of custody, the residence of the child and visitation rights are found in the sixth chapter of the Parental Code. One of the opening articles states that all decisions must be taken in accordance with the best interest of the child. Special attention, among other factors, should be brought into the assessment on the risk of the child being subjected to abuse or otherwise harm and the child’s need for close and good contact with both its parents. These factors should be of equal importance in the assessment. The law further states that the child’s parents have an obligation to facilitate the child’s access to the other parent. Sabotaging the right to visitation means to counteract the child’s legal right to access its parent without having reasonable justification for the action.
The study has found that the concept of sabotaging visitation includes all actions taken by a parent that shows a negative attitude towards the child’s interactions with the other parent. All actions of sabotaging visitation, regardless of how far-reaching, are judged equally severe. Furthermore, the cases studied have shown that the child’s need for contact with both its parents generally outweighs any potential risks of the child being subject to abuse or harm. The study has also found that the act of sabotaging visitation in most cases is considered to be a greater risk for the child than being subject to abuse by its parent. The courts tend to judge a parent who has been sabotaging visitation more harshly than a parent who has subjected the child, or another family member, to abuse. The study has found that sabotaging visitation can be justifiable in some situations. However, it is difficult to prove that the situation at hand was severe enough. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Celik, Alma LU
- supervisor
- Eva Ryrstedt LU
- organization
- alternative title
- Plague or cholera? - Sabotaging visitation and abuse in the assessment of the best interest of the child
- course
- JURM02 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- familjerätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9000361
- date added to LUP
- 2020-01-28 09:30:52
- date last changed
- 2020-01-28 09:30:52
@misc{9000361, abstract = {{This paper is inspired by the well-known and disputed judgment from Svea Court of Appeal passed in February of 2019. Svea Court of Appeal decided to assign a father sole custody of his children, despite of having been sentenced to prison a couple of years earlier for assaulting them. The reason behind the change in custody was the mother sabotaging the children’s right to visitation with their father. The paper aims to examine a parent’s action of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with the other parent when said parent has subjected the child to physical violence. Within the scope of this purpose, the paper also examines what the act of sabotaging the child’s right to visitation with its parent amounts to in practice. Furthermore, the paper examines how the actions of sabotaging the right to visitation on one hand, and subjecting the child to physical violence on the other, affects the assessment of the best interest of the child. The regulations regarding matters of custody, the residence of the child and visitation rights are found in the sixth chapter of the Parental Code. One of the opening articles states that all decisions must be taken in accordance with the best interest of the child. Special attention, among other factors, should be brought into the assessment on the risk of the child being subjected to abuse or otherwise harm and the child’s need for close and good contact with both its parents. These factors should be of equal importance in the assessment. The law further states that the child’s parents have an obligation to facilitate the child’s access to the other parent. Sabotaging the right to visitation means to counteract the child’s legal right to access its parent without having reasonable justification for the action. The study has found that the concept of sabotaging visitation includes all actions taken by a parent that shows a negative attitude towards the child’s interactions with the other parent. All actions of sabotaging visitation, regardless of how far-reaching, are judged equally severe. Furthermore, the cases studied have shown that the child’s need for contact with both its parents generally outweighs any potential risks of the child being subject to abuse or harm. The study has also found that the act of sabotaging visitation in most cases is considered to be a greater risk for the child than being subject to abuse by its parent. The courts tend to judge a parent who has been sabotaging visitation more harshly than a parent who has subjected the child, or another family member, to abuse. The study has found that sabotaging visitation can be justifiable in some situations. However, it is difficult to prove that the situation at hand was severe enough.}}, author = {{Celik, Alma}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Pest eller kolera? - Om umgängessabotage och våld i bedömningen av barnets bästa}}, year = {{2019}}, }