Det sexuella självbestämmandet och den nya s.k. samtyckeslagen - Vad kom(mer) först, skyddet för det sexuella självbestämmandet eller skyddet för den sexuella integriteten?
(2019) JURM02 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Den 1 juli 2018 trädde det som brukar kallas för samtyckeslagen ikraft i Sve-rige. Sexualbrotten våldtäkt och sexuellt övergrepp är därmed numera kon-struerade med frivillighet som grundrekvisit. Skyddsintressena för lagstift-ningen är den enskildes sexuella självbestämmande och sexuella integritet.
I 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken stadgas att den som med en person som inte deltar frivilligt, genomför en sexuell handling döms för våldtäkt. Vid bedöm-ningen av om frivillighet har förelegat ska särskilt beaktas om frivilligheten har kommit till uttryck genom ord, handling eller på annat sätt. Dessutom finns en uppräkning av omständigheter som gör att ett deltagande aldrig kan anses vara frivilligt. Exempel omständigheter som nämns är deltagande... (More) - Den 1 juli 2018 trädde det som brukar kallas för samtyckeslagen ikraft i Sve-rige. Sexualbrotten våldtäkt och sexuellt övergrepp är därmed numera kon-struerade med frivillighet som grundrekvisit. Skyddsintressena för lagstift-ningen är den enskildes sexuella självbestämmande och sexuella integritet.
I 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken stadgas att den som med en person som inte deltar frivilligt, genomför en sexuell handling döms för våldtäkt. Vid bedöm-ningen av om frivillighet har förelegat ska särskilt beaktas om frivilligheten har kommit till uttryck genom ord, handling eller på annat sätt. Dessutom finns en uppräkning av omständigheter som gör att ett deltagande aldrig kan anses vara frivilligt. Exempel omständigheter som nämns är deltagande till följd av våld eller hot samt otillbörligt utnyttjande av en särskilt utsatt situat-ion. Frivillighetsbedömningen för brottet sexuellt övergrepp enligt 2 § är den-samma som i 1 §.
Vid första anblick kan lagrummens utformning ge intrycket av att lag-stiftaren har begränsat den enskildes rätt till sexuellt självbestämmande i syfte att stärka skyddet för den sexuella integriteten. Med sexuellt självbestäm-mande avses då en frihet från iblandning av det allmänna i den enskildes sex-uella angelägenheter. Sexuell integritet är intresset av att inte utsättas för sexu-ella övergrepp mot ens vilja.
Efter att ha närmare ha tittat på uttalande i förarbetena till 2018 års sexu-albrottslagstiftning kan dock konstateras att lagstiftaren har beaktat det sexu-ella självbestämmandet vid utformningen av lagstiftningen. Lagstiftaren har betonat kausalsambandet vid deltagande till följd av våld eller hot samt det s.k. otillbörlighetsrekvisitet då en person befinner sig i en särskilt utsatt situation. Detta gör att det sexuella självbestämmande eventuellt inskränks ytterst få fall. Dessa begränsningar fanns dessutom även i den tidigare regleringen. Vid fråga om passivitet har lagstiftaren uttalat att det är en del av det sexuella självbestämmandet att få bemöta sexuella närmanden hur man vill. (Less) - Abstract
- In 2018 Sweden passed a new sexual offence legislation based on consent. The new law came in effect on 1 July. Due to the new law, the lack of consent is now enough to constitute a sexual offence. The sexual offences affected by the new law are rape, 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, and sexual abuse 6 kap. 2 § brottsbalken. The interests protected by the sexual offence legislation are the right to self-determination and integrity regarding sexual aspects.
According to 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, a sexual act with a person who does not participate voluntarily constitutes rape. When evaluating whether a person did in fact participate voluntarily, one should especially take into con-sideration whether the willingness to participate was expressed in... (More) - In 2018 Sweden passed a new sexual offence legislation based on consent. The new law came in effect on 1 July. Due to the new law, the lack of consent is now enough to constitute a sexual offence. The sexual offences affected by the new law are rape, 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, and sexual abuse 6 kap. 2 § brottsbalken. The interests protected by the sexual offence legislation are the right to self-determination and integrity regarding sexual aspects.
According to 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, a sexual act with a person who does not participate voluntarily constitutes rape. When evaluating whether a person did in fact participate voluntarily, one should especially take into con-sideration whether the willingness to participate was expressed in any way, verbally, physically or in other ways. According to 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken a person can for example never be considered to have participated voluntarily in case the person participates due to violence or threats, when a victims particu-larly vulnerable situation is exploited. When evaluating whether a person par-ticipated voluntarily in the case of sexual abuse according to 6 kap. 2 § brotts-balken the facts considered are the same.
The way 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken is designed can give the impression that the legislation limits the individual’s right to self-determination when it comes to sexual acts. The interest of sexual self-determination, meaning a freedom from involvement of the state in the individual’s sexual life, is there-by limited in purpose to protect the individual’s sexual integrity, meaning the individual’s interest of not being subject to sexual acts in which he or she does not participate voluntarily.
After having evaluated statements made by the legislator, I find how-ever that the legislation has taken the individual’s right to sexual self-determination in consideration when drafting the legislation. The legislator emphasized the importance of a causal link when the participation is due to violence or threats, as well as the requirement of exploitation when it comes to a sexual act with a person in a particularly vulnerable situation. Due to this sexual self-determination will possibly only be limited in very few cases. Al-so, similar limitation where found in the legislation prior to the new sexual offence legislation based on consent. As to a person’s right to be passive dur-ing a sexual act, the legislator stated that this is part of the individual’s right to sexual self-determination. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Saarloos, Melany LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- The right to sexual self-determination and the new sexual offense legislation based on consent
- course
- JURM02 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Sexuellt självbestämmande, sexuell integritet, samtyckeslagstiftning, straffrätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9000697
- date added to LUP
- 2020-02-01 15:28:30
- date last changed
- 2020-12-16 18:02:13
@misc{9000697, abstract = {{In 2018 Sweden passed a new sexual offence legislation based on consent. The new law came in effect on 1 July. Due to the new law, the lack of consent is now enough to constitute a sexual offence. The sexual offences affected by the new law are rape, 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, and sexual abuse 6 kap. 2 § brottsbalken. The interests protected by the sexual offence legislation are the right to self-determination and integrity regarding sexual aspects. According to 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, a sexual act with a person who does not participate voluntarily constitutes rape. When evaluating whether a person did in fact participate voluntarily, one should especially take into con-sideration whether the willingness to participate was expressed in any way, verbally, physically or in other ways. According to 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken a person can for example never be considered to have participated voluntarily in case the person participates due to violence or threats, when a victims particu-larly vulnerable situation is exploited. When evaluating whether a person par-ticipated voluntarily in the case of sexual abuse according to 6 kap. 2 § brotts-balken the facts considered are the same. The way 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken is designed can give the impression that the legislation limits the individual’s right to self-determination when it comes to sexual acts. The interest of sexual self-determination, meaning a freedom from involvement of the state in the individual’s sexual life, is there-by limited in purpose to protect the individual’s sexual integrity, meaning the individual’s interest of not being subject to sexual acts in which he or she does not participate voluntarily. After having evaluated statements made by the legislator, I find how-ever that the legislation has taken the individual’s right to sexual self-determination in consideration when drafting the legislation. The legislator emphasized the importance of a causal link when the participation is due to violence or threats, as well as the requirement of exploitation when it comes to a sexual act with a person in a particularly vulnerable situation. Due to this sexual self-determination will possibly only be limited in very few cases. Al-so, similar limitation where found in the legislation prior to the new sexual offence legislation based on consent. As to a person’s right to be passive dur-ing a sexual act, the legislator stated that this is part of the individual’s right to sexual self-determination.}}, author = {{Saarloos, Melany}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Det sexuella självbestämmandet och den nya s.k. samtyckeslagen - Vad kom(mer) först, skyddet för det sexuella självbestämmandet eller skyddet för den sexuella integriteten?}}, year = {{2019}}, }