Akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation: En experimentell studie med PETTLEP-inspirerad simulering
(2020) PSYK11 20192Department of Psychology
- Abstract
- Academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation has been identified as important sources of more joy, less anxiety and better achievement in an academic context. The purpose of the following study was to investigate the relationship between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation, and to investigate whether self-efficacy and achievement motivation can be enhanced by means of a PETTLEP-inspired simulation in an academic context. In the study, 40 students were randomized to experiment and control groups. For the purpose of the study, a simulation script inspired by PETTLEP and Bandura's self-efficacy theory was constructed. The study used the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for measuring academic self-efficacy, as well as the... (More)
- Academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation has been identified as important sources of more joy, less anxiety and better achievement in an academic context. The purpose of the following study was to investigate the relationship between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation, and to investigate whether self-efficacy and achievement motivation can be enhanced by means of a PETTLEP-inspired simulation in an academic context. In the study, 40 students were randomized to experiment and control groups. For the purpose of the study, a simulation script inspired by PETTLEP and Bandura's self-efficacy theory was constructed. The study used the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for measuring academic self-efficacy, as well as the Academic Achievement Motivation Scale for measuring achievement motivation in relation to an upcoming academic task. Correlation between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation was analyzed with a Spearman’s rho test. Group differences were analyzed with a Mann-Whitney U-test for achievement motivation, and a t-test for academic self-efficacy. The results showed a moderate correlation between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Furthermore, a significant effect of the simulation was found on achievement motivation, whilst no effect was found on academic self-efficacy. Conclusions were that a PETTLEP-inspired simulation can be an effective tool in an academic context to enhance students achievement motivation for upcoming assignments. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation har identifierats som viktiga källor till mer glädje, mindre ångest och förbättrad prestation i akademisk kontext. Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation, samt att undersöka huruvida dessa kunde främjas med hjälp av en PETTLEP-inspirerad simulering i akademiskt sammanhang. I studien blev 40 universitetsstudenter randomiserat indelade i experiment- respektive kontrollgrupp. För studiens syfte konstruerades ett simuleringsmanus med inspiration från PETTLEP-modellen och Banduras självtillitsteori. Studien använde Academic Self-Efficacy Scale för mätning av akademisk självtillit, samt Academic Achievement Motivation Scale för... (More)
- Akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation har identifierats som viktiga källor till mer glädje, mindre ångest och förbättrad prestation i akademisk kontext. Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation, samt att undersöka huruvida dessa kunde främjas med hjälp av en PETTLEP-inspirerad simulering i akademiskt sammanhang. I studien blev 40 universitetsstudenter randomiserat indelade i experiment- respektive kontrollgrupp. För studiens syfte konstruerades ett simuleringsmanus med inspiration från PETTLEP-modellen och Banduras självtillitsteori. Studien använde Academic Self-Efficacy Scale för mätning av akademisk självtillit, samt Academic Achievement Motivation Scale för mätning av prestationsmotivation inför en kommande akademisk uppgift. Sambandet mellan akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation undersöktes med Spearmans rho. För att undersöka gruppskillnader användes Mann-Whitney U-test för prestationsmotivation samt t-test för akademisk självtillit. Resultatet visade ett medelstarkt samband mellan akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation. En signifikant skillnad framkom mellan grupperna gällande akademisk prestationsmotivation. Resultatet visade däremot ingen skillnad mellan grupperna gällande akademisk självtillit. Slutsats utifrån resultaten var att PETTLEP-inspirerad simulering kan vara ett effektivt verktyg för att främja studenters prestationsmotivation inför kommande uppgifter i akademisk kontext. (Less)
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- author
- Granqvist, Matilda LU and Strømmen, Stian Strand LU
- supervisor
- Sofia Bunke LU
- Niklas Cederström LU
- organization
- course
- PSYK11 20192
- year
- 2020
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- prestationsmotivation, akademisk självtillit, självbestämmandeteorin, teorin om målorienterad motivation, PETTLEP, simulering
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9003188
- date added to LUP
- 2020-01-29 10:46:56
- date last changed
- 2020-01-29 10:46:56
@misc{9003188, abstract = {{Academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation has been identified as important sources of more joy, less anxiety and better achievement in an academic context. The purpose of the following study was to investigate the relationship between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation, and to investigate whether self-efficacy and achievement motivation can be enhanced by means of a PETTLEP-inspired simulation in an academic context. In the study, 40 students were randomized to experiment and control groups. For the purpose of the study, a simulation script inspired by PETTLEP and Bandura's self-efficacy theory was constructed. The study used the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for measuring academic self-efficacy, as well as the Academic Achievement Motivation Scale for measuring achievement motivation in relation to an upcoming academic task. Correlation between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation was analyzed with a Spearman’s rho test. Group differences were analyzed with a Mann-Whitney U-test for achievement motivation, and a t-test for academic self-efficacy. The results showed a moderate correlation between academic self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Furthermore, a significant effect of the simulation was found on achievement motivation, whilst no effect was found on academic self-efficacy. Conclusions were that a PETTLEP-inspired simulation can be an effective tool in an academic context to enhance students achievement motivation for upcoming assignments.}}, author = {{Granqvist, Matilda and Strømmen, Stian Strand}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Akademisk självtillit och prestationsmotivation: En experimentell studie med PETTLEP-inspirerad simulering}}, year = {{2020}}, }