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Djurskyddslagstiftningen ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv - En studie av svenskt djurskydd genom tiderna

Gyllenhammar, Sara LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna examensuppsats behandlar djurskydd ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv från tiden innan vår tidräkning och fram till idag. Jag redogör för de ideologiska och filosofiska strömningar som lett fram till de olika förändringar som skett under århundradena. Människor har redan innan vår tidräkning haft filosofiska resonemang kring förhållandet mellan djur och människor.
I uppsatsen analyseras hur lagstiftningen har påverkats av dessa strömningar. Exempelvis beskrivs och analyseras bakgrunden till att lagstiftningen har gått från att enbart skydda djuret sett ur ett egendomsskydd till att idag lagstifta om respekt för djur.
Djurskyddsutvecklingen i Sverige har gått från att skydda djur med utgångspunkt från att det är någon persons egendom... (More)
Denna examensuppsats behandlar djurskydd ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv från tiden innan vår tidräkning och fram till idag. Jag redogör för de ideologiska och filosofiska strömningar som lett fram till de olika förändringar som skett under århundradena. Människor har redan innan vår tidräkning haft filosofiska resonemang kring förhållandet mellan djur och människor.
I uppsatsen analyseras hur lagstiftningen har påverkats av dessa strömningar. Exempelvis beskrivs och analyseras bakgrunden till att lagstiftningen har gått från att enbart skydda djuret sett ur ett egendomsskydd till att idag lagstifta om respekt för djur.
Djurskyddsutvecklingen i Sverige har gått från att skydda djur med utgångspunkt från att det är någon persons egendom till att i dagens lagstiftning stadga om att visa respekt för djuren. Fram till år 1857 fanns i stort sett ingen djurskyddslagstiftning, men somliga djur hade redan under medeltiden ett visst skydd i lagstiftningen. Det berodde snarare på ett slags egendomsskydd för djurägaren än på ett djurskydd.
Lagstiftarna har genom tiderna haft olika syn på olika djurarter. Vilda djur sågs exempelvis som något mycket hotfullt som skulle bekämpas under medeltiden, medan ”skjutshästen” sågs som en dyrbar egendom som skulle skyddas.
Under 1600- och 1700 - talet dömdes många människor till döden på grund av det allvarliga brottet tidelag. Det faktum att religionen tog så stor plats i människornas liv under denna tidsepok gjorde att lagstiftarna såg mycket allvarligt på tidelag, då det var ett slags religiöst brott snarare än ett brott mot djuret.
Under 1700 – talet växte det ”kantiska synsättet” fram vilket innebar att djurplågeri var fel av den anledningen att människorna som såg händelsen kunde ta skada av djurplågeriet. I doktrinen har detta synsätt ansetts hänga kvar än idag med tanke på att djurplågeribrott fortfarande räknas som ett brott mot allmän ordning, i stället för att vara ett brott mot djuret självt.
Även om många såg på djur som ett objekt under 1700 – talet, fanns det människor som värnade om djurens egenvärde. Filosofen Jeremy Bentham förde filosofiska resonemang kring djur och deras förmåga att uppleva känslor. Utilitarismen räknas även in djuren i ”nyttokalkylen”.
1800 – talet präglades av romantiken och allt fler människor började intressera sig för naturen. Sverige gick mot att bli ett allt mer humant samhälle.

Världens första djurskyddslag trädde i kraft i England år 1822. Tjugo år senare diskuterades i svenska riksdagen för första gången djurskydd. Människor började engagera sig för djuren. Djurskyddsengagemanget var en del av humaniseringen som skedde under denna tidsepok.
Djurskyddsföreningarnas framväxt under 1800 – talet och inspiration från Englands djurskyddslagstiftning gjorde att allt fler människor började diskutera förhållandet mellan människor och djur. Djurskyddsföreningarna började nå ut till allmänheten med sitt budskap om ett djurvänligare Sverige tack vare dess massiva propaganda.
År 1857 blev en viktig milstolpe i svensk djurskyddslagstiftning då djurplågeri för första gången blev kriminaliserat. Det var dock enbart straffbart att plåga djur som ägdes av någon. Straffskalan höjdes under 1800 – talet, men det var ännu enbart böter på straffskalan.
Under 1900 – talet skedde en stor förändring i samhället. Sverige blev allt mer demokratiskt, många jurister utbildades och samhället blev efterhand allt mer humant. Humaniseringen ledde även till att lagstiftningen tog fart kring djurskyddslagstiftningen.
Sverige blev under 1900 – talet en föregångsnation inom djurskydd. Djurskyddsfrågor togs upp i den politiska debatten. År 1900 skärptes straffet för djurplågeribrott och omfattade även fängelsestraff. Den första djurskyddslagen fick Sverige år 1944. Denna lag gjorde att djurskyddet i Sverige förstärktes ytterligare.
Nästa lag trädde i kraft år 1988 med syfte att ytterligare stärka skyddet för våra svenska djur. Under denna tidsepok kom lagstiftarna att skriva om djurskydd som en del av vårt kulturarv. Svenskarna utmålade sig som en mycket djurvänlig nation.
År 2019 trädde en ny djurskyddslag i kraft, 2018-års djurskyddslag. En nyhet med 2018- års djurskyddslag är det finns ett kunskapskrav hos alla som handhar djur för att säkerställa ett gott djurskydd. Respekt för djuret och djurets egenvärde är två ledord för 2018-års djurskyddslag.
Lagstiftningen har gått från att värna om djurägarens egendomsskydd till att värna om djuret. Sverige beskrivs i förarbeten som ett land som ser det som en heder att ha ett gott djurskydd. Att värna om djuren ses som en självklarhet idag. (Less)
This thesis investigates animal protection from a legislation development perspective from 400 B.C. to today. I describe the ideological and philosophical trends that have influenced the changes that have occurred throughout the centuries. People have for thousands of years had thoughtful discussions about the relationship between humans and animals.
The thesis analyzes how the legislation has been affected by these trends. For example, the background is described and investigated because the legislation has gone from merely protecting the animal from the point of view of property protection to today's legislation on respect for animals.
Animal welfare development in Sweden has gone from protecting animals based on the fact that it is... (More)
This thesis investigates animal protection from a legislation development perspective from 400 B.C. to today. I describe the ideological and philosophical trends that have influenced the changes that have occurred throughout the centuries. People have for thousands of years had thoughtful discussions about the relationship between humans and animals.
The thesis analyzes how the legislation has been affected by these trends. For example, the background is described and investigated because the legislation has gone from merely protecting the animal from the point of view of property protection to today's legislation on respect for animals.
Animal welfare development in Sweden has gone from protecting animals based on the fact that it is someone's property to the current legislation to show respect for the animals. Until the year 1857, there was virtually no animal welfare legislation, but some animals already had some protection in the legislation during the Middle Ages. It was due to a kind of property protection for the animal owner rather than animal protection.
The legislators have, over time, had different views on different animal species. Wild animals, for example, were seen as something very threatening to be threatening during the Middle Ages, while the horse was seen as an expensive property to be protected.
In the 1600s and 1700s, many people were sentenced to death because of the view of the crime as serious at that time. The fact that religion took such an important place in people's lives during this era made lawmakers look very seriously at times when it was a kind of religious crime rather than a crime against the animal.
In the 18th century, the "Kantian approach" emerged, which meant that animal cruelty was wrong for the reason that the people who saw the event could take damage from animal cruelty. In the doctrine, this view has been considered to continue even today, considering that animal cruelty offenses are still regarded as a violation of public order, rather than being a crime against the animal itself.
Although many viewed animals as an object in the 18th century, there were people who cared about the animals' self-worth. Philosopher Jeremy Bentham led philosophical arguments about animals and their ability to experience emotions. Utilitarianism is also included in the "utility calculation."
The 19th century was characterized by romanticism, and more and more people began to take an interest in nature. Sweden went on to become an increasingly humane society.

The world's first animal protection law came into force in England in 1822. Twenty years later, the Swedish Parliament discussed animal protection for the first time. People began to get involved with the animals. The animal welfare engagement was part of the humanization that took place during this era.
The emergence of animal welfare associations during the 19th century and inspiration from England's animal welfare legislation led to an increasing number of people discussing the relationship between humans and animals. The animal welfare associations began to reach the public with their message of a more animal-friendly Sweden thanks to its massive propaganda.
In 1857 became an important milestone in Swedish animal welfare legislation when animal cruelty was first criminalized. However, it was only a criminal offense to torment animals owned by anyone. The scale was increased during the 19th century, but a person could still only be sentenced a fine.
During the 20th century, a significant change took place in society. Sweden became increasingly democratic, many lawyers were educated, and culture gradually became more humane. Humanization also led to legislation gaining momentum on animal welfare legislation.
Sweden became a leading nation in animal welfare during the 20th century. Animal welfare issues were raised in the political debate. In 1900, the punishment for animal cruelty was sharpened and also included imprisonment. Sweden became the first animal welfare law in 1944. This law further strengthened animal welfare in Sweden.
The next law came into force in 1988 with the aim of further strengthening the protection of our Swedish animals. During this era, the legislators came to write about animal welfare as part of our cultural heritage. The Swedes portrayed themselves as a very animal-friendly nation.
In 2019, a new Animal Protection Act came into force, the 2018 Animal Protection Act. A novelty with the 2018 Animal Protection Act is that there is a knowledge requirement for everyone who handles animals to ensure good animal welfare. Respect for the animal and the animal's intrinsic value are two keywords for the 2018 Year Animal Protection Act.
The legislation has gone from safeguarding the animal owner's protection to protecting the animal. Sweden is described in preliminary work as a country that sees it as an honor to have good animal welfare. Taking care of the animals is seen as a matter of course today. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Gyllenhammar, Sara LU
alternative title
Animal protection from a legislation development perspective from 400 B.C. to today
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättshistoria, legal history, djurskyddslagstiftning
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 10:58:31
date last changed
2020-06-16 10:58:31
  abstract     = {{This thesis investigates animal protection from a legislation development perspective from 400 B.C. to today. I describe the ideological and philosophical trends that have influenced the changes that have occurred throughout the centuries. People have for thousands of years had thoughtful discussions about the relationship between humans and animals.
The thesis analyzes how the legislation has been affected by these trends. For example, the background is described and investigated because the legislation has gone from merely protecting the animal from the point of view of property protection to today's legislation on respect for animals.
Animal welfare development in Sweden has gone from protecting animals based on the fact that it is someone's property to the current legislation to show respect for the animals. Until the year 1857, there was virtually no animal welfare legislation, but some animals already had some protection in the legislation during the Middle Ages. It was due to a kind of property protection for the animal owner rather than animal protection.
The legislators have, over time, had different views on different animal species. Wild animals, for example, were seen as something very threatening to be threatening during the Middle Ages, while the horse was seen as an expensive property to be protected.
In the 1600s and 1700s, many people were sentenced to death because of the view of the crime as serious at that time. The fact that religion took such an important place in people's lives during this era made lawmakers look very seriously at times when it was a kind of religious crime rather than a crime against the animal.
In the 18th century, the "Kantian approach" emerged, which meant that animal cruelty was wrong for the reason that the people who saw the event could take damage from animal cruelty. In the doctrine, this view has been considered to continue even today, considering that animal cruelty offenses are still regarded as a violation of public order, rather than being a crime against the animal itself.
Although many viewed animals as an object in the 18th century, there were people who cared about the animals' self-worth. Philosopher Jeremy Bentham led philosophical arguments about animals and their ability to experience emotions. Utilitarianism is also included in the "utility calculation."
The 19th century was characterized by romanticism, and more and more people began to take an interest in nature. Sweden went on to become an increasingly humane society.

The world's first animal protection law came into force in England in 1822. Twenty years later, the Swedish Parliament discussed animal protection for the first time. People began to get involved with the animals. The animal welfare engagement was part of the humanization that took place during this era.
The emergence of animal welfare associations during the 19th century and inspiration from England's animal welfare legislation led to an increasing number of people discussing the relationship between humans and animals. The animal welfare associations began to reach the public with their message of a more animal-friendly Sweden thanks to its massive propaganda.
In 1857 became an important milestone in Swedish animal welfare legislation when animal cruelty was first criminalized. However, it was only a criminal offense to torment animals owned by anyone. The scale was increased during the 19th century, but a person could still only be sentenced a fine.
During the 20th century, a significant change took place in society. Sweden became increasingly democratic, many lawyers were educated, and culture gradually became more humane. Humanization also led to legislation gaining momentum on animal welfare legislation.
Sweden became a leading nation in animal welfare during the 20th century. Animal welfare issues were raised in the political debate. In 1900, the punishment for animal cruelty was sharpened and also included imprisonment. Sweden became the first animal welfare law in 1944. This law further strengthened animal welfare in Sweden.
The next law came into force in 1988 with the aim of further strengthening the protection of our Swedish animals. During this era, the legislators came to write about animal welfare as part of our cultural heritage. The Swedes portrayed themselves as a very animal-friendly nation.
In 2019, a new Animal Protection Act came into force, the 2018 Animal Protection Act. A novelty with the 2018 Animal Protection Act is that there is a knowledge requirement for everyone who handles animals to ensure good animal welfare. Respect for the animal and the animal's intrinsic value are two keywords for the 2018 Year Animal Protection Act.
The legislation has gone from safeguarding the animal owner's protection to protecting the animal. Sweden is described in preliminary work as a country that sees it as an honor to have good animal welfare. Taking care of the animals is seen as a matter of course today.}},
  author       = {{Gyllenhammar, Sara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Djurskyddslagstiftningen ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv - En studie av svenskt djurskydd genom tiderna}},
  year         = {{2020}},