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Musikerns involvering i tonsättarens kreativa skrivandeprocess - En sångares upplevda skillnader i instudering och interpretation mellan två nyskrivna verk

Eriksson, Elin LU (2020) MUUK03 20201
Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
Abstract (Swedish)
Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur jag som sångare upplever instudering och
interpretation av två nyskrivna stycken beroende på hur involverad jag är i tonsättarens
skrivandeprocess. Hur påverkas min instudering och interpretation av min involvering i
tonsättarens kreativa process, och vilka skillnader upplever jag i förhållande till min egen
inblandning i styckets uppkomst?
Metod: Två nyskrivna stycken användes för att genomföra arbetet. Båda styckena skrevs till
mig, men vid det ena hade jag och tonsättaren endast en kort initial kontakt och sågs inte
förrän stycket var färdigkomponerat och vid det andra träffades jag och tonsättaren
kontinuerligt under skrivprocessen för att arbeta fram stycket tillsammans.
... (More)
Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur jag som sångare upplever instudering och
interpretation av två nyskrivna stycken beroende på hur involverad jag är i tonsättarens
skrivandeprocess. Hur påverkas min instudering och interpretation av min involvering i
tonsättarens kreativa process, och vilka skillnader upplever jag i förhållande till min egen
inblandning i styckets uppkomst?
Metod: Två nyskrivna stycken användes för att genomföra arbetet. Båda styckena skrevs till
mig, men vid det ena hade jag och tonsättaren endast en kort initial kontakt och sågs inte
förrän stycket var färdigkomponerat och vid det andra träffades jag och tonsättaren
kontinuerligt under skrivprocessen för att arbeta fram stycket tillsammans.
Resultat: Skillnad upplevdes både vad gäller instudering och interpretation. Vad som
verkligen skilde arbetssätten åt var möjligheten att påpeka om något inte passade mig, röstligt
och textligt. Detta fanns det utrymme för gällande stycket där jag och tonsättaren hade
kontinuerlig kontakt, men inte gällande det andra stycket.
Slutsats: Det är lärorikt att som sångerska få jobba nära en tonsättare. Båda arbetssätten
bidrog till att både försvåra och förenkla de två faktorerna instudering och interpretation.

Nyckelord: nyskriven musik, samtida musik, instudering, interpretation, samarbete, klassisk
sångare, tonsättare (Less)
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how I as a singer experience the studies and
interpretation of two newly written pieces depending on how involved I am in the composer’s
process of writing. How does my involvement in the composer’s creative process affect my
studying and interpretation and what differences do I experience in relation to my own
involvement in the making of the piece?
Method: Two newly written pieces were used to implement this study. Both pieces were
written for me. I only had a brief initial contact with the composer of the first piece and we
did not meet again until the piece was completed. I and the composer of the second piece met
continuously in order to create the piece together.
Results: A... (More)
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how I as a singer experience the studies and
interpretation of two newly written pieces depending on how involved I am in the composer’s
process of writing. How does my involvement in the composer’s creative process affect my
studying and interpretation and what differences do I experience in relation to my own
involvement in the making of the piece?
Method: Two newly written pieces were used to implement this study. Both pieces were
written for me. I only had a brief initial contact with the composer of the first piece and we
did not meet again until the piece was completed. I and the composer of the second piece met
continuously in order to create the piece together.
Results: A difference was noticed both regarding studying and interpretation. What really
distinguished between the two work methods was the possibility to point out things that did
not fit my voice or the text. This I could do in the work with the piece where I and the
composer had a continuous contact, but not with the other piece.
Conclusion: A as a singer it is educational to collaborate with a composer. Both work
methods contributed to make the process of studying and interpretation more difficult as well
as easier.

Key words: newly written music, contemporary music, studying, interpretation, cooperation,
classical singer, composer (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Eriksson, Elin LU
alternative title
The musician's involvement in a composer's creative writing process - A singer's differing experiences of studying and interpreting two newly written pieces
MUUK03 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2020-08-14 09:30:34
date last changed
2020-08-14 09:30:34
  abstract     = {{Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how I as a singer experience the studies and
interpretation of two newly written pieces depending on how involved I am in the composer’s
process of writing. How does my involvement in the composer’s creative process affect my
studying and interpretation and what differences do I experience in relation to my own
involvement in the making of the piece?
Method: Two newly written pieces were used to implement this study. Both pieces were
written for me. I only had a brief initial contact with the composer of the first piece and we
did not meet again until the piece was completed. I and the composer of the second piece met
continuously in order to create the piece together.
Results: A difference was noticed both regarding studying and interpretation. What really
distinguished between the two work methods was the possibility to point out things that did
not fit my voice or the text. This I could do in the work with the piece where I and the
composer had a continuous contact, but not with the other piece.
Conclusion: A as a singer it is educational to collaborate with a composer. Both work
methods contributed to make the process of studying and interpretation more difficult as well
as easier.

Key words: newly written music, contemporary music, studying, interpretation, cooperation,
classical singer, composer}},
  author       = {{Eriksson, Elin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Musikerns involvering i tonsättarens kreativa skrivandeprocess - En sångares upplevda skillnader i instudering och interpretation mellan två nyskrivna verk}},
  year         = {{2020}},