Att möta en döende människa i hemmet - en kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser inom ASIH
(2020) PSPR14 20201Department of Psychology
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom avancerad sjukvård i hemmet (ASIH) upplever mötet med en döende människa i hemmet. Urvalet bestod av sju sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom ASIH i södra Sverige. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys utifrån en fenomenologisk ansats. Dataanalysen resulterade i åtta teman: Kliva över tröskeln till patientens liv, Visa att jag är mottaglig, Skapa mening i dödens närvaro, Göra döden odramatisk, Det är okej att bli berörd, Reflektera över relationen, Vi är där för varandra och Vi får så mycket tillbaka. Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde att hemmet skapade förutsättningar för ett personligt möte där den unika... (More)
- Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom avancerad sjukvård i hemmet (ASIH) upplever mötet med en döende människa i hemmet. Urvalet bestod av sju sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom ASIH i södra Sverige. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys utifrån en fenomenologisk ansats. Dataanalysen resulterade i åtta teman: Kliva över tröskeln till patientens liv, Visa att jag är mottaglig, Skapa mening i dödens närvaro, Göra döden odramatisk, Det är okej att bli berörd, Reflektera över relationen, Vi är där för varandra och Vi får så mycket tillbaka. Sjuksköterskorna i studien upplevde att hemmet skapade förutsättningar för ett personligt möte där den unika personen bakom sjukdomen framträder. Att balansera närhet och distans, härbärgera mänskligt lidande och få stöd av kollegor hade enligt sjuksköterskorna betydelse för att kunna ge stöd till en döende patient. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att deras naturliga förhållningssätt till döden hjälper dem lugna patienten i sina rädslor inför döden och skapa fina avslut. Sjuksköterskorna såg det som sin uppgift att hjälpa patienterna skapa mening den sista tid som är kvar och upplevde att deras arbete öppnat upp för personliga reflektioner över livet och döden. (Less)
- Abstract
- The aim of the study was to explore how nurses, working within palliative home care, experience meeting dying patients in their homes. The sample consisted of seven nurses working within palliative home care in southern Sweden. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis grounded in a phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data. The analysis resulted in eight themes: Taking a step into the patient's life; Showing I’m receptive; Finding meaning in the face of death; Making death undramatic; It’s alright to feel emotionally affected; Reflecting on the relationship; Being there for each other and Feeling rewarded. The nurses experienced that the home helped create a basis for a personal meeting... (More)
- The aim of the study was to explore how nurses, working within palliative home care, experience meeting dying patients in their homes. The sample consisted of seven nurses working within palliative home care in southern Sweden. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis grounded in a phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data. The analysis resulted in eight themes: Taking a step into the patient's life; Showing I’m receptive; Finding meaning in the face of death; Making death undramatic; It’s alright to feel emotionally affected; Reflecting on the relationship; Being there for each other and Feeling rewarded. The nurses experienced that the home helped create a basis for a personal meeting where the unique personality behind the illness emerges. When supporting dying patients the nurses feel that it’s important that they can achieve a balance between emotional closeness and distance, contain human suffering and be receptive to support from colleagues. Through their work the nurses’ experience that they develop a natural approach to death, which helps them support their patients, help them face their fear of death and achieve meaningful endings. The nurses conveyed that an important task they are faced with is to help their patients find meaning at the end of life. They also felt that their work has stimulated personal reflections on life and death. (Less)
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- author
- Dybjer, Hannah LU and Thomasdotter, Ebba LU
- supervisor
- Per Johnsson LU
- organization
- course
- PSPR14 20201
- year
- 2020
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- döden, döende patienter, sjuksköterskor, palliativ vård, vård i livets slutskede, avancerad sjukvård i hemmet, death, dying patients, nurses, palliative care, end of life care, palliative home care
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9010160
- date added to LUP
- 2020-05-26 11:37:06
- date last changed
- 2020-05-26 11:37:06
@misc{9010160, abstract = {{The aim of the study was to explore how nurses, working within palliative home care, experience meeting dying patients in their homes. The sample consisted of seven nurses working within palliative home care in southern Sweden. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis grounded in a phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data. The analysis resulted in eight themes: Taking a step into the patient's life; Showing I’m receptive; Finding meaning in the face of death; Making death undramatic; It’s alright to feel emotionally affected; Reflecting on the relationship; Being there for each other and Feeling rewarded. The nurses experienced that the home helped create a basis for a personal meeting where the unique personality behind the illness emerges. When supporting dying patients the nurses feel that it’s important that they can achieve a balance between emotional closeness and distance, contain human suffering and be receptive to support from colleagues. Through their work the nurses’ experience that they develop a natural approach to death, which helps them support their patients, help them face their fear of death and achieve meaningful endings. The nurses conveyed that an important task they are faced with is to help their patients find meaning at the end of life. They also felt that their work has stimulated personal reflections on life and death.}}, author = {{Dybjer, Hannah and Thomasdotter, Ebba}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Att möta en döende människa i hemmet - en kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser inom ASIH}}, year = {{2020}}, }