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LUP Student Papers


Att samtycka till skada - Om autonomi och ansvarsfrihet inom BDSM

Rekstad, Katja LU (2020) LAGF03 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den rättsliga bedömningen av samtyckt våld i sexuell kontext, BDSM. Detta sker i två steg, där det första är en undersökning av det rådande rättsläget, och det andra ett övervägande av möjligheten att fortsättningsvis behandla BDSM som socialadekvat.

Uppsatsen inleds med att grunderna för ansvarsbefriande samtycke och social adekvans studeras med hjälp av förarbeten och doktrin. Genom detta konstateras att gärningar som faller inom normalgraden av misshandel ska vara fria från ansvar om de inte är oförsvarliga. Vid bedömningen av försvarlighet beaktas främst skadans art och gärningens syfte.

Därefter går uppsatsen igenom hur BDSM har behandlats i praxis under det senaste decenniet och hur... (More)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den rättsliga bedömningen av samtyckt våld i sexuell kontext, BDSM. Detta sker i två steg, där det första är en undersökning av det rådande rättsläget, och det andra ett övervägande av möjligheten att fortsättningsvis behandla BDSM som socialadekvat.

Uppsatsen inleds med att grunderna för ansvarsbefriande samtycke och social adekvans studeras med hjälp av förarbeten och doktrin. Genom detta konstateras att gärningar som faller inom normalgraden av misshandel ska vara fria från ansvar om de inte är oförsvarliga. Vid bedömningen av försvarlighet beaktas främst skadans art och gärningens syfte.

Därefter går uppsatsen igenom hur BDSM har behandlats i praxis under det senaste decenniet och hur försvarlighetsbedömningen har gjorts. Här konstateras att rättsläget är oklart och att domstolarna bedömer vad som är att anse som försvarligt på olika sätt. Det är tydligt att behov av vägledande avgöranden från HD föreligger.

I nästa del analyseras möjligheten och argumenten för att fortsättningsvis behandla BDSM efter den rättsliga principen om social adekvans. Här undersöks hur misshandelsbrottet har ansvarsbefriats genom social adekvans i andra kontexter. Relevant för bedömningarna i dessa fall tycks primärt ha varit det värde som det bakomliggande intresset har. Därför uppmärksammas vilket värde sexualitet har rättsligt. I denna del berörs även uttalanden om hur BDSM bör värderas och bedömas som förekommit i doktrin och domstol.

Avslutningsvis konstateras att möjligheten att bedöma BDSM som socialadekvat inte är ogrundad. Det finns mycket som talar för att sexualitet har ett sådant värde som kvalificerar BDSM till att inta en sådan rättslig ställning. (Less)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the legal assessment of consensual violence in sexual contexts, BDSM. This is executed in two steps, the first being an examination of the current legal situation, and the second being to explore the possibility of treating BDSM as social adequate the future.

The thesis starts with examining the grounds for consent and social adequacy by studying legislative history and legal literature. This establishes that acts qualifying as being in the middle degree of assault should be free from criminal liability as long as they are not unjustified. When assessing if an act is justified the nature of the injury and the purpose of the act are what is primarily considered.

Thereafter the thesis goes... (More)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the legal assessment of consensual violence in sexual contexts, BDSM. This is executed in two steps, the first being an examination of the current legal situation, and the second being to explore the possibility of treating BDSM as social adequate the future.

The thesis starts with examining the grounds for consent and social adequacy by studying legislative history and legal literature. This establishes that acts qualifying as being in the middle degree of assault should be free from criminal liability as long as they are not unjustified. When assessing if an act is justified the nature of the injury and the purpose of the act are what is primarily considered.

Thereafter the thesis goes through how BDSM has been treated in court practice during the last decade and how the assessment of acts as justified has been executed. Here it is found that the current legal position is uncertain and that the courts differs in how they asses if an act is unjustified. It is clear that there is a need for precedents from the Supreme Court.

In the next part the possibility and the arguments for treating BDSM according to the legal principle of social adequacy are analyzed. How assault has been absolved of criminal liability in other contexts by the use of social adequacy is examined. Of relevance to the assessment in these cases seems to primarily be the value of the underlying interest. Therefore, the value of sexuality in legal context is noted. In this part statements made regarding how BDSM should be valued and judged made in legal literature and by the courts are also brought up.

In conclusion it is stated that the possibility for assessing BDSM as social adequate is not unfounded. There is much to suggest that sexuality holds such a value that it qualifies BDSM to take such a legal position. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rekstad, Katja LU
LAGF03 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
allmän rättslära, jurisprudence, straffrätt, criminal law, social adekvans, social adequacy, samtycke, consent, misshandel, abuse, BDSM
date added to LUP
2020-09-17 13:48:50
date last changed
2020-09-17 13:48:50
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this thesis is to examine the legal assessment of consensual violence in sexual contexts, BDSM. This is executed in two steps, the first being an examination of the current legal situation, and the second being to explore the possibility of treating BDSM as social adequate the future. 
The thesis starts with examining the grounds for consent and social adequacy by studying legislative history and legal literature. This establishes that acts qualifying as being in the middle degree of assault should be free from criminal liability as long as they are not unjustified. When assessing if an act is justified the nature of the injury and the purpose of the act are what is primarily considered. 
Thereafter the thesis goes through how BDSM has been treated in court practice during the last decade and how the assessment of acts as justified has been executed. Here it is found that the current legal position is uncertain and that the courts differs in how they asses if an act is unjustified. It is clear that there is a need for precedents from the Supreme Court. 
In the next part the possibility and the arguments for treating BDSM according to the legal principle of social adequacy are analyzed. How assault has been absolved of criminal liability in other contexts by the use of social adequacy is examined. Of relevance to the assessment in these cases seems to primarily be the value of the underlying interest. Therefore, the value of sexuality in legal context is noted. In this part statements made regarding how BDSM should be valued and judged made in legal literature and by the courts are also brought up. 
In conclusion it is stated that the possibility for assessing BDSM as social adequate is not unfounded. There is much to suggest that sexuality holds such a value that it qualifies BDSM to take such a legal position.}},
  author       = {{Rekstad, Katja}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Att samtycka till skada - Om autonomi och ansvarsfrihet inom BDSM}},
  year         = {{2020}},