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Rättighetsbäraren - en analys av lagstiftarens barnsyn när hänsyn ska tas till barnets vilja i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgäng

Lindén, Carolina LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Barnkonventionen fick i januari 2020 status av lag i den svenska rätten eftersom lagstiftaren inte anser att den tidigare fått tillräckligt genomslag i tillämpningen. Barn har sedan länge behandlats som skilda från och underordnade vuxna. Barns underordning är antagligen den minst ifrågasatta maktordningen i samhället. Barn behandlas ofta som mindre vetande och deras inflytande begränsas regelmässigt inom de flesta områden. Det finns en tydlig vilja från många håll i samhället, inte minst från lagstiftaren, att skapa en barnsyn där barn betraktas ha samma människovärde som vuxna. Barn ska visas respekt för deras egenart som självständiga individer.
Den här uppsatsen behandlar det barnrättsperspektiv som Barnkonventionen har och dess... (More)
Barnkonventionen fick i januari 2020 status av lag i den svenska rätten eftersom lagstiftaren inte anser att den tidigare fått tillräckligt genomslag i tillämpningen. Barn har sedan länge behandlats som skilda från och underordnade vuxna. Barns underordning är antagligen den minst ifrågasatta maktordningen i samhället. Barn behandlas ofta som mindre vetande och deras inflytande begränsas regelmässigt inom de flesta områden. Det finns en tydlig vilja från många håll i samhället, inte minst från lagstiftaren, att skapa en barnsyn där barn betraktas ha samma människovärde som vuxna. Barn ska visas respekt för deras egenart som självständiga individer.
Den här uppsatsen behandlar det barnrättsperspektiv som Barnkonventionen har och dess innebörd för den svenska rätten. Fokus är på domstolens skyldighet att ta hänsyn till barnets vilja i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge enligt 6 kap 2a § 3 st FB. Bestämmelsen har ett nära samband med konventionens artikel 12 som stadgar att barn har en rätt att göra sig hörda och få sina åsikter beaktade med hänsyn till ålder och mognad. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilken barnsyn lagstiftaren har, alltså vilka slags tankar om barn som lagstiftningen grundas på.
Innebörden av barnets bästa har skiftat över tid men sedan länge haft en stor betydelse för mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Innan 1970-talet hade inte barnets åsikter någon plats i den familjerättsliga processen. När barnets åsikter började tas hänsyn till var det främst av pedagogiska eller terapeutiska skäl. Barnets bästa vilade på objektiva omständigheter av vilka behov barn har. Barn ansågs ha behov av att med stigande ålder bli självständiga och att uttrycka sina åsikter ansågs vara en del i det. När Barnkonventionen ratificerats talades mindre om barns behov och mer om barns rättigheter. Genom det ändrades innebörden av barnets bästa.
Att någon bär en rättighet medför att någon annan har en korrelerande skyldighet eller plikt. Det ger rättighetsbäraren en möjlighet att utkräva någonting rent materiellt men orsakar även att maktordningen rubbas. Den som innehar rättigheten på en maktposition över den som bär skyldigheten eller plikten. Att barn betraktas som rättighetsbärare innebär alltså att synen på barnet som skyddsbehövande inte längre står i centrum. Barnet betraktas som jämlikt och kompetent, mer eller mindre på samma sätt som vuxna. Det är grunden i barnrättsperspektivet.
Uppsatsen analyserar lagförarbeten till 6 kap 2a § 3 st FB med ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Det perspektivet tillför kunskap om hur barn kan lyssnas till och tolkas. Det är en förutsättning för att den vuxna ska uppnå en förståelse av barnet och skapa ett reellt deltagande för barnet där dess åsikter kan beaktas istället för att förminskas eller förbises.
Uppsatsen slutsats är att lagstiftaren har en tydlig avsikt att åstadkomma en tillämpning av ett barnperspektiv där barnets kapacitet att uttrycka sig tillvaratas på bästa sätt. Barnet ska lyssnas till och respekteras som jämlik med vuxna. Samtidigt beskrivs ofta barnet i negativa termer i jämförelser med vuxna. Lagstiftaren uttrycker tvivel på barns förmågor då de anses ha en bristande förmåga att bilda och uttrycka åsikter. Det här innebär att inte ens lagstiftaren har den barnsyn som ska uppnås genom tillämpning av barnrättsperspektivet. (Less)
In January 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was given the status of law in Sweden because the legislator was dissatisfied with the impact it had when applied as an international instrument. For a long time, children have been treated as separate from an inferior to adults. Children´s subordination is probably the least contested power structure in society. Children are often treated as unknowing and their influence is limited in most areas. There´s an intention in many parts of society to create a view on children where they are considered to have the same dignity as adults. Children should be shown respect for their individuality as autonomous individuals.
The essay addresses the child perspective of the Convention on the... (More)
In January 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was given the status of law in Sweden because the legislator was dissatisfied with the impact it had when applied as an international instrument. For a long time, children have been treated as separate from an inferior to adults. Children´s subordination is probably the least contested power structure in society. Children are often treated as unknowing and their influence is limited in most areas. There´s an intention in many parts of society to create a view on children where they are considered to have the same dignity as adults. Children should be shown respect for their individuality as autonomous individuals.
The essay addresses the child perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and it´s impact on Swedish law. Focus is on the court´s obligation to take the child´s will into account in matters of family law processes in accordance with 6 kap. 2a § 3 st FB. This provision is closely related to Article 12 of the Convention, which gives the child a right to be heard and have its opinions considered regarding age and maturity. The purpose of this essay is to examine what kind of thoughts about children the legislation is based on.
The meaning of the best interests of the child has shifted over time but has long been of great significance for family law processes. Before the 1970s, the child's opinions had no place in the family law process. When the child's opinions began to be considered, it was primarily for therapeutic reasons. The best interests of the child were made up by objective circumstances of the needs of children. Children needed to become independent with increasing age and to express their opinions was part of that. When the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified, focus shifted from children's needs to their rights. Because of that, the meaning of the best interest of the child changed.
The fact that someone has a right means that someone else has a correlating obligation or duty. It gives the right-holder an opportunity to demand something material, but also causes the system of power to be disrupted. The right-holder is given a position of power over the person who bears the obligation or duty. Thus, the fact that children are regarded as right-holders means that the view of the child as in need of protection is no longer the base for the legislators’ child perspective. The child is regarded as equal and competent, in the same way as adults. This is the basis of the child perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The essay analyzes the legislative history to 6 kap. 2a § 3 st. FB with a sociological perspective. This perspective adds knowledge of how children can be listened to and interpreted. It is a presumption that the adult has this knowledge to gain an understanding of the child and create a real participation for the child where its opinions can be considered rather than diminished or overlooked.
The conclusion is that the legislator has a clear intention to achieve an application of a child perspective where the child's capacity to express itself is best utilized. The child should be listened to and respected in the same way as an adult. At the same time, the child is often described in negative terms in comparison with adults. The legislator expresses doubts about children's abilities and they are considered to have a lack of ability to form and express opinions. This means that not even the legislature has the view of the child that is acquired to achieve an application of the Conventions child perspective. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lindén, Carolina LU
alternative title
An analyze of the legislators child perspective when considering the child's will in family law processes
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
familjerätt, barnkonventionen
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 10:57:00
date last changed
2020-06-16 10:57:00
  abstract     = {{In January 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was given the status of law in Sweden because the legislator was dissatisfied with the impact it had when applied as an international instrument. For a long time, children have been treated as separate from an inferior to adults. Children´s subordination is probably the least contested power structure in society. Children are often treated as unknowing and their influence is limited in most areas. There´s an intention in many parts of society to create a view on children where they are considered to have the same dignity as adults. Children should be shown respect for their individuality as autonomous individuals.
The essay addresses the child perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and it´s impact on Swedish law. Focus is on the court´s obligation to take the child´s will into account in matters of family law processes in accordance with 6 kap. 2a § 3 st FB. This provision is closely related to Article 12 of the Convention, which gives the child a right to be heard and have its opinions considered regarding age and maturity. The purpose of this essay is to examine what kind of thoughts about children the legislation is based on.
The meaning of the best interests of the child has shifted over time but has long been of great significance for family law processes. Before the 1970s, the child's opinions had no place in the family law process. When the child's opinions began to be considered, it was primarily for therapeutic reasons. The best interests of the child were made up by objective circumstances of the needs of children. Children needed to become independent with increasing age and to express their opinions was part of that. When the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified, focus shifted from children's needs to their rights. Because of that, the meaning of the best interest of the child changed.
The fact that someone has a right means that someone else has a correlating obligation or duty. It gives the right-holder an opportunity to demand something material, but also causes the system of power to be disrupted. The right-holder is given a position of power over the person who bears the obligation or duty. Thus, the fact that children are regarded as right-holders means that the view of the child as in need of protection is no longer the base for the legislators’ child perspective. The child is regarded as equal and competent, in the same way as adults. This is the basis of the child perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The essay analyzes the legislative history to 6 kap. 2a § 3 st. FB with a sociological perspective. This perspective adds knowledge of how children can be listened to and interpreted. It is a presumption that the adult has this knowledge to gain an understanding of the child and create a real participation for the child where its opinions can be considered rather than diminished or overlooked.
The conclusion is that the legislator has a clear intention to achieve an application of a child perspective where the child's capacity to express itself is best utilized. The child should be listened to and respected in the same way as an adult. At the same time, the child is often described in negative terms in comparison with adults. The legislator expresses doubts about children's abilities and they are considered to have a lack of ability to form and express opinions. This means that not even the legislature has the view of the child that is acquired to achieve an application of the Conventions child perspective.}},
  author       = {{Lindén, Carolina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rättighetsbäraren - en analys av lagstiftarens barnsyn när hänsyn ska tas till barnets vilja i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgäng}},
  year         = {{2020}},