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Grov misshandel och synnerligen grov misshandel - En kritisk granskning av rättsutvecklingen samt rättssäkerheten i nuvarande bestämmelse och rättstillämpning

Falkenberg, Isabella LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen undersöker de två svåraste graderna av uppsåtlig misshandel –
grov misshandel och synnerligen grov misshandel – utifrån ett
rättsutvecklingsperspektiv och ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv.

Rättsutvecklingsperspektivet. Syftet i denna del av uppsatsen är att, med
utgångspunkt i misshandelsbrottet och det allmänna rättsmedvetandet,
kritiskt granska den offensiva inriktningen som präglat den svenska
straffrättspolitiken i ett par decennier. Straffskärpningar diskuteras jämt i dagens kriminalpolitiska debatt. För att berättiga dessa förändringar i strafflagstiftningen har det allmänna rättsmedvetandet alltmer lyfts fram. De svåraste graderna av misshandel, som stadgas i 3 kap. 6 § brottsbalken, återspeglar denna utveckling.... (More)
Uppsatsen undersöker de två svåraste graderna av uppsåtlig misshandel –
grov misshandel och synnerligen grov misshandel – utifrån ett
rättsutvecklingsperspektiv och ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv.

Rättsutvecklingsperspektivet. Syftet i denna del av uppsatsen är att, med
utgångspunkt i misshandelsbrottet och det allmänna rättsmedvetandet,
kritiskt granska den offensiva inriktningen som präglat den svenska
straffrättspolitiken i ett par decennier. Straffskärpningar diskuteras jämt i dagens kriminalpolitiska debatt. För att berättiga dessa förändringar i strafflagstiftningen har det allmänna rättsmedvetandet alltmer lyfts fram. De svåraste graderna av misshandel, som stadgas i 3 kap. 6 § brottsbalken, återspeglar denna utveckling. Samtliga lagändringar av bestämmelsen sedan brottsbalken trädde i kraft har skett i syfte att åstadkomma skärpta straff och alla har motiverats med ett krav från allmänheten. En opinionsundersökning från 2010 visade att över 77 procent av svenskarna ansåg att straffen för våldsbrott var för låga. Med stöd av kriminologisk forskning kan det ifrågasättas om allmänheten i Sverige verkligen förespråkar strängare straff.
Studier visar att ju mer specifika frågor som ställs och ju mer information man får om brottet och de inblandade personerna, desto mer sjunker ens straffbenägenhet. Om man verkligen lyssnade till det allmänna
rättsmedvetandet skulle det kanske snarare innebära en riktning mot mildare straff. Ett rimligt krav på dagens straffrättspolitik är en större försiktighet och tydlighet vid hänvisning till att befolkningen i allmänhet kräver skärpta straff.

Rättssäkerhetsperspektivet. Syftet i denna andra del av uppsatsen är att
kritiskt undersöka gränsdragningen mellan grov och synnerligen grov
misshandel. Gradindelningen infördes 2010 i samband med en av de ovanför
åsyftade lagreformerna. Tre kvalifikationsgrunder för synnerligen grov
misshandel angavs i bestämmelsen – bestående kroppsskada, synnerligt
lidande och synnerlig hänsynslöshet. Högsta domstolen har uttalat att
omfattningen av den skada som är täckt av uppsåt i allmänhet kommer att
vara avgörande för om en misshandel är att bedöma som synnerligen grov.
Uppsatsens rättsfallsundersökning av 13 hovrättsdomar visar att det råder en oklarhet i rättstillämpningen kring vilken vikt som ska läggas vid de olika kvalifikationsgrunderna. Skadan verkar få avgörande betydelse i vissa fall, medan den får mindre betydelse i andra likartade fall. I just det här avseendet är det inte möjligt för en individ att förutse det rättsliga beslutet och det föreligger därmed en brist i förutsebarheten och den formella rättssäkerheten. (Less)
This thesis examines the two most severe degrees of intentional assault –
serious assault and exceptionally serious assault – from a legal development perspective and a rule of law perspective.

Legal development perspective. The aim of the first part of the thesis, based on the crime of assault and the public’s sense of justice, is to critically examine the harsher direction that has characterized the Swedish criminal policy for a couple of decades. Tougher punishments are discussed constantly in criminal policy debate of today. To justify these changes in the criminal law, the public’s sense of justice has been increasingly emphasized. The most severe degrees of assault, stated in Chapter 3 section 6 in the Swedish penal code,... (More)
This thesis examines the two most severe degrees of intentional assault –
serious assault and exceptionally serious assault – from a legal development perspective and a rule of law perspective.

Legal development perspective. The aim of the first part of the thesis, based on the crime of assault and the public’s sense of justice, is to critically examine the harsher direction that has characterized the Swedish criminal policy for a couple of decades. Tougher punishments are discussed constantly in criminal policy debate of today. To justify these changes in the criminal law, the public’s sense of justice has been increasingly emphasized. The most severe degrees of assault, stated in Chapter 3 section 6 in the Swedish penal code, reflects this development. Since the entry into force of the Swedish penal code, all legislative amendments of the provision have been made in order to effectuate harsher punishments and have all been justified by a demand from the public. A poll from 2010 showed that over 77 per cent of Swedish citizens felt that the punishments for violent crimes were too low. With the support of criminological research, it can be questioned whether the public in Sweden really demands stricter punishments. Studies show that the more specific questions are asked and the more background information you have about the crime and people involved, the more your punitiveness decreases. If one really listens to the public’s sense of justice that would perhaps mean a direction towards milder punishments. A reasonable requirement for criminal justice policy of today is a greater caution and clarity when referring to the fact that the population in general is in favour of more severe punishments.

Rule of law perspective. The aim of the second part is to critically examine the boundary between serious and exceptionally serious assault. The grading was introduced in 2010 in connection with one of the above-mentioned legislative amendments. Three grounds qualifying for exceptionally serious assault were specified in the provision – permanent body injury, extreme suffering and extreme recklessness. The supreme court of Sweden has stated that the extent of the injury covered by intent will in general be decisive for whether an assault is to be considered exceptionally serious. The case study of 13 court judgments shows that there is some uncertainty regarding the importance to be placed in different qualifications. The injury appears to be decisive in some cases, while it is less important in other similar cases. With
this particular regard, it is not possible for an individual to predict the judicial decision. Thus, there is a lack of predictability and legal security. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Falkenberg, Isabella LU
alternative title
Serious assault and exceptionally serious assault - A critical analysis of the legal development and legal security in the current provision and application of the law
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2020-06-18 21:02:39
date last changed
2020-06-18 21:02:39
  abstract     = {{This thesis examines the two most severe degrees of intentional assault –
serious assault and exceptionally serious assault – from a legal development perspective and a rule of law perspective.

Legal development perspective. The aim of the first part of the thesis, based on the crime of assault and the public’s sense of justice, is to critically examine the harsher direction that has characterized the Swedish criminal policy for a couple of decades. Tougher punishments are discussed constantly in criminal policy debate of today. To justify these changes in the criminal law, the public’s sense of justice has been increasingly emphasized. The most severe degrees of assault, stated in Chapter 3 section 6 in the Swedish penal code, reflects this development. Since the entry into force of the Swedish penal code, all legislative amendments of the provision have been made in order to effectuate harsher punishments and have all been justified by a demand from the public. A poll from 2010 showed that over 77 per cent of Swedish citizens felt that the punishments for violent crimes were too low. With the support of criminological research, it can be questioned whether the public in Sweden really demands stricter punishments. Studies show that the more specific questions are asked and the more background information you have about the crime and people involved, the more your punitiveness decreases. If one really listens to the public’s sense of justice that would perhaps mean a direction towards milder punishments. A reasonable requirement for criminal justice policy of today is a greater caution and clarity when referring to the fact that the population in general is in favour of more severe punishments.

Rule of law perspective. The aim of the second part is to critically examine the boundary between serious and exceptionally serious assault. The grading was introduced in 2010 in connection with one of the above-mentioned legislative amendments. Three grounds qualifying for exceptionally serious assault were specified in the provision – permanent body injury, extreme suffering and extreme recklessness. The supreme court of Sweden has stated that the extent of the injury covered by intent will in general be decisive for whether an assault is to be considered exceptionally serious. The case study of 13 court judgments shows that there is some uncertainty regarding the importance to be placed in different qualifications. The injury appears to be decisive in some cases, while it is less important in other similar cases. With
this particular regard, it is not possible for an individual to predict the judicial decision. Thus, there is a lack of predictability and legal security.}},
  author       = {{Falkenberg, Isabella}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Grov misshandel och synnerligen grov misshandel - En kritisk granskning av rättsutvecklingen samt rättssäkerheten i nuvarande bestämmelse och rättstillämpning}},
  year         = {{2020}},