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Det finns ingen plats som hemma, eller? - När kan och bör familjehemsplacerade barn flytta tillbaka till sina föräldrar

Dahl, Erica LU (2020) LAGF03 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
När ett barn placeras i ett familjehem, med anledning av missförhållanden i ursprungshemmet, är grundprincipen att barnet så snart det är möjligt ska återvända hem. För att omhändertagandet inte ska utgöra en kränkning av barnets rätt till familjeliv, måste myndigheterna arbeta aktivt för att få till ett återförenande. Samtidigt har det i olika rättsliga dokument och rättspraxis utvecklats en princip, där omhändertagna barn ska tillförsäkras kontinuitet och stabilitet. Placerade barn som tillbringat flera år ifrån sina föräldrar kan uppleva familjehemmet som sitt riktiga, och således etablera ett behov av kontinuitet där. År 2003 infördes en skyldighet för socialnämnden att, när ett barn varit placerat i samma familjehem i mer än tre år,... (More)
När ett barn placeras i ett familjehem, med anledning av missförhållanden i ursprungshemmet, är grundprincipen att barnet så snart det är möjligt ska återvända hem. För att omhändertagandet inte ska utgöra en kränkning av barnets rätt till familjeliv, måste myndigheterna arbeta aktivt för att få till ett återförenande. Samtidigt har det i olika rättsliga dokument och rättspraxis utvecklats en princip, där omhändertagna barn ska tillförsäkras kontinuitet och stabilitet. Placerade barn som tillbringat flera år ifrån sina föräldrar kan uppleva familjehemmet som sitt riktiga, och således etablera ett behov av kontinuitet där. År 2003 infördes en skyldighet för socialnämnden att, när ett barn varit placerat i samma familjehem i mer än tre år, överväga behovet av en vårdnadsöverflyttning. Därmed innefattas frågan, huruvida ett familjehemsplacerat barn kan och bör flytta hem en intresseavvägning. Denna avvägning blir då mellan principen om återförening och principen om kontinuitet. Lagstiftaren har inte angett några anvisningar för vilken princip som ska väga tyngst vid en sådan avvägning. Slutsatsen som dras i arbetet är att under de tre första placeringsåren är det återföreningsprincipen som väger tyngst. Efter tre år och framåt tillmäts kontinuitetsprincipen ökad betydelse, då socialnämnden efter tre år har en skyldighet att lyfta frågan om vårdnadsöverflyttning.
Barnkonventionen säger att vid alla åtgärder och beslut rörande barn ska barnets bästa beaktas. I svensk nationell rätt finns en ännu mer långtgående bestämmelse. Denna slår fast att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande vid frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge, samt vid beslut enligt LVU. Någon definition av principens innebörd finns inte, varför arbetet syftar till att klarlägga innehållet. Ytterligare ett syfte med denna uppsats är att söka svar på vilken betydelse principen om barnets bästa har, vid ovan angivna avvägning.
Frågan om ett familjehemsplacerat barn kan och bör flytta tillbaka till sina föräldrar kan komma att aktualisera tre olika processer. Den rättsliga kopplingen mellan regleringen gällande upphörande av vård, flyttningsförbud och vårdnadsöverföring är snårig. Komplexiteten i regleringen har en skadlig inverkan på principen om barnets bästa, varför en alternativ reglering diskuteras i uppsatsens avslutande avsnitt. (Less)
When a child is placed in foster care, the basic principle is that the child should return home as soon as possible. In order for the treatment not to constitute a violation of the child's right to family life, the authorities must work actively to reunite the family. At the same time, a principle has been developed in various legal documents and case law, whereby continuity and stability must be ensured for children placed in care. Foster Care placed children who have spent several years away from their parents can experience the foster home as their real home, thus establishing a need for continuity there. In 2003 a liability was introduced for the Social Committee to, when a child has been placed in the same foster home for more than... (More)
When a child is placed in foster care, the basic principle is that the child should return home as soon as possible. In order for the treatment not to constitute a violation of the child's right to family life, the authorities must work actively to reunite the family. At the same time, a principle has been developed in various legal documents and case law, whereby continuity and stability must be ensured for children placed in care. Foster Care placed children who have spent several years away from their parents can experience the foster home as their real home, thus establishing a need for continuity there. In 2003 a liability was introduced for the Social Committee to, when a child has been placed in the same foster home for more than three years, consider the need for a custody transfer. Thus includes the question of whether a child placed in foster care can and should move home, a balance of interest. This becomes a consideration between balancing the principle of reunification and the principle of continuity. The legislator has not provided instructions for which principle is to be prioritized. The conclusion drawn in this essay is that during the first three years, the reunification principle is the most important. After three years and onwards, the principle of continuity is given greater importance, since after this amount of time the Social Committee has an obligation to raise the issue of custody transfer.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that in all measures and decisions concerning children, the best interest of the child must be taken into account. In Swedish national law there is an even more profound regulation. It states that the court, in matters of custody and concerning decisions according to LVU, shall base its decision on what is in the best interest of the child. The principle of the best interest of the child is not defined by law, which is why this essay aims to clarify the content. Another purpose of this essay is to seek answers to the significance of the principle of the best interest of the child, in the aforementioned balance of interests.
The question wether a child can and should move back to its parents after having been placed in care, may arise in three different processes. The legal link between the regulation regarding cessation of care, transfer ban and custody transfer is complex. The complexity of the regulation has a detrimental effect on the principle of the best interest of the child, therefore an alternative regulation is discussed in the concluding section of this essay. (Less)
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Dahl, Erica LU
LAGF03 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Familjerätt, socialrätt, förvaltningsrätt
date added to LUP
2020-09-19 21:52:02
date last changed
2020-09-19 21:52:02
  abstract     = {{When a child is placed in foster care, the basic principle is that the child should return home as soon as possible. In order for the treatment not to constitute a violation of the child's right to family life, the authorities must work actively to reunite the family. At the same time, a principle has been developed in various legal documents and case law, whereby continuity and stability must be ensured for children placed in care. Foster Care placed children who have spent several years away from their parents can experience the foster home as their real home, thus establishing a need for continuity there. In 2003 a liability was introduced for the Social Committee to, when a child has been placed in the same foster home for more than three years, consider the need for a custody transfer. Thus includes the question of whether a child placed in foster care can and should move home, a balance of interest. This becomes a consideration between balancing the principle of reunification and the principle of continuity. The legislator has not provided instructions for which principle is to be prioritized. The conclusion drawn in this essay is that during the first three years, the reunification principle is the most important. After three years and onwards, the principle of continuity is given greater importance, since after this amount of time the Social Committee has an obligation to raise the issue of custody transfer.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that in all measures and decisions concerning children, the best interest of the child must be taken into account. In Swedish national law there is an even more profound regulation. It states that the court, in matters of custody and concerning decisions according to LVU, shall base its decision on what is in the best interest of the child. The principle of the best interest of the child is not defined by law, which is why this essay aims to clarify the content. Another purpose of this essay is to seek answers to the significance of the principle of the best interest of the child, in the aforementioned balance of interests.
The question wether a child can and should move back to its parents after having been placed in care, may arise in three different processes. The legal link between the regulation regarding cessation of care, transfer ban and custody transfer is complex. The complexity of the regulation has a detrimental effect on the principle of the best interest of the child, therefore an alternative regulation is discussed in the concluding section of this essay.}},
  author       = {{Dahl, Erica}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Det finns ingen plats som hemma, eller? - När kan och bör familjehemsplacerade barn flytta tillbaka till sina föräldrar}},
  year         = {{2020}},