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Sexuell hälsa hos individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - arbetsterapeuters arbete inom daglig verksamhet och vuxenhabilitering.

Magnusson, Louise LU and Bergstedt, Belinda LU (2020) ATPK62 20201
Department of Health Sciences
Sustainable occupations and health in a life course perspective
Abstract (Swedish)
Studier visar på att det finns bristfällig forskning om arbetsterapeuters arbete
med sexuell hälsa.
Syftet: Att undersöka arbetsterapeuters arbete med sexuell hälsa hos
individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning inom daglig verksamhet och
Metod: Kvantitativ enkätstudie där 30 stycken arbetsterapeuter rekryterades
via icke-slumpmässigt bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval. Kvantitativ data
analyserades med deskriptiv statistik och korrelationsanalys. Kvalitativ data
användes som komplement.
Resultat: Majoriteten av arbetsterapeuterna uppgav att de berör ämnet
sexuell hälsa någon gång per år, men många svarade att de aldrig utfört en
intervention relaterad till sexuell hälsa. Studien visade ett samband... (More)
Studier visar på att det finns bristfällig forskning om arbetsterapeuters arbete
med sexuell hälsa.
Syftet: Att undersöka arbetsterapeuters arbete med sexuell hälsa hos
individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning inom daglig verksamhet och
Metod: Kvantitativ enkätstudie där 30 stycken arbetsterapeuter rekryterades
via icke-slumpmässigt bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval. Kvantitativ data
analyserades med deskriptiv statistik och korrelationsanalys. Kvalitativ data
användes som komplement.
Resultat: Majoriteten av arbetsterapeuterna uppgav att de berör ämnet
sexuell hälsa någon gång per år, men många svarade att de aldrig utfört en
intervention relaterad till sexuell hälsa. Studien visade ett samband mellan i
vilken utsträckning arbetsterapeuter arbetar med sexuell hälsa och deras
upplevda bekvämlighet med att lyfta ämnet med klienter. Endast en tiondel
upplevde sig ha tillräckligt med kunskap om ämnet för att arbeta med sexuell
hälsa medan en övervägande andel av deltagarna ansåg att det var ett
arbetsområde för arbetsterapeuter.
Slutsats: Arbetsterapeuterna arbetade inte med sexuell hälsa i stor
utsträckning inom verksamheterna trots att målgruppen är i risk för att uppleva
aktivitetsorättvisa relaterad till deras sexuella hälsa. Identifierade hinder för
arbetet med sexuell hälsa var bristfällig kunskap och avsaknad av rutiner på
arbetsplatsen. Åtgärdas dessa hinder kan det främja arbetet med sexuell
hälsa för målgruppen. (Less)
Studies show that there is insufficient research on occupational therapists
(OT) work on sexual health.
Purpose: Investigate OT’s work on sexual health with individuals with
intellectual disabilities in day-centres and adult habilitation.
Method: A quantitative survey study where 30 OT’s were recruited via nonrandom convenience selection and snowball selection. Quantitative data were
analyzed with descriptive statistics and correlation analyses. Qualitative data
was used as a complement.
Results: The majority of OT’s stated that they addressed sexual health a few
times a year, but many responded that they had never performed any sexual
health interventions. The study showed a correlation between the extent to
which OT’s work with... (More)
Studies show that there is insufficient research on occupational therapists
(OT) work on sexual health.
Purpose: Investigate OT’s work on sexual health with individuals with
intellectual disabilities in day-centres and adult habilitation.
Method: A quantitative survey study where 30 OT’s were recruited via nonrandom convenience selection and snowball selection. Quantitative data were
analyzed with descriptive statistics and correlation analyses. Qualitative data
was used as a complement.
Results: The majority of OT’s stated that they addressed sexual health a few
times a year, but many responded that they had never performed any sexual
health interventions. The study showed a correlation between the extent to
which OT’s work with sexual health and their perceived comfort to address the
subject with clients. Only a tenth of them felt they had enough knowledge
about sexual health, while a predominant part of the participants felt that it
was an area for OT’s.
Conclusion: The OT’s did not work with sexual health to a large extent within
the areas, although the target group is in risk for experience occupational
injustice related to their sexual health. Identified barriers to working with
sexual health were lack of knowledge and workplace routines. Addressing
these barriers may promote work with sexual health for this group. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Magnusson, Louise LU and Bergstedt, Belinda LU
ATPK62 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Sexuell hälsa, sexualitet, sexuell utsatthet, aktivitetsorättvisa, intellektuell funktionsnedsättning
date added to LUP
2020-06-11 13:09:20
date last changed
2020-06-11 13:09:20
  abstract     = {{Studies show that there is insufficient research on occupational therapists
(OT) work on sexual health.
Purpose: Investigate OT’s work on sexual health with individuals with
intellectual disabilities in day-centres and adult habilitation.
Method: A quantitative survey study where 30 OT’s were recruited via nonrandom convenience selection and snowball selection. Quantitative data were
analyzed with descriptive statistics and correlation analyses. Qualitative data
was used as a complement.
Results: The majority of OT’s stated that they addressed sexual health a few
times a year, but many responded that they had never performed any sexual
health interventions. The study showed a correlation between the extent to
which OT’s work with sexual health and their perceived comfort to address the
subject with clients. Only a tenth of them felt they had enough knowledge
about sexual health, while a predominant part of the participants felt that it
was an area for OT’s.
Conclusion: The OT’s did not work with sexual health to a large extent within
the areas, although the target group is in risk for experience occupational
injustice related to their sexual health. Identified barriers to working with
sexual health were lack of knowledge and workplace routines. Addressing
these barriers may promote work with sexual health for this group.}},
  author       = {{Magnusson, Louise and Bergstedt, Belinda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Sexuell hälsa hos individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - arbetsterapeuters arbete inom daglig verksamhet och vuxenhabilitering.}},
  year         = {{2020}},