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Planering och integrering av fastighetsförvaltning i byggprocessen för nyproduktionsprojekt

Johansson, Amanda LU and Persson, Kajsa Sara Maria LU (2020) VBEM01 20201
Construction Management
The study aims to examine if, and how, facility management is considered throughout the construction process of a project, and how it can be improved. The aim is to answer the questions at issue. The questions of issue will be studied with an economic and ecological sustainability perspective.

The study has been implemented as a qualitative study based on a document analysis of two construction projects in Hyllie and qualitative interviews with different stakeholders in different stages of the construction process. The interview questions are based on a literature review. The literature review, the document study and the interviews have later on been interweaved in an analysis, together with the authors opinions, to phrase a conclusion.... (More)
The study aims to examine if, and how, facility management is considered throughout the construction process of a project, and how it can be improved. The aim is to answer the questions at issue. The questions of issue will be studied with an economic and ecological sustainability perspective.

The study has been implemented as a qualitative study based on a document analysis of two construction projects in Hyllie and qualitative interviews with different stakeholders in different stages of the construction process. The interview questions are based on a literature review. The literature review, the document study and the interviews have later on been interweaved in an analysis, together with the authors opinions, to phrase a conclusion.

In the planning of beneficial facility management, a holistic approach is necessary, and there are several ways to achieve this comprehensive picture. With improved follow-up and a larger number of customer surveys, real estate developers can plan for appropriate facility management. With a verification of what has been successful and not, the real estate developer knows what is necessary to consider in up- coming projects. Follow-ups can be documented in a database containing solutions that previously has been functional in the facility management process. From a facility management perspective, working with standardization and repetition in projects is successful. If a project has been successful in facility management, it is desirable from several perspectives to repeat this in future projects.

Planning for beneficial facility management is often connected to integrating it in the early stages. It has been shown successful to have facility management representatives involved in the early stages. It happens that the municipalities set up guidelines and policies related to sustainability and long-term sustainable facility management. This can support the planning of appropriate facility management, but the municipalities should not set guidelines in one specific direction. Different certification systems can also be an instrument to plan for appropriate facility management and integrate it in the early stages. In general, if stricter and more evident requirements were set by environmental certification systems, facility management could be integrated advantageously.

Furthermore, one conclusion is that storing information digitally and using digital systems, such as mobile applications, could support the facility management and the integration of it in the construction process. One of the reasons for this is that all the information about the building is available, stored over time and to a large amount. To integrate the facility management in the early stages, a BIM could be used in the construction process. However, it is a conclusion that this still is a theoretical concept, and BIM is not used in this way in the industry today. The reason for this, among other things, is varied knowledge about BIM among stakeholders. It can also be considered a problem to keep the information up-to-date and compatible with software over time. Depending on who is going to manage the facility, a model and its containing information can be adapted. For example, the information in a model can be connected to an application and be specialized to the end user. A key saying is to create accurate information for the stakeholder in question.

The document study shows that facility management is referred to in the planning process by several documents and aims. Some design requirements have the purpose to support standardization, which is desirable in the facility management phase. As mentioned, it would also be advantageous to involve a facility management representative in the planning and design process. During design, the stakeholders are controlled by several aims. The municipality can set aims and if an environmental certification is used, this also includes aims and requirements. All these aims are affecting the facility management, especially if a holistic approach is applied. A facility management perspective is also reviewed in the construction process by operating and maintenance instructions, briefings and inspections with a private housing cooperative board member, among other things. The clearer these instructions and briefings are, the better the facility management process is supposed to be. In one of the studied projects, a website for the private housing cooperative was made. An operational website for the private housing cooperative could contribute to a more successful facility management process.

There are no facility management plans for new construction projects. It appears that property management plans are only needed after 25 years, which can indicate that facility management plans initially are not needed. On the other hand, stakeholders are conscious of the benefits with facility management plans, as they help control the costs and the operating net. Facility management plans were not encountered with in the study, but several stakeholders understand why it should exist. It might be that a facility management plan in the form of a document is outdated, and today, it can be considered more accurate to integrate facility management information in a digital system. While facility management plans for new construction projects do not seem to be accurate, most stakeholders claim that there are different aspects of the facility management process that can be improved. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Studien syftar till att undersöka om och hur fastighetsförvaltningen beaktas genom hela byggprocessen i nybyggnadsprojekt och hur det kan förbättras. Målsättning är att besvara de för studien relevanta frågeställningarna. Frågeställningarna som studien åsyftar att besvara kommer att betraktas med ekonomisk och ekologisk hållbarhet i åtanke.

Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie baserat på en dokumentstudie av två nyproduktionsprojekt i Hyllie samt kvalitativa intervjuer med olika aktörer i byggprocessens olika skeden. Intervjufrågorna har baserats på den litteraturstudie som genomförts. Litteraturstudien, dokumentstudien och empirin har sedan vävts samman i en analys tillsammans med författarnas egna tankar för att formulera... (More)
Studien syftar till att undersöka om och hur fastighetsförvaltningen beaktas genom hela byggprocessen i nybyggnadsprojekt och hur det kan förbättras. Målsättning är att besvara de för studien relevanta frågeställningarna. Frågeställningarna som studien åsyftar att besvara kommer att betraktas med ekonomisk och ekologisk hållbarhet i åtanke.

Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie baserat på en dokumentstudie av två nyproduktionsprojekt i Hyllie samt kvalitativa intervjuer med olika aktörer i byggprocessens olika skeden. Intervjufrågorna har baserats på den litteraturstudie som genomförts. Litteraturstudien, dokumentstudien och empirin har sedan vävts samman i en analys tillsammans med författarnas egna tankar för att formulera en slutsats.

Vid planering av god förvaltning krävs ett helhetsperspektiv och det finns flertalet sätt att nå denna helhetsbild. Med bättre uppföljning och fler kundundersökningar kan bostadsutvecklare planera för rätt fastighetsförvaltning. Med ett kvitto på det som fungerat bra och mindre bra vet bostadsutvecklaren vad som ska tänkas på i nästa projekt. Uppföljning kan med fördel dokumenteras i någon typ av databas med vilka lösningar som har fungerat i förvaltningsskedet. Att arbeta med standardisering och repetition i projekt är lyckat ur förvaltningssynpunkt. Om ett projekt visat sig fungera bra i förvaltningsskedet är det önskvärt ur flera perspektiv att repetera detta i flera projekt.

Att planera för god fastighetsförvaltning går allt som oftast hand i hand med att integrera förvaltningen i ett tidigt skede. Det har visat sig lyckat att ha förvaltningsrepresentanter involverade i ett tidigt skede. Det händer att kommuner sätter upp riktlinjer avseende hållbarhet och långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning genom dokumentation. Detta kan bidra i arbetet att planera för god förvaltning, kommunen bör dock inte sätta riktlinjer i endast en specifik riktning. Olika certifieringssystem kan också hjälpa till att planera för god förvaltning och att integrera denna i ett tidigt skede. Överlag om tydligare och striktare krav ställts i de olika miljöcertifieringarna torde också förvaltningen kunna integreras bättre.

Vidare är en slutsats att lagra information digitalt och använda sig av digitala system likt mobilapplikationer kan främja förvaltningen och att den integreras i byggprocessen. Detta för att all information om byggnaden finns tillgänglig, lagrad över tid och i stor omfattning. För att integrera fastighetsförvaltningen i ett tidigt skede skulle BIM med fördel kunna användas i hela byggprocessen. En slutsats är dock att detta fortfarande är ett teoretiskt koncept och att BIM ej används på detta sätt i branschen idag. Anledningen till detta är bland annat varierad kunskap om BIM i branschen. Det har även visat sig problematiskt att hålla informationen läsbar och kompatibel med programvarorna över tid. Beroende på vem som ska förvalta kan en modell och dess information anpassas. Det ska dock poängteras att informationen i modellen kan kopplas till exempelvis en applikation som anpassas efter slutanvändaren. Rätt information till rätt person är en nyckelmening.

Dokumentstudien visar att fastighetsförvaltningen berörs i planeringsskedet genom flera dokument och målsättningar. Styrande projekteringskrav arbetar mot standardisering, vilket är önskvärt inför förvaltningsskedet. I planerings- och projekteringsskedet vore det också gynnsamt, som tidigare nämnt, att en förvaltningsrepresentant involveras. Under projekteringsskedet styrs projektörerna av diverse krav, kommunen kan ställa krav och om en miljöcertifiering ska uppnås finns krav i denna. Alla dessa krav påverkar i förlängningen fastighetsförvaltningen, framförallt om ett helhetsperspektiv beaktas. Under produktionsskedet blir förvaltningsperspektivet än tydligare och involveras bland annat genom drift- och skötselinstruktioner, driftsgenomgångar och besiktningar där en styrelserepresentant medverkar. Desto tydligare dessa instruktioner och genomgångar är, desto bättre torde också förvaltningen bli. I ett projekt uppfördes en hemsida till föreningen. En fungerande hemsida för föreningen kan bidra till en bättre fastighetsförvaltning.

Det enkla svaret är nej. Det finns inga förvaltningsplaner för nyproduktionsprojekt. Det framkommer att underhållsplaner inte behövs de första 25 åren i nyproduktionsprojekt, vilket kan indikera att förvaltningsplaner inte behövs initialt. Dock ser aktörerna nyttan med förvaltningsplaner då de exempelvis genererar kostnadskontroll och har en stor påverkan på driftnettot. Även om förvaltningsplaner inte stöttes på i aktuell studie så kan flertalet aktörer förstå varför de bör finnas. Det skulle kunna vara så att “traditionella” förvaltningsplaner i form av en fysisk dokumentation redan är utdaterade och i dagsläget känns det snarare relevant att integrera förvaltningsdokumentation i någon form av digitalt system. Samtidigt som förvaltningsplaner för nyproduktionsprojekt inte verkar finnas uttrycker samtliga aktörer att det finns olika aspekter av förvaltningen som skulle kunna bli bättre. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johansson, Amanda LU and Persson, Kajsa Sara Maria LU
alternative title
Planning and integration of facility management in the construction process for new construction projects
VBEM01 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Fastighetsförvaltning, Miljonprogrammet, Förvaltningsplan, Byggprocessen, Hållbarhet, BIM, BIM i fastighetsförvaltning, Midroc
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Handledare: Stefan Olander
Examinator: Anne Landin
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 15:42:37
date last changed
2020-06-16 15:42:37
  abstract     = {{The study aims to examine if, and how, facility management is considered throughout the construction process of a project, and how it can be improved. The aim is to answer the questions at issue. The questions of issue will be studied with an economic and ecological sustainability perspective.

The study has been implemented as a qualitative study based on a document analysis of two construction projects in Hyllie and qualitative interviews with different stakeholders in different stages of the construction process. The interview questions are based on a literature review. The literature review, the document study and the interviews have later on been interweaved in an analysis, together with the authors opinions, to phrase a conclusion.

In the planning of beneficial facility management, a holistic approach is necessary, and there are several ways to achieve this comprehensive picture. With improved follow-up and a larger number of customer surveys, real estate developers can plan for appropriate facility management. With a verification of what has been successful and not, the real estate developer knows what is necessary to consider in up- coming projects. Follow-ups can be documented in a database containing solutions that previously has been functional in the facility management process. From a facility management perspective, working with standardization and repetition in projects is successful. If a project has been successful in facility management, it is desirable from several perspectives to repeat this in future projects.

Planning for beneficial facility management is often connected to integrating it in the early stages. It has been shown successful to have facility management representatives involved in the early stages. It happens that the municipalities set up guidelines and policies related to sustainability and long-term sustainable facility management. This can support the planning of appropriate facility management, but the municipalities should not set guidelines in one specific direction. Different certification systems can also be an instrument to plan for appropriate facility management and integrate it in the early stages. In general, if stricter and more evident requirements were set by environmental certification systems, facility management could be integrated advantageously.

Furthermore, one conclusion is that storing information digitally and using digital systems, such as mobile applications, could support the facility management and the integration of it in the construction process. One of the reasons for this is that all the information about the building is available, stored over time and to a large amount. To integrate the facility management in the early stages, a BIM could be used in the construction process. However, it is a conclusion that this still is a theoretical concept, and BIM is not used in this way in the industry today. The reason for this, among other things, is varied knowledge about BIM among stakeholders. It can also be considered a problem to keep the information up-to-date and compatible with software over time. Depending on who is going to manage the facility, a model and its containing information can be adapted. For example, the information in a model can be connected to an application and be specialized to the end user. A key saying is to create accurate information for the stakeholder in question.

The document study shows that facility management is referred to in the planning process by several documents and aims. Some design requirements have the purpose to support standardization, which is desirable in the facility management phase. As mentioned, it would also be advantageous to involve a facility management representative in the planning and design process. During design, the stakeholders are controlled by several aims. The municipality can set aims and if an environmental certification is used, this also includes aims and requirements. All these aims are affecting the facility management, especially if a holistic approach is applied. A facility management perspective is also reviewed in the construction process by operating and maintenance instructions, briefings and inspections with a private housing cooperative board member, among other things. The clearer these instructions and briefings are, the better the facility management process is supposed to be. In one of the studied projects, a website for the private housing cooperative was made. An operational website for the private housing cooperative could contribute to a more successful facility management process.

There are no facility management plans for new construction projects. It appears that property management plans are only needed after 25 years, which can indicate that facility management plans initially are not needed. On the other hand, stakeholders are conscious of the benefits with facility management plans, as they help control the costs and the operating net. Facility management plans were not encountered with in the study, but several stakeholders understand why it should exist. It might be that a facility management plan in the form of a document is outdated, and today, it can be considered more accurate to integrate facility management information in a digital system. While facility management plans for new construction projects do not seem to be accurate, most stakeholders claim that there are different aspects of the facility management process that can be improved.}},
  author       = {{Johansson, Amanda and Persson, Kajsa Sara Maria}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Planering och integrering av fastighetsförvaltning i byggprocessen för nyproduktionsprojekt}},
  year         = {{2020}},