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LUP Student Papers


Framing effect in time of a pandemic: A more realistic Asian Disease Problem

Nilsson, Moa LU and Eriksson, Robin LU (2020) PSYK11 20201
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Coronaviruset sprids nu över hela världen, vilket skapar utmaningar för både individer och samhället i sin helhet. Pandemin påverkar personer på en psykologisk nivå, även om de kanske inte vet om det själva. Inspirerade av Tversky & Kahnemans (1981) Asian Disease Problem, så syftar den här uppsatsen till att undersöka hur effekten av framing påverkar människors beslutsfattande under en pandemi, hur det kan kan kopplas till rädsla och social anknytning, samt den möjliga skillnaden mellan fiktiv och realistisk scenario-framing. En online-enkät användes för att samla in data från ett urval av svenska personer, och resultatet visade en skillnad i beslutsfattande baserat på vilken framing deltagarna fick i enkäten. Dessutom, så visade... (More)
Coronaviruset sprids nu över hela världen, vilket skapar utmaningar för både individer och samhället i sin helhet. Pandemin påverkar personer på en psykologisk nivå, även om de kanske inte vet om det själva. Inspirerade av Tversky & Kahnemans (1981) Asian Disease Problem, så syftar den här uppsatsen till att undersöka hur effekten av framing påverkar människors beslutsfattande under en pandemi, hur det kan kan kopplas till rädsla och social anknytning, samt den möjliga skillnaden mellan fiktiv och realistisk scenario-framing. En online-enkät användes för att samla in data från ett urval av svenska personer, och resultatet visade en skillnad i beslutsfattande baserat på vilken framing deltagarna fick i enkäten. Dessutom, så visade resultatet en signifikant skillnad mellan den nuvarande studien och originalstudien av Tversky & Kahneman, vilket föreslår att deltagarna av den här studien var mer benägna att välja det säkra alternativet när negativ framing användes. Den här skillnaden mellan resultaten kan kopplas till tidigare forskning på till exempel mortality salience. Ytterligare resultat kan kopplas till tidigare studier om bland annat social anknytning och beslutsfattande. Sammanfattningsvis, så visar den här uppsatsen att beslutsfattande påverkas av framing, vilket visar att coronaviruset kan appliceras som en mer realistisk variant av Asian Disease Problem. (Less)
The world is currently facing the coronavirus, which causes challenges to individuals, as well as society as a whole. The pandemic affects people on a psychological level, even if they might not know it. Inspired by Tversky & Kahneman’s (1981) Asian Disease Problem; this paper aims to investigate how framing effect in time of a pandemic affects decision making, how this could be linked to fear and social attachment, as well as the possible difference between using a fictional or more realistic scenario framing. An online survey was used to collect data from a sample of Swedish people, and the result showed a difference in decision making based on the framing used in the survey. Furthermore, the results showed a significant difference... (More)
The world is currently facing the coronavirus, which causes challenges to individuals, as well as society as a whole. The pandemic affects people on a psychological level, even if they might not know it. Inspired by Tversky & Kahneman’s (1981) Asian Disease Problem; this paper aims to investigate how framing effect in time of a pandemic affects decision making, how this could be linked to fear and social attachment, as well as the possible difference between using a fictional or more realistic scenario framing. An online survey was used to collect data from a sample of Swedish people, and the result showed a difference in decision making based on the framing used in the survey. Furthermore, the results showed a significant difference between the present study and the original Asian Disease Problem-study, suggesting that the participants of this study were more likely to choose the safe option when framed negatively. This difference in results could be linked to previous research on for example mortality salience. Additional results of the study can be linked to past studies on for instance social attachment and decision making. In conclusion, decision making is affected by framing effect, suggesting that the application of the coronavirus could be considered a more realistic Asian Disease Problem. (Less)
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Nilsson, Moa LU and Eriksson, Robin LU
alternative title
Effekten av framing under en pandemi: Ett mer realistiskt Asian Disease Problem
PSYK11 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Decision making, Asian Disease Problem, framing effect, coronavirus, COVID-19, fear, social attachment.
date added to LUP
2020-06-12 09:44:36
date last changed
2020-06-12 09:44:36
  abstract     = {{The world is currently facing the coronavirus, which causes challenges to individuals, as well as society as a whole. The pandemic affects people on a psychological level, even if they might not know it. Inspired by Tversky & Kahneman’s (1981) Asian Disease Problem; this paper aims to investigate how framing effect in time of a pandemic affects decision making, how this could be linked to fear and social attachment, as well as the possible difference between using a fictional or more realistic scenario framing. An online survey was used to collect data from a sample of Swedish people, and the result showed a difference in decision making based on the framing used in the survey. Furthermore, the results showed a significant difference between the present study and the original Asian Disease Problem-study, suggesting that the participants of this study were more likely to choose the safe option when framed negatively. This difference in results could be linked to previous research on for example mortality salience. Additional results of the study can be linked to past studies on for instance social attachment and decision making. In conclusion, decision making is affected by framing effect, suggesting that the application of the coronavirus could be considered a more realistic Asian Disease Problem.}},
  author       = {{Nilsson, Moa and Eriksson, Robin}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Framing effect in time of a pandemic: A more realistic Asian Disease Problem}},
  year         = {{2020}},