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LUP Student Papers


Riskfördelning vid fel i fastighet

Fridell, David LU and Höijer, Max (2020) VFTM01 20201
Real Estate Science
In a real estate transaction, according to chapter 4, paragraph 19, in the Swedish Land Code, the seller has an abstract liability. This liability was introduced when the new Land Code came into force in 1972. Prior to that, the seller did not have this abstract liability, but only a responsibility for things that he made direct commitments to. The change therefore led to a shift in the risk of having to account for an error from the buyer to the seller. One purpose behind the change was to reduce the mismatch between price and value that could arise when buying a property.
The purpose of this work has been to conduct an economic analysis of the abstract liability. Economic analysis of law can have several purposes. The aim of this work... (More)
In a real estate transaction, according to chapter 4, paragraph 19, in the Swedish Land Code, the seller has an abstract liability. This liability was introduced when the new Land Code came into force in 1972. Prior to that, the seller did not have this abstract liability, but only a responsibility for things that he made direct commitments to. The change therefore led to a shift in the risk of having to account for an error from the buyer to the seller. One purpose behind the change was to reduce the mismatch between price and value that could arise when buying a property.
The purpose of this work has been to conduct an economic analysis of the abstract liability. Economic analysis of law can have several purposes. The aim of this work has been to examine the rule on the basis of an economic efficiency concept, which is a prerequisite for increased prosperity. Legislation, case law and legislative work have been evaluated in order to be able to do this investigation. Based on this, an analysis has been made, partly on the basis of the design of the law and its outcome in the form of economic efficiency, and partly on the basis of how the law can be designed to achieve economic efficiency.
In the introductory part of the work, the economic theories that have been considered essential for a further legal economic analysis have been studied. The economic theories presented have to a large extent been used in the following analysis work. Some theories, on the other hand, have not been considered relevant.
In the analysis section, sources of law have been used as a basis for applying the economic theories. For instance, the legal economic rule of Learned Hand's rule has been considered applicable to the duty to investigate. Furthermore, other economic theories could also be used in the analysis. An important economic theory that permeates the work is that asymmetric information exists in real estate transactions. The asymmetric information gives rise to high transaction costs. How these can be avoided or reduced has been investigated in connection with the analysis.
Through the work, it has emerged that economic theories can be used in many different aspects linked to the abstract defects in property purchases. It has also been shown how they can be used to achieve goals such as economic efficiency. Economic theories of risk distribution have been used to distribute the risk of defects. It has been shown that legislative changes can give the parties various incentives that can ultimately increase economic efficiency, leading to increased prosperity.
It has been emphasized in the work that there are financial motives behind the introduction of the abstract liability, in particular through the purpose stated in the preliminary work. In studies of case law it has also been found that the results in many verdicts coincide with the conclusions that can be drawn from economic theories. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Vid en fastighetstransaktion har säljaren enligt JB 4:19 ett abstrakt felansvar. Detta felansvar infördes när den nya jordabalken trädde i kraft år 1972. Innan dess hade säljaren inte detta abstrakta felansvar, utan endast ett ansvar för sådant som denne gjort direkta utfästelser om. Förändringen medförde därför en förskjutning av risken att behöva stå för ett fel från köparen till säljaren. Ett syfte bakom förändringen var att minska det missförhållandet mellan pris och värde som kunde uppstå vid köp av en fastighet.
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att göra en ekonomisk analys av det abstrakta felansvaret. Den rättsekonomiska analysen kan ha flera syften. Målet i detta arbete har varit att undersöka regeln utifrån ett ekonomiskt... (More)
Vid en fastighetstransaktion har säljaren enligt JB 4:19 ett abstrakt felansvar. Detta felansvar infördes när den nya jordabalken trädde i kraft år 1972. Innan dess hade säljaren inte detta abstrakta felansvar, utan endast ett ansvar för sådant som denne gjort direkta utfästelser om. Förändringen medförde därför en förskjutning av risken att behöva stå för ett fel från köparen till säljaren. Ett syfte bakom förändringen var att minska det missförhållandet mellan pris och värde som kunde uppstå vid köp av en fastighet.
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att göra en ekonomisk analys av det abstrakta felansvaret. Den rättsekonomiska analysen kan ha flera syften. Målet i detta arbete har varit att undersöka regeln utifrån ett ekonomiskt effektivitetsbegrepp, vilket är en förutsättning för ett ökat välstånd. För att kunna göra denna undersökning har lagstiftning, rättspraxis och lagförarbeten utvärderats. Utifrån detta har en analys gjorts, dels utifrån rättens utformning och dess utfall i form av ekonomisk effektivitet, och dels utifrån hur rätten kan utformas för att uppnå ekonomisk effektivitet.
I den inledande delen av arbetet har de ekonomiska teorier som ansetts vara väsentliga för en vidare rättsekonomisk analys studerats. De ekonomiska teorier som redovisas har i stor utsträckning kunnat användas i det följande analysarbetet. Vissa teorier har däremot inte ansetts motiverade att ta upp.
I analysdelen har rättskällor använts som en grund för att applicera de ekonomiska teorierna. T.ex. har den rättsekonomiska ansvarsregeln Learned Hand’s rule ansetts kunna appliceras på undersökningsplikten. Vidare har även andra ekonomiska teorier kunnat användas vid analysen. En viktig ekonomisk teori som genomsyrar arbetet är att det vid fastighetstransaktioner förekommer asymmetrisk information. Den asymmetriska informationen ger upphov till höga transaktionskostnader. Hur dessa kan undvikas eller reduceras har undersökts i samband med analysen.
Genom arbetet har det framkommit att ekonomiska teorier kan användas i många olika aspekter kopplade till de abstrakta felen vid fastighetsköp. Det har också visats på vilket sätt de kan användas för att uppnå mål som ekonomisk effektivitet. Ekonomiska teorier om riskfördelning har kunnat användas för att fördela risken för fel. Det har visats att lagförändringar kan ge parterna olika incitament som i slutänden kan öka den ekonomiska effektiviteten, vilket leder till ett ökat välstånd.
Det har i arbetet lyfts fram att det finns ekonomiska motiv bakom införandet av det abstrakta felansvaret, i synnerhet genom det i förarbetena uttalade syftet. Vid studier av praxis har det även visat sig att utfallen i många domar sammanfaller med de slutsatser som kan dras utifrån ekonomiska teorier. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Fridell, David LU and Höijer, Max
VFTM01 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
fel i fastighet, abstrakta fel, jordabalken, riskfördelning, rättsekonomi, välstånd, effektivitet, transaktionskostnader, defects in property, abstract defects, Land Code, risk distribution, economic analysis of law, prosperity, efficiency, transaction costs
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date added to LUP
2020-06-18 16:55:52
date last changed
2020-06-18 16:55:52
  abstract     = {{In a real estate transaction, according to chapter 4, paragraph 19, in the Swedish Land Code, the seller has an abstract liability. This liability was introduced when the new Land Code came into force in 1972. Prior to that, the seller did not have this abstract liability, but only a responsibility for things that he made direct commitments to. The change therefore led to a shift in the risk of having to account for an error from the buyer to the seller. One purpose behind the change was to reduce the mismatch between price and value that could arise when buying a property.
The purpose of this work has been to conduct an economic analysis of the abstract liability. Economic analysis of law can have several purposes. The aim of this work has been to examine the rule on the basis of an economic efficiency concept, which is a prerequisite for increased prosperity. Legislation, case law and legislative work have been evaluated in order to be able to do this investigation. Based on this, an analysis has been made, partly on the basis of the design of the law and its outcome in the form of economic efficiency, and partly on the basis of how the law can be designed to achieve economic efficiency.
In the introductory part of the work, the economic theories that have been considered essential for a further legal economic analysis have been studied. The economic theories presented have to a large extent been used in the following analysis work. Some theories, on the other hand, have not been considered relevant.
In the analysis section, sources of law have been used as a basis for applying the economic theories. For instance, the legal economic rule of Learned Hand's rule has been considered applicable to the duty to investigate. Furthermore, other economic theories could also be used in the analysis. An important economic theory that permeates the work is that asymmetric information exists in real estate transactions. The asymmetric information gives rise to high transaction costs. How these can be avoided or reduced has been investigated in connection with the analysis.
Through the work, it has emerged that economic theories can be used in many different aspects linked to the abstract defects in property purchases. It has also been shown how they can be used to achieve goals such as economic efficiency. Economic theories of risk distribution have been used to distribute the risk of defects. It has been shown that legislative changes can give the parties various incentives that can ultimately increase economic efficiency, leading to increased prosperity.
It has been emphasized in the work that there are financial motives behind the introduction of the abstract liability, in particular through the purpose stated in the preliminary work. In studies of case law it has also been found that the results in many verdicts coincide with the conclusions that can be drawn from economic theories.}},
  author       = {{Fridell, David and Höijer, Max}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Riskfördelning vid fel i fastighet}},
  year         = {{2020}},