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Väsentlig anknytning - en studie av den utsträckta hemvistprincipen

Schöttle, Felix LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Obegränsad skattskyldighet, vilket innebär att en person är skattskyldig för alla inkomster både från Sverige och utlandet, kan för en fysisk person föreligga enligt tre alternativa grunder. En av dessa grunder är väsentlig anknytning, som innebär att en från Sverige utflyttad person med vissa så kallade anknytningspunkter kan anses ha väsentlig anknytning och därmed bli obegränsat skattskyldig.

Stadgandet om väsentlig anknytning i 3 kap. 7 § IL har, efter ett antal ändringar, funnits som grund för obegränsad skattskyldighet under en längre tid och omfattande praxis finns från HFD. Till följd av denna praxis har stadgandet uppnått ett stort mått av komplexitet. HFD har genom sin praxisbildning medfört att en juridiskt komplicerad... (More)
Obegränsad skattskyldighet, vilket innebär att en person är skattskyldig för alla inkomster både från Sverige och utlandet, kan för en fysisk person föreligga enligt tre alternativa grunder. En av dessa grunder är väsentlig anknytning, som innebär att en från Sverige utflyttad person med vissa så kallade anknytningspunkter kan anses ha väsentlig anknytning och därmed bli obegränsat skattskyldig.

Stadgandet om väsentlig anknytning i 3 kap. 7 § IL har, efter ett antal ändringar, funnits som grund för obegränsad skattskyldighet under en längre tid och omfattande praxis finns från HFD. Till följd av denna praxis har stadgandet uppnått ett stort mått av komplexitet. HFD har genom sin praxisbildning medfört att en juridiskt komplicerad bedömning ska företas av de föreliggande omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet.

Det står klart att vissa av anknytningspunkterna i stadgandets andra stycke är mer betydelsefulla än andra. De viktigaste i den bemärkelsen att de väger tyngst är bostad inrättad för åretruntbruk, familj kvar i Sverige, näringsverksamhet i Sverige, samt väsentligt inflytande i näringsverksamhet i Sverige. Motsatsvis kan betydelsen hos anknytningspunkterna svenskt medborgarskap, tid för bosättning i Sverige, utlandsvistelse för studier eller av hälsoskäl, beskrivas som synnerligen låg. Det finns enligt mig skäl att överväga att ta bort dessa anknytningspunkter av förutsebarhetsskäl eftersom betydelsen av förekomsten av någon av dessa anknytningspunkter är försumbar.

Anknytningspunkten inte varaktigt bosatt på en viss utländsk ort har med anledning av ett nytt rättsfall fått en förnyad betydelse på så sätt att det numera kan beaktas hur länge en utflyttad persons bosättning utomlands varat, vilket anses kunna minska anknytningen. Därutöver har ett nytt rättsfall medfört en förändring av anknytningspunkten bostad för åretruntbruk, innebärande att det numera är möjligt att tillfälligt bosätta sig i en fritidsbostad utan att den övergår till att bli en permanentbostad om bosättningen utgör ett led i en påbörjad utflyttning. Som huvudregel beträffande nyss nämnda anknytningspunkt uppställs dock en presumtion för väsentlig anknytning om tidigare permanentbostad behålls. Innehav av fritidsbostäder bedöms ej medföra någon vidare anknytning.
Vid prövning av anknytningspunkterna om näringsverksamhet i Sverige finns enligt praxis en gräns beträffande aktieinnehav på tio procent. Innehav över tio procent konstituerar i de flesta fall väsentlig anknytning för den skattskyldige.
I stadgandets motiv anges att en helhetsbedömning ska göras av alla omständigheter i det enskilda fallet. HFD:s rättstillämpning har emellertid i vissa fall bestått i en enkel prövning av huruvida vissa rättsfakta föreligger, för att därefter konstatera att väsentlig anknytning föreligger eller ej. Helhetsbedömningen har därför inte fått det genomslag som uttalandena i förarbetena stödjer.
Stadgandets andra stycke innehåller ett bevisbördestadgande, med innebörden att den som är svensk medborgare eller har vistats stadigvarande i Sverige under tio år, under fem år efter utflyttning har bevisbördan för att väsentlig anknytning inte föreligger. Vissa skäl föreligger för att syftet bakom bevisbörderegeln skulle kunna uppnås genom ett materiellt stadgande, förslagsvis genom införande av en ny anknytningspunkt som beaktar vistelsens tid utomlands, vilket hade medfört ökad förutsebarhet. (Less)
Unlimited tax liability, i.e. when a person’s Swedish and foreign income is taxable, can exist for a natural person on three grounds. One of these
grounds is substantial affiliation, meaning that a person who has emigrated from Sweden with certain so-called affiliation grounds can be considered to have substantial affiliation and thus be the subject of unlimited tax liability.

The regulation has, after a number of changes, existed as a basis for
unlimited tax liability for a long time and extensive case law exists from HFD. As a result of this case law, the regulation has become quite complex. Through its practice, HFD has characterized the regulation to induce a legally complicated assessment, taking the present circumstances in the... (More)
Unlimited tax liability, i.e. when a person’s Swedish and foreign income is taxable, can exist for a natural person on three grounds. One of these
grounds is substantial affiliation, meaning that a person who has emigrated from Sweden with certain so-called affiliation grounds can be considered to have substantial affiliation and thus be the subject of unlimited tax liability.

The regulation has, after a number of changes, existed as a basis for
unlimited tax liability for a long time and extensive case law exists from HFD. As a result of this case law, the regulation has become quite complex. Through its practice, HFD has characterized the regulation to induce a legally complicated assessment, taking the present circumstances in the individual case in consideration.

Moreover, it is clear that some of the affiliation grounds are more significant than others. The factors weighing the most towards establishing affiliation grounds are having a permanent home in Sweden, family left in Sweden, business activity in Sweden, and significant influence in business activities in Sweden. Conversely, the significance of Swedish citizenship, duration of residence in Sweden, and time abroad for studies or for health reasons are given relatively little weight. In my opinion, there are reasons to consider removing these affiliation grounds for reasons of predictability, since the existence of any of these affiliation grounds is negligible.

The affiliation ground of not permanently residing in a foreign country has, due to new case law, has been interpreted to include how long an emigrated person has spent time abroad, which is considered to reduce the affiliation. In addition, new case law has led to a change in the affiliation ground of permanent home in Sweden, with the meaning that it is now possible to temporarily reside in a holiday home without it becoming a permanent home if the residence is part of a commenced relocation. As a main rule, however, there is a presumption for substantial affiliation if the previous permanent home is retained. Possession of holiday homes is not considered to entail any further affiliation.

When examining the affiliation ground of business activity or financial
involvement in Sweden, there is a shareholding limit of ten percent.
Holdings in excess of ten percent in most cases constitute substantial

The legislative history states that an overall assessment must be made that considers the totality of the circumstances in the individual case. However, HFD:s application of the provision has in some cases consisted of a simple examination of whether certain operative facts exist, in order to subsequently establish if there is a substantial affiliation or not. The overall assessment has therefore not had the impact that the statements in the preparatory materials support.

The second paragraph of the statute contains a burden of proof provision,
explaining that anyone who is a Swedish citizen or has resided permanently in Sweden for ten years, for five years after emigrating, has the burden of proof against the Swedish tax authority that there is no substantial affiliation. The purpose behind the burden of proof rule could be achieved through a substantive regulation, for example by introducing a new affiliation ground that takes into account the time spent abroad, which also would lead to increased predictability. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Schöttle, Felix LU
alternative title
Substantial affiliation - a study of the extended principle of residence
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt, tax law, väsentlig anknytning, obegränsad skattskyldighet, exit, exitbeskattning, begränsad skattskyldighet
date added to LUP
2020-09-15 10:39:05
date last changed
2020-09-15 10:39:05
  abstract     = {{Unlimited tax liability, i.e. when a person’s Swedish and foreign income is taxable, can exist for a natural person on three grounds. One of these
grounds is substantial affiliation, meaning that a person who has emigrated from Sweden with certain so-called affiliation grounds can be considered to have substantial affiliation and thus be the subject of unlimited tax liability.

The regulation has, after a number of changes, existed as a basis for
unlimited tax liability for a long time and extensive case law exists from HFD. As a result of this case law, the regulation has become quite complex. Through its practice, HFD has characterized the regulation to induce a legally complicated assessment, taking the present circumstances in the individual case in consideration.

Moreover, it is clear that some of the affiliation grounds are more significant than others. The factors weighing the most towards establishing affiliation grounds are having a permanent home in Sweden, family left in Sweden, business activity in Sweden, and significant influence in business activities in Sweden. Conversely, the significance of Swedish citizenship, duration of residence in Sweden, and time abroad for studies or for health reasons are given relatively little weight. In my opinion, there are reasons to consider removing these affiliation grounds for reasons of predictability, since the existence of any of these affiliation grounds is negligible.

The affiliation ground of not permanently residing in a foreign country has, due to new case law, has been interpreted to include how long an emigrated person has spent time abroad, which is considered to reduce the affiliation. In addition, new case law has led to a change in the affiliation ground of permanent home in Sweden, with the meaning that it is now possible to temporarily reside in a holiday home without it becoming a permanent home if the residence is part of a commenced relocation. As a main rule, however, there is a presumption for substantial affiliation if the previous permanent home is retained. Possession of holiday homes is not considered to entail any further affiliation.

When examining the affiliation ground of business activity or financial
involvement in Sweden, there is a shareholding limit of ten percent.
Holdings in excess of ten percent in most cases constitute substantial

The legislative history states that an overall assessment must be made that considers the totality of the circumstances in the individual case. However, HFD:s application of the provision has in some cases consisted of a simple examination of whether certain operative facts exist, in order to subsequently establish if there is a substantial affiliation or not. The overall assessment has therefore not had the impact that the statements in the preparatory materials support.

The second paragraph of the statute contains a burden of proof provision,
explaining that anyone who is a Swedish citizen or has resided permanently in Sweden for ten years, for five years after emigrating, has the burden of proof against the Swedish tax authority that there is no substantial affiliation. The purpose behind the burden of proof rule could be achieved through a substantive regulation, for example by introducing a new affiliation ground that takes into account the time spent abroad, which also would lead to increased predictability.}},
  author       = {{Schöttle, Felix}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Väsentlig anknytning - en studie av den utsträckta hemvistprincipen}},
  year         = {{2020}},