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Barnets bästa vid upphörande av vård enligt LVU före och efter barnkonventionens införande som lag

Axrud, Caroline LU (2020) LAGF03 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Tvångsvård i form av vård av unga har under 2020 varit ovanligt uppmärksammat i media. Under 2020 blev barnkonventionen också svensk lag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnkonventionens införande som lag påverkat bedömningen av upphörande av vård enligt LVU. Detta görs utifrån en av de viktigaste artiklarna i barnkonventionen, artikel 3 om barnets bästa, samt rätten till familj. I uppsatsen används den rättsdogmatiska och rättsanalytiska metoden genom att studera rättskällor såsom förarbeten till barnkonventionen och LVU och analysera rättspraxis för upphörande av vård, från före och efter barnkonventionens införande som lag utifrån ett kritiskt perspektiv och ett barnrättsperspektiv. Barnkonventionen som lag är direkt... (More)
Tvångsvård i form av vård av unga har under 2020 varit ovanligt uppmärksammat i media. Under 2020 blev barnkonventionen också svensk lag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnkonventionens införande som lag påverkat bedömningen av upphörande av vård enligt LVU. Detta görs utifrån en av de viktigaste artiklarna i barnkonventionen, artikel 3 om barnets bästa, samt rätten till familj. I uppsatsen används den rättsdogmatiska och rättsanalytiska metoden genom att studera rättskällor såsom förarbeten till barnkonventionen och LVU och analysera rättspraxis för upphörande av vård, från före och efter barnkonventionens införande som lag utifrån ett kritiskt perspektiv och ett barnrättsperspektiv. Barnkonventionen som lag är direkt tillämplig i domstolar och dess roll bedömdes inför införandet kunna stärka skyddet för barn. Återförening ska i LVU-mål ses som det övergripande målet och rätten till respekt för familjeliv uppställer krav på lagstöd för att kunna ingripa i den. Barnets bästa kom till uttryck i LVU redan innan barnkonventionens införande som lag, men har under 2020 belysts mer i praxis. Detta syns både i att antalet domar som nämner barnkonventionen är fler och att domstolarna i bedömningen av upphörande av vård i högre grad bemöter argument om att vården skulle stå i strid med barnkonventionen. (Less)
Care under the Swedish Care of Young Persons Act has during the year 2020 been spoken about in media more than usual. During 2020 the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as a Swedish law. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate whether the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as Swedish law has influenced the assessment on termination of care under the Care of Young Persons Act. This will be done by looking at article 3 about the child’s best interests, being one of the central articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the legal analytical method by looking at sources of law such as legislative history of the UN... (More)
Care under the Swedish Care of Young Persons Act has during the year 2020 been spoken about in media more than usual. During 2020 the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as a Swedish law. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate whether the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as Swedish law has influenced the assessment on termination of care under the Care of Young Persons Act. This will be done by looking at article 3 about the child’s best interests, being one of the central articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the legal analytical method by looking at sources of law such as legislative history of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and of the Care of Young Persons Act, and by analysing case law about the termination of care, from both before and after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as Swedish law, from a critical and a child-rights perspective. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a Swedish law is directly applicable in Swedish courts, and its role was to strengthen the legal protection of the children. Family reunification shall be seen as the overall objective in compulsory care and the right to respect for one’s family life demands that interference with the exercise of the right itself is according to law. The child’s best interests was expressed in the Care of Young Persons Act before the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as Swedish law, however it has been brought to light more often in the case law of 2020. This can be noted both by looking at the increased number of cases mentioning the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the assessment of the courts, that to a greater extent now than before responds to arguments stating that the continuation of compulsory care would contradict with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Axrud, Caroline LU
LAGF03 20202
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2021-02-09 11:54:27
date last changed
2021-02-09 11:54:27
  abstract     = {{Care under the Swedish Care of Young Persons Act has during the year 2020 been spoken about in media more than usual. During 2020 the UN 
Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as a Swedish law. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate whether the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as Swedish law has influenced the assessment on termination of care under the Care of Young Persons Act. This will be done by looking at article 3 about the child’s best interests, being one of the central articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the legal analytical method by looking at sources of law such as legislative history of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and of the Care of Young Persons Act, and by analysing case law about the termination of care, from both before and after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as Swedish law, from a critical and a child-rights perspective. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a Swedish law is directly applicable in Swedish courts, and its role was to strengthen the legal protection of the children. Family reunification shall be seen as the overall objective in compulsory care and the right to respect for one’s family life demands that interference with the exercise of the right itself is according to law. The child’s best interests was expressed in the Care of Young Persons Act before the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force as Swedish law, however it has been brought to light more often in the case law of 2020. This can be noted both by looking at the increased number of cases mentioning the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the assessment of the courts, that to a greater extent now than before responds to arguments stating that the continuation of compulsory care would contradict with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.}},
  author       = {{Axrud, Caroline}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets bästa vid upphörande av vård enligt LVU före och efter barnkonventionens införande som lag}},
  year         = {{2020}},