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Belastningar och resurser kopplat till olika nivåer av personal inom internationella biståndsorganisationer: En JD-R analys för optimerat samarbete

Nilsson, David LU (2021) PSPR14 20201
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med studien var att kvalitativt undersöka krav och resurser för olika typer av personal som arbetar för internationella biståndsorganisationer. Fokus låg på dynamiken mellan rollerna och de respektive krav, samt resurser till vilka de var kopplade. Detta gjordes med avsikten att identifiera hur samarbete kunde förbättras och därmed ge anställda högre välmående. Lägre grad av stress hos personalen leder till förbättrad organisatorisk funktion, och i förlängningen en ökad effektivitet i det arbete som är riktat mot stödmottagare. Informationsinsamling gjordes med 16 semistrukturerade intervjuer (n = 16). Åtta informanter hade ledningsuppdrag och var stationerade i hjälporganisationens hemland och åtta informanter var fältpersonal... (More)
Syftet med studien var att kvalitativt undersöka krav och resurser för olika typer av personal som arbetar för internationella biståndsorganisationer. Fokus låg på dynamiken mellan rollerna och de respektive krav, samt resurser till vilka de var kopplade. Detta gjordes med avsikten att identifiera hur samarbete kunde förbättras och därmed ge anställda högre välmående. Lägre grad av stress hos personalen leder till förbättrad organisatorisk funktion, och i förlängningen en ökad effektivitet i det arbete som är riktat mot stödmottagare. Informationsinsamling gjordes med 16 semistrukturerade intervjuer (n = 16). Åtta informanter hade ledningsuppdrag och var stationerade i hjälporganisationens hemland och åtta informanter var fältpersonal varav flertalet arbetade i kriszoner. Informanterna kom från olika länder, men arbetade för likartade organisationer. Som analysmetod användes tematisk analys. Från analysen framträdde fem huvudteman: Krav, resurser, implikationer av Covid-19, förslag på utveckling, samt framtida utmaningar. Huvudteman organiserades samt analyserades med JD-R modellen av Bakker och Demerouti. Nyckelresultaten antydde att s.k. “hindrande krav” belastar biståndsarbetare, att ledningspersonal är underbemannad samt har brister i psykosocial support, vilket påverkar fältpersonal. Utöver det framkom att fältarbetare utan möjligheter att avancera inom organisationen efter hand minskar i motivationsgrad och far illa. Ytterligare ett nyckelresultat var att det finns en önskan hos både ledning samt fältaktiv personal att ny fältpersonal får mer förberedelse och tid med ledningsgruppen innan sitt första uppdrag. Vidare forskning bör fokusera på hur biståndsarbetare kan förberedas för aktiv tjänst samt hur de kan förberedas för att hantera hindrande krav. Mer forskning bör även tillägnas upplevelsen hos ledningspersonal inom biståndskontext. (Less)
This study aimed to qualitatively examine the demands and resources of different kinds of personnel working within humanitarian aid organizations. The purpose was to examine the dynamics between the professional roles and the demands/resources to which they were connected. This was done to see if it was possible to identify what could improve cooperation. If that could be done it might make for a better functioning organization with healthier workers, which would be of benefit for the beneficiaries. Information was collected through 16 semistructured interviews (n = 16). Eight informants were humanitarian field workers. Eight informants were management personnel stationed at headquarters within the home country of the organizations. The... (More)
This study aimed to qualitatively examine the demands and resources of different kinds of personnel working within humanitarian aid organizations. The purpose was to examine the dynamics between the professional roles and the demands/resources to which they were connected. This was done to see if it was possible to identify what could improve cooperation. If that could be done it might make for a better functioning organization with healthier workers, which would be of benefit for the beneficiaries. Information was collected through 16 semistructured interviews (n = 16). Eight informants were humanitarian field workers. Eight informants were management personnel stationed at headquarters within the home country of the organizations. The informants came from different countries but worked for similar organizations. The method for analysis was thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke. Five main themes were found: demands, resources, implications of Covid-19, proposals for development, and future challenges. Main themes were organized and analyzed through “The Job-Demands Resources model” by Bakker and Demerouti. Key findings suggested that “hindrance demands” are a palpable demand for aid workers. Additional findings suggest that management suffers from understaffing and have lacking psychosocial support, which has consequences for field personnel. Results also indicate that employees with stagnant careers become demotivated over time and that both management and field personnel wish for more training for field workers before departing on their first mission. Future research should focus on ways of preparing fieldworkers for hindrance demands and active duty, in addition to more research exploring factors influencing management within Aid-context and their experience. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nilsson, David LU
alternative title
The resources of and the demands on different levels of personnel working for international humanitarian aid organizations: A JD-R analysis for optimized cooperation
PSPR14 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Internationellt biståndsarbete, hjälparbete, krav och resurser, förbättrat samarbete, Covid-19, JD-R International humanitarian aid, demands and resources, improved cooperation, JD-R
date added to LUP
2021-03-09 08:10:49
date last changed
2021-03-09 08:10:49
  abstract     = {{This study aimed to qualitatively examine the demands and resources of different kinds of personnel working within humanitarian aid organizations. The purpose was to examine the dynamics between the professional roles and the demands/resources to which they were connected. This was done to see if it was possible to identify what could improve cooperation. If that could be done it might make for a better functioning organization with healthier workers, which would be of benefit for the beneficiaries. Information was collected through 16 semistructured interviews (n = 16). Eight informants were humanitarian field workers. Eight informants were management personnel stationed at headquarters within the home country of the organizations. The informants came from different countries but worked for similar organizations. The method for analysis was thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke. Five main themes were found: demands, resources, implications of Covid-19, proposals for development, and future challenges. Main themes were organized and analyzed through “The Job-Demands Resources model” by Bakker and Demerouti. Key findings suggested that “hindrance demands” are a palpable demand for aid workers. Additional findings suggest that management suffers from understaffing and have lacking psychosocial support, which has consequences for field personnel. Results also indicate that employees with stagnant careers become demotivated over time and that both management and field personnel wish for more training for field workers before departing on their first mission. Future research should focus on ways of preparing fieldworkers for hindrance demands and active duty, in addition to more research exploring factors influencing management within Aid-context and their experience.}},
  author       = {{Nilsson, David}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Belastningar och resurser kopplat till olika nivåer av personal inom internationella biståndsorganisationer: En JD-R analys för optimerat samarbete}},
  year         = {{2021}},