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Beskattning av den digitala ekonomin – århundradets skattereform? - En rättsvetenskaplig studie av OECD:s ”Belopp A”

Roth, Tina LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Digitaliseringen har i stor utsträckning revolutionerat sättet som företagen gör affärer på. Det finns inte längre samma behov av fysiska platser för affärsverksamheter eftersom teknologin har skapat virtuella platser där företag kan sälja både varor och tjänster utan att överhuvudtaget sätta en fot i jurisdiktionen. Emellertid har reglerna om fast driftställe alltsedan 1920-talet präglats av att det krävs en viss fysisk närvaro i en jurisdiktion för att kunna beskatta verksamheter. Eftersom detta inte längre är nödvändigt i flertalet digitala affärsmodeller medför det att bolag kan undvika beskattning i marknadsjurisdiktioner och i stället skifta vinsterna till lågskatteländer.

För att komma till rätta med de problem digitaliseringen... (More)
Digitaliseringen har i stor utsträckning revolutionerat sättet som företagen gör affärer på. Det finns inte längre samma behov av fysiska platser för affärsverksamheter eftersom teknologin har skapat virtuella platser där företag kan sälja både varor och tjänster utan att överhuvudtaget sätta en fot i jurisdiktionen. Emellertid har reglerna om fast driftställe alltsedan 1920-talet präglats av att det krävs en viss fysisk närvaro i en jurisdiktion för att kunna beskatta verksamheter. Eftersom detta inte längre är nödvändigt i flertalet digitala affärsmodeller medför det att bolag kan undvika beskattning i marknadsjurisdiktioner och i stället skifta vinsterna till lågskatteländer.

För att komma till rätta med de problem digitaliseringen inneburit har OECD påbörjat ett arbete mot att kunna beskatta de digitala verksamheternas aktiviteter i marknadsjurisdiktionerna. I synnerhet vill OECD förändra de rådande beskattningsprinciperna genom ett nytt nexus som grundar sig i ekonomisk närvaro. Förslaget benämns i Blueprint-rapporten som Belopp A och går ut på att omfördela en del av en MNEs kvarvarande vinst till marknads- och användarjurisdiktioner.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att redogöra för och utvärdera utformningen av Belopp A. Likaså ämnar uppsatsen besvara frågan avseende huruvida det kan uppstå några konflikter mellan Belopp A och det svenska beskattningssystemet. Därtill undersöks vad en tillämpning av Belopp A kan innebära för de svenska bolagen.

Slutsatsen som kan dras av analysen är att Belopp A-regleringen är ytterst komplex och riskerar att lägga alldeles för stor administrativ börda på såväl skatteförvaltningar som bolag. Därtill finns det ett flertal brister i regleringen, såsom hur man ska bedöma var värdet har skapats och användarnas tillgång till VPN. Det konstateras också att det föreligger en potentiell konflikt mellan Sveriges beskattningsregler och Belopp A. För de svenska bolagens del kommer Belopp A framför allt medföra en hög administrativ börda. I vissa fall riskerar bolagen dessutom att behöva betala mer skatt och inte få göra fulla avdrag.

Min samlade bedömning är likväl att den internationella skatterätten är i stort behov av en ny lösning för hur man ska kunna tackla de digitala verksamheterna. Konsensus lyser alltjämt med sin frånvaro och tiden är knapp eftersom allt fler enskilda länder föreslår eller inför egna lösningar. Det i sin tur riskerar att hämma den globala handeln och äventyra integriteten i det internationella skattesystemet.

Huruvida det är århundradets skattereform återstår att se. En sak är dock säker: om Belopp A införs är framtiden för skatterådgivare i vart fall säkrad. (Less)
The digitalisation has largely revolutionized the way companies do business. There is no longer the same need for physical locations for businesses for the reason that technology has created virtual locations where companies can sell both goods and services without even setting foot in the jurisdiction. However, the rules on permanent establishment have, ever since the 1920’s, been characterized by the fact that a certain physical presence in a jurisdiction is required in order to be able to tax activities. As this is no longer necessary in most digital business models, it means that companies can avoid taxation in market jurisdictions and instead shift profits to low-tax countries.

To address the problems posed by the digitalisation,... (More)
The digitalisation has largely revolutionized the way companies do business. There is no longer the same need for physical locations for businesses for the reason that technology has created virtual locations where companies can sell both goods and services without even setting foot in the jurisdiction. However, the rules on permanent establishment have, ever since the 1920’s, been characterized by the fact that a certain physical presence in a jurisdiction is required in order to be able to tax activities. As this is no longer necessary in most digital business models, it means that companies can avoid taxation in market jurisdictions and instead shift profits to low-tax countries.

To address the problems posed by the digitalisation, the OECD has initiated a work towards taxing the activities of digital businesses in market jurisdictions. In particular, the OECD wants to change the prevailing tax principles through a new nexus based on economic presence. In the Blueprint-report, the proposal is referred to as Amount A and involves reallocation of a portion of residual profit of an MNE to market and user jurisdictions.

The purpose of the present thesis is to account for and evaluate the formation of Amount A. The essay also intends to answer the question as to whether there may be any conflicts between Amount A and the Swedish taxation system. In addition, the essay investigates what an application of Amount A can mean for Swedish companies.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis is that the Amount A-regulation is extremely complex and risks placing far too much of an administrative burden on both tax administrations and companies. In addition, there are a number of deficiencies in the regulation, such as how to assess where the value has been created and the users' access to VPN. It is also stated that there is a potential conflict between Sweden's tax rules and Amount A. For the Swedish companies, Amount A will above all entail a high administrative burden. In some cases, companies also risk having to pay more tax and not be allowed to make full deductions.

My overall assessment, however, is that international tax law needs a new solution for how to tackle the digital marketplaces. There is still a lack of consensus and time is short as more and more individual countries propose or introduce their own solutions. This in turn risks inhibiting global trade and jeopardizing the integrity of the international tax system.

Whether this is the tax reform of the century remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: if Amount A is adopted, the future for tax advisers is at least secured. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Roth, Tina LU
alternative title
Taxation of the digital economy – the tax reform of the century? - A legal study of the OECD's 'Amount A'
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Skatterätt, Digital skatt, Belopp A, Pelare ett, Beskattning av den digitala ekonomin, OECD, Amount A, Digital tax.
date added to LUP
2021-06-14 09:33:43
date last changed
2021-06-14 09:33:43
  abstract     = {{The digitalisation has largely revolutionized the way companies do business. There is no longer the same need for physical locations for businesses for the reason that technology has created virtual locations where companies can sell both goods and services without even setting foot in the jurisdiction. However, the rules on permanent establishment have, ever since the 1920’s, been characterized by the fact that a certain physical presence in a jurisdiction is required in order to be able to tax activities. As this is no longer necessary in most digital business models, it means that companies can avoid taxation in market jurisdictions and instead shift profits to low-tax countries.

To address the problems posed by the digitalisation, the OECD has initiated a work towards taxing the activities of digital businesses in market jurisdictions. In particular, the OECD wants to change the prevailing tax principles through a new nexus based on economic presence. In the Blueprint-report, the proposal is referred to as Amount A and involves reallocation of a portion of residual profit of an MNE to market and user jurisdictions.

The purpose of the present thesis is to account for and evaluate the formation of Amount A. The essay also intends to answer the question as to whether there may be any conflicts between Amount A and the Swedish taxation system. In addition, the essay investigates what an application of Amount A can mean for Swedish companies.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis is that the Amount A-regulation is extremely complex and risks placing far too much of an administrative burden on both tax administrations and companies. In addition, there are a number of deficiencies in the regulation, such as how to assess where the value has been created and the users' access to VPN. It is also stated that there is a potential conflict between Sweden's tax rules and Amount A. For the Swedish companies, Amount A will above all entail a high administrative burden. In some cases, companies also risk having to pay more tax and not be allowed to make full deductions.

My overall assessment, however, is that international tax law needs a new solution for how to tackle the digital marketplaces. There is still a lack of consensus and time is short as more and more individual countries propose or introduce their own solutions. This in turn risks inhibiting global trade and jeopardizing the integrity of the international tax system.

Whether this is the tax reform of the century remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: if Amount A is adopted, the future for tax advisers is at least secured.}},
  author       = {{Roth, Tina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Beskattning av den digitala ekonomin – århundradets skattereform? - En rättsvetenskaplig studie av OECD:s ”Belopp A”}},
  year         = {{2021}},