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Hedersmotiv som försvårande omständighet – En analys av rättstillämpningen efter 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB ikraftträdande

Lindén, Olivia LU (2021) LAGF03 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I 29 kap. 1 § brottsbalken anges att straffet för ett brott ska bestämmas inom ramen för den tillämpliga straffskalan efter brottets straffvärde. Straffvärdet för ett brott kan anses spegla brottets allvarlighet och flera omständigheter kan påverka straffvärdet. I 29 kap. 2 § BrB anges försvårande omständigheter som påverkar straffvärdet i skärpande riktning.

Hedersmotiv kan beaktas inom ramen för 29 kap. 1 § BrB och 1 juli 2020 infördes hedersmotiv även som en försvårande omständighet i 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB. I denna uppsats analyseras, utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv, hur rättstillämpningen har utvecklats efter 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB ikraftträdande och vilka effekter denna bestämmelse har fått. Sex stycken rättsfall har analyserats... (More)
I 29 kap. 1 § brottsbalken anges att straffet för ett brott ska bestämmas inom ramen för den tillämpliga straffskalan efter brottets straffvärde. Straffvärdet för ett brott kan anses spegla brottets allvarlighet och flera omständigheter kan påverka straffvärdet. I 29 kap. 2 § BrB anges försvårande omständigheter som påverkar straffvärdet i skärpande riktning.

Hedersmotiv kan beaktas inom ramen för 29 kap. 1 § BrB och 1 juli 2020 infördes hedersmotiv även som en försvårande omständighet i 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB. I denna uppsats analyseras, utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv, hur rättstillämpningen har utvecklats efter 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB ikraftträdande och vilka effekter denna bestämmelse har fått. Sex stycken rättsfall har analyserats och jämförts med varandra, därefter har de jämförts mot 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB förarbeten.

Utredningen har visat att det i rättsfallen där 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB tillämpats förekommer färre sakkunniga i jämförelse med de rättsfall som tillämpat 29 kap. 1 § BrB, vilket kan bero på att förarbetena till 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB är mer utförliga angående vad som karaktäriserar hedersrelaterad våld. Även det faktum att hedersmotiv numera uttryckligen anges som en försvårande omständighet kan bidra till att domstolarna i högre utsträckning beaktar motivet till gärningen. Omfattningen av resonemangen kring hedersmotivet skiljer sig åt i rättsfallen, varför det inte med säkerhet går att säga vilka omständigheter domstolen lägger vikt vid eller hur straffmätningen påverkas. Detta leder till att rättstillämpningen kan bli oförutsebar. (Less)
Chapter 29 section 1 of The Swedish Criminal Code, hereafter called SCC, states that the penalty shall be determined within the framework of the applicable scale of penalties according to the penalty value of the offence. The penalty value can be considered a reflection of the seriousness of the offence. There are a number of circumstances which may affect the penalty value. Chapter 29 section 2 SCC lists aggravating circumstances that affect the penalty value in a stricter direction.

A motive of honour can be taken under consideration by chapter 29 section 1 SCC, and on the first of July 2020, a motive of honour was also adopted into the aggravating circumstances in chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC. This essay aims, from a perspective of... (More)
Chapter 29 section 1 of The Swedish Criminal Code, hereafter called SCC, states that the penalty shall be determined within the framework of the applicable scale of penalties according to the penalty value of the offence. The penalty value can be considered a reflection of the seriousness of the offence. There are a number of circumstances which may affect the penalty value. Chapter 29 section 2 SCC lists aggravating circumstances that affect the penalty value in a stricter direction.

A motive of honour can be taken under consideration by chapter 29 section 1 SCC, and on the first of July 2020, a motive of honour was also adopted into the aggravating circumstances in chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC. This essay aims, from a perspective of legal security, to investigate how the adjudication has developed since chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC was adopted, and what effects it has led to. First, six cases have been analysed and compared to each other. Thereafter, a comparison has been made to the legislative history of chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC.

The investigation has shown that experts appear to a lesser extent in the cases that applies chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC, compared to the in cases that applies chapter 29 section 1 SCC, which might depend on the fact that the legislative history to chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC is more detailed regarding what honour based violence is characterized by. The fact that a motive of honour is now an explicit aggravating circumstance may lead the court to consider a motive of honour to a greater extent. Given that the magnitude of reasoning concerning the motive of honour varies in the cases, nothing can with certainty be said about which circumstances that the court prioritises in its judgment, or how the meting out of punishment is affected. This may lead to the adjudication being unforeseeable. (Less)
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Lindén, Olivia LU
LAGF03 20211
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, hedersmotiv, hedersvåld, försvårande omständigheter, criminal law, motive of honour, honour-based violence, aggravating circumstances
date added to LUP
2021-06-29 16:41:09
date last changed
2021-06-29 16:41:09
  abstract     = {{Chapter 29 section 1 of The Swedish Criminal Code, hereafter called SCC, states that the penalty shall be determined within the framework of the applicable scale of penalties according to the penalty value of the offence. The penalty value can be considered a reflection of the seriousness of the offence. There are a number of circumstances which may affect the penalty value. Chapter 29 section 2 SCC lists aggravating circumstances that affect the penalty value in a stricter direction.

A motive of honour can be taken under consideration by chapter 29 section 1 SCC, and on the first of July 2020, a motive of honour was also adopted into the aggravating circumstances in chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC. This essay aims, from a perspective of legal security, to investigate how the adjudication has developed since chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC was adopted, and what effects it has led to. First, six cases have been analysed and compared to each other. Thereafter, a comparison has been made to the legislative history of chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC. 

The investigation has shown that experts appear to a lesser extent in the cases that applies chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC, compared to the in cases that applies chapter 29 section 1 SCC, which might depend on the fact that the legislative history to chapter 29 section 2 10 p SCC is more detailed regarding what honour based violence is characterized by. The fact that a motive of honour is now an explicit aggravating circumstance may lead the court to consider a motive of honour to a greater extent. Given that the magnitude of reasoning concerning the motive of honour varies in the cases, nothing can with certainty be said about which circumstances that the court prioritises in its judgment, or how the meting out of punishment is affected. This may lead to the adjudication being unforeseeable.}},
  author       = {{Lindén, Olivia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hedersmotiv som försvårande omständighet – En analys av rättstillämpningen efter 29 kap. 2 § 10 p BrB ikraftträdande}},
  year         = {{2021}},