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Vad är priset för ett barn? En kritisk undersökning av internationella adoptioner med utgångspunkt i barnkonventionens reglering

Tauvon, Kajsa LU (2021) LAGF03 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Internationella adoptioner började att ske efter andra världskriget för att hjälpa föräldralösa barn i krigsdrabbade länder och ökade senare i antal i samband med Vietnamkriget och Koreakriget. Det handlade främst om barnlösa par i Europa och USA som genom adoption ville rädda ett barn från hemländernas fattigdom. Det har dock framkommit att barn blivit illegalt adopterade, det vill säga adoptioner som inte skett i enlighet med det internationella regelverket.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka regleringen av internationella adoptioner i barnkonventionen för att sedan förklara innebörden av illegala adoptioner och vilka faktorer i förhållande till barnkonvention som kan påverka att adoptionerna sker. Arbetet kommer inledningsvis... (More)
Internationella adoptioner började att ske efter andra världskriget för att hjälpa föräldralösa barn i krigsdrabbade länder och ökade senare i antal i samband med Vietnamkriget och Koreakriget. Det handlade främst om barnlösa par i Europa och USA som genom adoption ville rädda ett barn från hemländernas fattigdom. Det har dock framkommit att barn blivit illegalt adopterade, det vill säga adoptioner som inte skett i enlighet med det internationella regelverket.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka regleringen av internationella adoptioner i barnkonventionen för att sedan förklara innebörden av illegala adoptioner och vilka faktorer i förhållande till barnkonvention som kan påverka att adoptionerna sker. Arbetet kommer inledningsvis presentera utvecklingen av barns rättigheter samt barnkonventionen, för att därefter kommentera art. 21 i barnkonventionen som reglerar internationella adoptioner. Vidare presenteras vad illegala adoptioner innebär och exempel ges på hur barns rättigheter kränkts genom att barnkonventionens regler inte följts i praktiken.
I enlighet med den rättsdogmatiska metoden fastställs innebörden av art. 21 i barnkonventionen. I artikeln stadgas att barnets bästa ska ges största vikt vid beslut rörande adoption samt att konventionsstater måste säkerställa att adoptionen godkänns av behöriga myndigheter som beaktar subsidiaritetsprincipen och principen om icke-diskriminering. Dessutom ska konventionsstaterna vidta åtgärder för att motverka att otillbörlig ekonomisk vinning utgår och sträva efter att ingå överenskommelser med andra länder för att säkerställa att barns rättigheter vid adoption tillgodoses.
Illegala adoptioner undersöks i enlighet med en rättsanalytisk metod. Antalet barn som utsatts för illegal adoption är svårt att uppskatta, men har framkommit att det skett i länderna Guatemala, Haiti och Etiopien. Faktorer som kan leda till illegala adoptioner är bland annat adoption vid nödsituationer och om det finns ett ekonomiskt incitament bakom adoptionerna. Ytterligare en faktor att ta hänsyn till är barnets ålder vid adoption, eftersom ung ålder kan föranleda tvivel om subsidiaritetsprincipen har iakttagits. Länder som tillåter privata adoptioner eller utför adoptioner från länder som inte är anslutna till HCCH 1993 adoptionskonvention kan även vara av relevans vid illegala adoptioner. Slutligen lyfts om internationell adoption är en lämplig eller etisk lösning på fattigdom, vilket fastställs vara en lösning för det enskilda barnet men som helhet inte hjälper fattiga invånare att ombesörja sina barn.
Sammanfattningsvis går det att konstatera att art. 21 i barnkonventionen innehåller en omfattande reglering för att skydda barns rättigheter vid internationella adoptioner, men efterföljs inte alltid i praktiken. En minskning av internationella adoption kan bero på en ökad uppmärksamhet av illegala aktiviteter som skett. För framtiden krävs kanske en vidare förändring, där ökade resurser ges för att föräldrar inte ska vara tvungna att adoptera bort sina barn samt en mer kritisk syn på adoptionsinstitutet som helhet, för att undvika att barn reduceras till att överensstämma med länders efterfrågan på barn. (Less)
International adoption developed after the Second World War as an aid for orphaned children in war-torn countries and later on increased in numbers following the Vietnam War and the Korean War. The majority of adoptions concerned childless couples in Europe and the United States who through adoption wanted to save the child from poverty in its home country. International adoptions have however been accompanied by reports concerning children subjected to illegal adoptions, in other words adoptions not in accordance with international regulations.
The purpose of this essay is to examine the regulation of international adoption in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in order to explain the meaning of illegal adoption and factors in... (More)
International adoption developed after the Second World War as an aid for orphaned children in war-torn countries and later on increased in numbers following the Vietnam War and the Korean War. The majority of adoptions concerned childless couples in Europe and the United States who through adoption wanted to save the child from poverty in its home country. International adoptions have however been accompanied by reports concerning children subjected to illegal adoptions, in other words adoptions not in accordance with international regulations.
The purpose of this essay is to examine the regulation of international adoption in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in order to explain the meaning of illegal adoption and factors in relation to the mentioned Convention which can affect these adoptions taking place. As an introduction this paper will present the development of children's rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, thereafter, examine art. 21 in the above-named Convention which regulates international adoptions. Furthermore, the meaning of illegal adoption will be presented as well as examples when the right of the child has been violated in cases of illegal adoption.
The definition of art. 21 in the Convention of the Child is examined by using a legal dogmatic method. The article states that the best interest of the child shall be of paramount consideration as well as the fact that state parties must ensure that the adoption is authorized by competent authorities, guided by the principle of subsidiarity and the principle on non-discrimination. Furthermore, the Convention of the Child requires state parties to take appropriate measures to ensure that the adoption does not result in improper financial gain as well as conclude arrangements with other countries to assure that the rights of the child are taken into consideration.
Illegal adoptions are examined in accordance with a legal analytic method. The number of children subjected to these illegal adoptions is a difficult assessment, but different reports show that it has happened to children in countries such as Guatemala, Chile and Ethiopia. A component of illegal adoptions can be traced to adoptions during emergency situations and the existence of a financial incentive concerning adoptions. Additionally, a factor to take into account is the age of the children adopted, which may give rise to doubts as to whether the principle of subsidiarity has been considered. Finally, the essay will include if international adoption is an adequate or ethically correct response to poverty, which is assessed to be a solution for the concerned child, but not a viable solution in the long run to help poor people being able to care for their children.
In conclusion, regulation in art. 21 gives a comprehensive protection of children's rights but is not always taken into account as the reports of illegal adoptions show. The reduction in the number of adopted children may derive from attention given to the illegal adoptions that have taken place. A wider change might be required, where heightened resources are given to parents, so they do not have to adopt their children as well as a more critical view of adoption as a whole to avoid children being reduced to fit in countries’ demand. (Less)
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Tauvon, Kajsa LU
LAGF03 20211
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Folkrätt, familjerätt
date added to LUP
2021-06-29 16:34:30
date last changed
2021-06-29 16:34:30
  abstract     = {{International adoption developed after the Second World War as an aid for orphaned children in war-torn countries and later on increased in numbers following the Vietnam War and the Korean War. The majority of adoptions concerned childless couples in Europe and the United States who through adoption wanted to save the child from poverty in its home country. International adoptions have however been accompanied by reports concerning children subjected to illegal adoptions, in other words adoptions not in accordance with international regulations.
The purpose of this essay is to examine the regulation of international adoption in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in order to explain the meaning of illegal adoption and factors in relation to the mentioned Convention which can affect these adoptions taking place. As an introduction this paper will present the development of children's rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, thereafter, examine art. 21 in the above-named Convention which regulates international adoptions. Furthermore, the meaning of illegal adoption will be presented as well as examples when the right of the child has been violated in cases of illegal adoption.
The definition of art. 21 in the Convention of the Child is examined by using a legal dogmatic method. The article states that the best interest of the child shall be of paramount consideration as well as the fact that state parties must ensure that the adoption is authorized by competent authorities, guided by the principle of subsidiarity and the principle on non-discrimination. Furthermore, the Convention of the Child requires state parties to take appropriate measures to ensure that the adoption does not result in improper financial gain as well as conclude arrangements with other countries to assure that the rights of the child are taken into consideration.
Illegal adoptions are examined in accordance with a legal analytic method. The number of children subjected to these illegal adoptions is a difficult assessment, but different reports show that it has happened to children in countries such as Guatemala, Chile and Ethiopia. A component of illegal adoptions can be traced to adoptions during emergency situations and the existence of a financial incentive concerning adoptions. Additionally, a factor to take into account is the age of the children adopted, which may give rise to doubts as to whether the principle of subsidiarity has been considered. Finally, the essay will include if international adoption is an adequate or ethically correct response to poverty, which is assessed to be a solution for the concerned child, but not a viable solution in the long run to help poor people being able to care for their children.
In conclusion, regulation in art. 21 gives a comprehensive protection of children's rights but is not always taken into account as the reports of illegal adoptions show. The reduction in the number of adopted children may derive from attention given to the illegal adoptions that have taken place. A wider change might be required, where heightened resources are given to parents, so they do not have to adopt their children as well as a more critical view of adoption as a whole to avoid children being reduced to fit in countries’ demand.}},
  author       = {{Tauvon, Kajsa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Vad är priset för ett barn? En kritisk undersökning av internationella adoptioner med utgångspunkt i barnkonventionens reglering}},
  year         = {{2021}},