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Statliga stöd under covid-19 pandemin - en granskning av europeiska kommissionens tillfälliga ram i förhållande till målet om effektiv konkurrens

Göransson, Alice LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsens huvudsakliga frågeställning har varit att se till vilken mån europeiska kommissionens tillfälliga ram för statliga stödåtgärder till stöd för ekonomin under det pågående utbrottet av covid-19, är förenlig med EU:s mål om att effektiv konkurrens ska råda på den inre marknaden. Av utredningen framkommer att det inte finns någon entydig definition av begreppet effektiv konkurrens i de EU-rättsliga källorna. Det som dock kan konstateras, är att begreppet effektiv konkurrens är den nivå av konkurrens som bör råda på den inre marknaden. Denna ”rätta mängd” konkurrens kan beräknas utifrån olika parametrar och bör ha riktmärket om att värna om EU-konsumenternas intressen.

Kommissionens tillfälliga ram i samband med covid-19... (More)
Uppsatsens huvudsakliga frågeställning har varit att se till vilken mån europeiska kommissionens tillfälliga ram för statliga stödåtgärder till stöd för ekonomin under det pågående utbrottet av covid-19, är förenlig med EU:s mål om att effektiv konkurrens ska råda på den inre marknaden. Av utredningen framkommer att det inte finns någon entydig definition av begreppet effektiv konkurrens i de EU-rättsliga källorna. Det som dock kan konstateras, är att begreppet effektiv konkurrens är den nivå av konkurrens som bör råda på den inre marknaden. Denna ”rätta mängd” konkurrens kan beräknas utifrån olika parametrar och bör ha riktmärket om att värna om EU-konsumenternas intressen.

Kommissionens tillfälliga ram i samband med covid-19 pandemin, leder till ett antal problematiska faktorer ur detta perspektiv. Ramen har inneburit snabba förfaranden med kortfattade kommissionsbeslut. Dessa kan kritiseras för att ha bristfälliga ekonomiska analyser med kortfattade motiveringar från kommissionen. Få beslut innefattar också proportionalitetsbedömningar där de statliga stödåtgärdernas positiva effekter på konkurrensen ställs mot de negativa. Att medlemsstaterna tillämpat den tillfälliga ramen i mycket olika mån får också konkurrenshämmande effekter. Dessa faktorer kan, i ett senare led, leda till att konsumenters intressen inom EU missgynnas. Faktorerna kan påverka konkurrenter inom EU negativt, något som kan leda till att effektiva konkurrenter slås ut från marknaden och andra mer dominanta aktörer får makt. Detta kan i sin tur leda till att priser höjs, kvalitén blir sämre och utbudet minskar, faktorer som missgynnar EU-konsumenters intressen.

Sammantaget kan konstateras att kommissionens tillfälliga ram inte strider mot målet om effektiv konkurrens i sig. Däremot för den tillfälliga ramen med sig faktorer som kan missgynna konsumenterna i ett senare led, något som innebär att målet om effektiv konkurrens inte efterlevs. (Less)
The aim of this thesis has been to examine to what extent the European Commission’s temporary framework for state aid measures to support the economy in the current covid-19 outbreak, is compatible with the EU goal of effective competition on the internal market. The thesis concludes that the sources of EU-law, do not clearly define the word effective competition. However, effective competition can be described as the “right amount” of competition that EU competition law aims to achieve. This amount of competition can be calculated from different variables and should have as a goal to safeguard EU consumers’ interests.

The Commission’s temporary framework has led to some consequences which can be problematic in this sense. The framework... (More)
The aim of this thesis has been to examine to what extent the European Commission’s temporary framework for state aid measures to support the economy in the current covid-19 outbreak, is compatible with the EU goal of effective competition on the internal market. The thesis concludes that the sources of EU-law, do not clearly define the word effective competition. However, effective competition can be described as the “right amount” of competition that EU competition law aims to achieve. This amount of competition can be calculated from different variables and should have as a goal to safeguard EU consumers’ interests.

The Commission’s temporary framework has led to some consequences which can be problematic in this sense. The framework has led to fast procedures with very briefly defined decisions from the Commission. These decisions can be criticized for not including any financial analysis and that the Commission has not stated the reasons for the decisions well enough. Furthermore, only a few of the decisions include proportionality assessments, where a state aid’s positive effects on competition is balanced towards the negative. The fact that member states have used the temporary framework to a different degree, also leads to anti-competitive effects. These factors can, in the longer run, disadvantage the interest of consumers in the EU. The factors may affect rivals in a negative way which can lead to that effective rivals are forced into bankruptcy and that other, more dominant actors, gain power. This can lead to higher prices, poorer quality and less supply, factors who can disadvantage the EU consumers’ interest.

In summary, this thesis concludes that the Commission’s temporary framework itself, does not contravene against the goal of effective competition within the EU. However, the temporary framework leads to factors who can, in the longer run, disadvantage consumers’ interest. A fact which entails that the goal of effective competition is not respected. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Göransson, Alice LU
alternative title
State aid during covid-19 - a study about the European Commission's temporary framework's compatibility with the goal of effective competition
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
EU-rätt, konkurrensrätt, statsstöd
date added to LUP
2021-06-22 08:49:22
date last changed
2021-06-22 08:49:22
  abstract     = {{The aim of this thesis has been to examine to what extent the European Commission’s temporary framework for state aid measures to support the economy in the current covid-19 outbreak, is compatible with the EU goal of effective competition on the internal market. The thesis concludes that the sources of EU-law, do not clearly define the word effective competition. However, effective competition can be described as the “right amount” of competition that EU competition law aims to achieve. This amount of competition can be calculated from different variables and should have as a goal to safeguard EU consumers’ interests.

The Commission’s temporary framework has led to some consequences which can be problematic in this sense. The framework has led to fast procedures with very briefly defined decisions from the Commission. These decisions can be criticized for not including any financial analysis and that the Commission has not stated the reasons for the decisions well enough. Furthermore, only a few of the decisions include proportionality assessments, where a state aid’s positive effects on competition is balanced towards the negative. The fact that member states have used the temporary framework to a different degree, also leads to anti-competitive effects. These factors can, in the longer run, disadvantage the interest of consumers in the EU. The factors may affect rivals in a negative way which can lead to that effective rivals are forced into bankruptcy and that other, more dominant actors, gain power. This can lead to higher prices, poorer quality and less supply, factors who can disadvantage the EU consumers’ interest. 

In summary, this thesis concludes that the Commission’s temporary framework itself, does not contravene against the goal of effective competition within the EU. However, the temporary framework leads to factors who can, in the longer run, disadvantage consumers’ interest. A fact which entails that the goal of effective competition is not respected.}},
  author       = {{Göransson, Alice}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Statliga stöd under covid-19 pandemin - en granskning av europeiska kommissionens tillfälliga ram i förhållande till målet om effektiv konkurrens}},
  year         = {{2021}},