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Gränsdragningsproblematiken som följer värdepappershandel i fåmansaktiebolag

Ferreira Malta Hallström, Alex LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Detta arbete ämnar utreda hur värdepappershandel, bedriven inom ramen för ett fåmansaktiebolag, ska hanteras skattemässigt, såväl i bolags- som ägarled. Som huvudregel utgör värdepapper vilka innehas av ett bolag kapitaltillgångar – en form av tillgång vilken sedermera beskattas i enlighet med beräkningsreglerna för inkomst av kapital i inkomstslaget näringsverksamhet. Är bedriven värdepappershantering tillräckligt omfattande kan den emellertid komma att utgöra värdepappersrörelse, resulterande i att ett eventuellt innehav istället beskattas enligt bokföringsmässiga grunder samt i enlighet med bestämmelserna om lager av finansiella instrument.
Arbetets första frågeställning rör just formerna för en gränsdragning mellan... (More)
Detta arbete ämnar utreda hur värdepappershandel, bedriven inom ramen för ett fåmansaktiebolag, ska hanteras skattemässigt, såväl i bolags- som ägarled. Som huvudregel utgör värdepapper vilka innehas av ett bolag kapitaltillgångar – en form av tillgång vilken sedermera beskattas i enlighet med beräkningsreglerna för inkomst av kapital i inkomstslaget näringsverksamhet. Är bedriven värdepappershantering tillräckligt omfattande kan den emellertid komma att utgöra värdepappersrörelse, resulterande i att ett eventuellt innehav istället beskattas enligt bokföringsmässiga grunder samt i enlighet med bestämmelserna om lager av finansiella instrument.
Arbetets första frågeställning rör just formerna för en gränsdragning mellan värdepappersrörelse och kapitalförvaltning – en gränsdragning vilken först och främst utgörs av flera avvägningar hänförliga till kriterierna för näringsverksamhet, så som de stadgas i 13 kap. 1 § IL. Bedriver ett bolag sin värdepappershantering i linje med dessa krav utgör densamma värdepappersrörelse, där aktuell gränsdragning i praktiken utgörs av avvägningar hänförliga till det i nämnda bestämmelse uppställda kravet på yrkesmässighet. I såväl förarbeten, praxis och doktrin har sedermera klargjorts att en sådan bedömning främst tar sikte på samma fyra faktorer – omsättningshastigheten i ett bolags värdepappershantering, storleken på densamma, antalet vidtagna transaktioner samt kontinuiteten i verksamheten. Med grund i behandlade rättskällor har även kunnat konstateras att Skatteverkets kommunicerade presumtion, innebärande att värdepappersrörelse presumeras vara för handen om ett bolag kontinuerligt och årligen omsätter sitt värdepappersinnehav ett antal gånger, samtidigt som innehavet värderas till minst sju miljoner kronor och åtminstone 50 transaktioner vidtas, i mångt och mycket är så nära gällande rätt som det för tillfället är möjligt att komma. Samtidigt omgärdas nämnda bedömningsgrunder av flera osäkerhetsfaktorer, varför en helhetsbedömning alltid är direkt nödvändig.
Bedrivs värdepappershandel i ett fåmansaktiebolag är även beskattningen i ägarled direkt beroende av olika avvägningar. Här åsyftas främst resonemang hänförliga till bestämmelserna i 57 kap. IL – ett regelverk vilket primärt tillkommit för att förhindra att verksamma delägare i fåmansaktiebolag avstår från att ta ut lön, för att istället ta ut eventuella medel i form av lägre beskattad utdelning eller kapitalvinst. För att nämnda bestämmelser ska bli aktuella, krävs emellertid att delägaren i fråga betraktas som verksam i betydande omfattning, vilket enligt både förarbeten och praxis ska vara fallet om densamme har stor betydelse för vinstgenereringen i företaget. Arbetets andra frågeställning rör således huruvida värdepappershanterande verksamhet kan få en delägare att nå nämnda krav – något som HFD hittills inte ansett vara fallet. Frågan har emellertid behandlats styvmoderligt, varför endast en begränsad vägledning finns att tillgå. Som följd har jag inte betraktat det som möjligt att med säkerhet slå fast om, och i så fall under vilka förutsättningar, värdepappershantering kan aktualisera nämnda bestämmelser. Däremot betraktar jag det som sannolikt att en delägare vilken är aktiv i den handel som bedrivs, förr eller senare når de krav som ställts för att 57 kap. 4 § IL, och i förlängningen särreglingen i sin helhet, ska kunna tillämpas.
Utöver en utredning om gällande rätt i båda refererade regelverk har jag även ämnat utreda om det finns någon korrelation mellan behandlade gränsdragningar. Till följd av flera osäkerhetsfaktorer har jag emellertid inte ansett det vara möjligt att med säkerhet kommunicera en slutsats innebärande att om A så B - däremot ser jag det som sannolikt att omständigheter vilka ligger i linje med Skatteverkets presumtion för värdepappersrörelse samtidigt medför att delägaren i fråga ska betraktas som verksam i betydande omfattning. Eftersom jag tolkar kraven för ett uppfyllt betydanderekvisit som mindre omfattande än motsvarande krav hänförliga till en bedömning av 13 kap. 1 § IL, ser jag det som lika sannolikt att kvalificerade andelar inte nödvändigtvis resulterar i uppfyllda rörelserekvisit. (Less)
The intention with this paper is to examine how securities trading conducted within a closely held company is handled for tax purposes at both company and shareholder level. If a closely held company holds securities, the securities generally constitutes capital assets, which are taxed in accordance with the rules concerning capital income in the income tax schedule for income of business. However, if conducted securities trading is sufficiently extensive, it may constitute securities business, meaning that any holdings are taxed in accordance with an accruals basis as well as according to the rules regarding stock of financial instruments.
The first issue of this paper concerns the demarcation between securities business and capital... (More)
The intention with this paper is to examine how securities trading conducted within a closely held company is handled for tax purposes at both company and shareholder level. If a closely held company holds securities, the securities generally constitutes capital assets, which are taxed in accordance with the rules concerning capital income in the income tax schedule for income of business. However, if conducted securities trading is sufficiently extensive, it may constitute securities business, meaning that any holdings are taxed in accordance with an accruals basis as well as according to the rules regarding stock of financial instruments.
The first issue of this paper concerns the demarcation between securities business and capital management – a demarcation which first and foremost consists of several assessments attributable to the criteria for business, as stipulated in 13 c. 1 § in the Swedish Income Tax Act. If a closely held company conducts its securities trading in accordance with these requirements, the trading constitutes business. In practice, the mentioned demarcation consists of several assessments attributable to the requirement for professionalism, set out in the aforementioned legislation. Preparatory work, case law and doctrine has clarified that such an assessment primarily aims at four common factors – the turnover rate of a closely held company´s securities trading, the size of the trading, the number of trades conducted as well as the continuity in trading. Based on reviewed legal sources, it has also been established that the Swedish Tax Agency´s communicated presumption, stating that securities business is presumed to be at hand if a closely held company continuously has an annual turnover of its holdings several times, while the holdings are valued at SEK seven million as a minimum and at least 50 transactions are conducted, probably holds the current legal position. The assessment criteria are however surrounded be several uncertain factors, why an overall assessment is always necessary.
If securities trading is conducted within a closely held company, taxation at a shareholder level is also dependent on several assessments. These assessments mostly concern the regulations found in 57 c. in the Swedish Income Tax Act, which have been added to prevent active partners in closely held companies from refraining paying themselves salary in order to withdraw the funds in the form of dividends or other capital income instead. The regulation is applicable if a partner is active to a significant extent, which according to both preparatory work and practice should be the case if the same is of great importance for the profit generation in the company. Thus, the second issue of this paper concerns whether securities trading can meet the said requirements – something that the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has not hitherto considered to be the case. However, the issue has not been closely evaluated, why only limited legal guidance is available. As a result, I have not considered it possible to establish with certainly that, and if so under which conditions, the regulation is applicable during securities trading. However, I consider it probable that a partner who is active in his or hers trading, sooner or later meets the requirements needed for the application of 57 c. 4 § in the Swedish Income Tax Act.
In addition to examining applicable law concerning both referred regulations, this paper also intends to examine whether there is a correlation between previously considered legal issues. However, due to several legal uncertainties, I have not considered it possible to communicate such a conclusion. With that said, I find it probable that circumstances in line with the Swedish Tax Agency´s presumption for securities business, at the same time entails that the partner conducting the trading should be regarded as active to a significant extent. Considering that it is my interpretation that the requirements which are to be fulfilled in order to be considered active to a significant extent are less extensive than the equivalent requirements attributable to an assessment of 13 c. 1 § in the Swedish Income Tax act, I find it equally probable that qualified shares do not necessarily result in fulfilled business requirements. (Less)
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Ferreira Malta Hallström, Alex LU
alternative title
The demarcation issues that follow securities trading in closely held companies
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2021-06-09 11:01:29
date last changed
2021-06-09 11:01:29
  abstract     = {{The intention with this paper is to examine how securities trading conducted within a closely held company is handled for tax purposes at both company and shareholder level. If a closely held company holds securities, the securities generally constitutes capital assets, which are taxed in accordance with the rules concerning capital income in the income tax schedule for income of business. However, if conducted securities trading is sufficiently extensive, it may constitute securities business, meaning that any holdings are taxed in accordance with an accruals basis as well as according to the rules regarding stock of financial instruments.
 The first issue of this paper concerns the demarcation between securities business and capital management – a demarcation which first and foremost consists of several assessments attributable to the criteria for business, as stipulated in 13 c. 1 § in the Swedish Income Tax Act. If a closely held company conducts its securities trading in accordance with these requirements, the trading constitutes business. In practice, the mentioned demarcation consists of several assessments attributable to the requirement for professionalism, set out in the aforementioned legislation. Preparatory work, case law and doctrine has clarified that such an assessment primarily aims at four common factors – the turnover rate of a closely held company´s securities trading, the size of the trading, the number of trades conducted as well as the continuity in trading. Based on reviewed legal sources, it has also been established that the Swedish Tax Agency´s communicated presumption, stating that securities business is presumed to be at hand if a closely held company continuously has an annual turnover of its holdings several times, while the holdings are valued at SEK seven million as a minimum and at least 50 transactions are conducted, probably holds the current legal position. The assessment criteria are however surrounded be several uncertain factors, why an overall assessment is always necessary.
 If securities trading is conducted within a closely held company, taxation at a shareholder level is also dependent on several assessments. These assessments mostly concern the regulations found in 57 c. in the Swedish Income Tax Act, which have been added to prevent active partners in closely held companies from refraining paying themselves salary in order to withdraw the funds in the form of dividends or other capital income instead. The regulation is applicable if a partner is active to a significant extent, which according to both preparatory work and practice should be the case if the same is of great importance for the profit generation in the company. Thus, the second issue of this paper concerns whether securities trading can meet the said requirements – something that the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has not hitherto considered to be the case. However, the issue has not been closely evaluated, why only limited legal guidance is available. As a result, I have not considered it possible to establish with certainly that, and if so under which conditions, the regulation is applicable during securities trading. However, I consider it probable that a partner who is active in his or hers trading, sooner or later meets the requirements needed for the application of 57 c. 4 § in the Swedish Income Tax Act.
 In addition to examining applicable law concerning both referred regulations, this paper also intends to examine whether there is a correlation between previously considered legal issues. However, due to several legal uncertainties, I have not considered it possible to communicate such a conclusion. With that said, I find it probable that circumstances in line with the Swedish Tax Agency´s presumption for securities business, at the same time entails that the partner conducting the trading should be regarded as active to a significant extent. Considering that it is my interpretation that the requirements which are to be fulfilled in order to be considered active to a significant extent are less extensive than the equivalent requirements attributable to an assessment of 13 c. 1 § in the Swedish Income Tax act, I find it equally probable that qualified shares do not necessarily result in fulfilled business requirements.}},
  author       = {{Ferreira Malta Hallström, Alex}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Gränsdragningsproblematiken som följer värdepappershandel i fåmansaktiebolag}},
  year         = {{2021}},