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Emissionsgarantiavtals rättsliga verkan - Särskilt i ljuset av NJA 2016 s. 107 och förutsättningsläran

Skepastianos, Alex LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Emissionsgarantiavtal är idag ett vanligt fenomen när svenska bolag genomför emissioner. Emissionsgarantin tillförsäkrar att emissionen tecknas fullt ut eller till viss grad. Även om förekomsten av sådana garantier är mycket vanligt förekommande bland svenska bolag, och världen över, har det inte varit helt självklart att emissionsgarantiavtal är rättsligt bindande. Anledningen till det osäkra rättsläget är de formkrav som föreskrivs vid aktieteckning vid såväl bolagsbildning som nyemission. Huruvida ett föravtal, optionsavtal, om att senare ingå en formbunden rättshandling är giltigt har varit omdebatterat i doktrinen.

Denna uppsats syftar till att, mot bakgrund av osäkerheten kring emissionsgarantiavtals rättsliga verkan, utröna under... (More)
Emissionsgarantiavtal är idag ett vanligt fenomen när svenska bolag genomför emissioner. Emissionsgarantin tillförsäkrar att emissionen tecknas fullt ut eller till viss grad. Även om förekomsten av sådana garantier är mycket vanligt förekommande bland svenska bolag, och världen över, har det inte varit helt självklart att emissionsgarantiavtal är rättsligt bindande. Anledningen till det osäkra rättsläget är de formkrav som föreskrivs vid aktieteckning vid såväl bolagsbildning som nyemission. Huruvida ett föravtal, optionsavtal, om att senare ingå en formbunden rättshandling är giltigt har varit omdebatterat i doktrinen.

Denna uppsats syftar till att, mot bakgrund av osäkerheten kring emissionsgarantiavtals rättsliga verkan, utröna under vilka förutsättningar ett emissionsgarantiavtal är rättsligt bindande, om en garant under några omständigheter kan undslippa avtalsbundenhet och om det finns anledning att tillerkänna emissionsgarantiavtal full rättslig verkan. Den metod som används för att uppnå uppsatsens syfte är i huvudsak rättsdogmatisk men innehåller slag av kritisk rättsdogmatik.

Vad gäller föravtal om att senare ingå en överlåtelse av fast egendom är sådana föravtal inte giltiga. Vad avser optionsavtal beträffande överlåtelse av bostadsrätt har dock Högsta domstolen i NJA 1992 s. 66 uttalat att dessa är rättsligt bindande. I Emissionsgarantidomen, NJA 2016 s. 107, konstaterade Högsta domstolen att även föravtal om att senare teckna aktier är bindande i den mån att ett avtalsbrott är skadeståndsgrundande. Möjligheten för det emitterande bolaget att söka fullgörelse av ett sådant avtal behandlades inte, med hänvisning till rättsfallet NJA 1918 s. 394 där ett löfte om att teckna aktier inte tillerkändes rättslig verkan mot bakgrund av aktieteckningens formkrav. Av den företagna utredningen framgår att diskussionen länge har kretsat kring ett ”förhärskande motiv” vad avser motiven till aktieteckningens formkrav. I modernare förarbeten tycks dock en motivskiftning ha skett och numera är det viktigare att säkerställa att bolag har goda möjligheter att anskaffa kapital.

Slutsatsen är att emissionsgarantiavtal som huvudregel är bindande och att motiven bakom aktieteckningens formkrav inte motiverar något undantag från den avtalsrättsliga principen om bundenhet. Garantens möjligheter att undslippa bundenhet är begränsade. För den händelse att uppgifter i emissionsprospektet avviker från vad denne utgick från i samband med att avtalet ingicks kan det dock bli tal om att undslippa bundenhet. Härutöver torde det finnas ett ytterst begränsat utrymme för en garant att undslippa att prestera med hänvisning till ändrade omständigheter, vilket är en följd av att en offentliggjord emissionsgaranti har drag av en tredjemansutfästelse. Förutsättningsläran kan användas för att identifiera vilka ändrade omständigheter som kan anses utgöra så kallade bristande förutsättningar. Som huvudregel bär en part risken för sina egna förutsättningar, vilket kommer till uttryck i Emissionsgarantidomen, och det ska mycket till för att omfördela risken. Mot bakgrund av motivskiftningen och den förändring som har skett på kapitalmarknaden torde det vara möjligt att bortse från NJA 1918 s. 394 och tillerkänna emissionsgarantiavtal full rättslig verkan. I praktiken sker redan ett slags pseudogenomdrivande av emissionsgarantiavtal och det ligger nära till hands att öppna för möjligheten att på rättslig väg kräva fullgörelse av ett sådant avtal. (Less)
When a share issue is carried out by a public listed company, the share issue is usually guaranteed. This is usually ensured by a standby underwriting agreement (Sw: emissionsgarantiavtal), which assures that the share issue gets fully, or at least partly, subscribed. Standby underwriting agreements are common amongst public listed Swedish companies as well as globally. Nevertheless, there are still some concerns as to whether these agreements are legally binding. The uncertainty relates to subscription of shares being subject to certain form requirements prescribed by law. Hence the question of whether preliminary agreements, such as standby underwriting agreements, regarding subscription of shares are legally binding is disputed in the... (More)
When a share issue is carried out by a public listed company, the share issue is usually guaranteed. This is usually ensured by a standby underwriting agreement (Sw: emissionsgarantiavtal), which assures that the share issue gets fully, or at least partly, subscribed. Standby underwriting agreements are common amongst public listed Swedish companies as well as globally. Nevertheless, there are still some concerns as to whether these agreements are legally binding. The uncertainty relates to subscription of shares being subject to certain form requirements prescribed by law. Hence the question of whether preliminary agreements, such as standby underwriting agreements, regarding subscription of shares are legally binding is disputed in the legal doctrine.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate under which conditions a standby underwriting agreement is legally binding, whether a guarantor can elude a legally binding agreement and whether there is reason to grant a party the right to make a specific performance claim with regard to the standby underwriting agreement. The purpose of this thesis is achieved through a legal dogmatic method, although there are elements of a critical legal dogmatic method.

Preliminary agreements regarding purchase of real estate are not legally binding. However, an option agreement regarding the purchase of a co-operative apartment is legally binding, according to the ruling NJA 1992 s. 66 from the Supreme court. Moreover, in the case of Emissionsgarantidomen, NJA 2016 s. 107, the Supreme court concluded that a standby underwriting agreement is legally binding to the extent that a party that commits a breach of contract is liable for damages. However, the possibility for the joint party to make a specific performance claim was not regarded in the ruling, due to a prejudice in this matter, NJA 1918 s. 394.

The investigation undertaken in this thesis shows that the debate regarding the form requirements prescribed by law regarding subscription of shares revolved around a “predominant motive” for a long period of time. Nevertheless, there is no mention of a “predominant motive” in the preparatory work for the modern versions of the Companies Act, i.e., the Company Act from the year of 1975 and onwards. Instead, the matter of importance regarding the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law is described as securing financing for the companies.

To conclude, a standby underwriting agreement is binding as a general rule, and the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law does not give cause for an exempt. The guarantor may elude the agreement if the information in the prospectus deviates from what the guarantor knew, or assumed, when entering into the standby underwriting agreement. There is a limited possibility for the guarantor to elude the agreement with regard to changed circumstances. This is due to the publication of the prospectus having traits of a third-party pledge. The doctrine of assumptions (Sw: förutsättningsläran) can be used to identify what kind of changed circumstances that constitutes so-called deficient conditions. As a general rule a party bears the risk of his own conditions and there were no reasons to reverse the general rule in Emissionsgarantidomen. In the light of changes in the capital market and changes regarding the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law when subscribing to shares, it would be possible to acknowledge that standby underwriting agreements are legally binding in a way that makes it possible for a party to make a specific performance claim. To some extent, this is already the case as the ruling by the Supreme court in Emissionsgarantidomen enables the issuing company (Sw: emitterande bolag) to make an artificial specific performance claim. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Skepastianos, Alex LU
alternative title
The legal effect of standby underwriting agreements - In the light of the Swedish Supreme court ruling NJA 2016 s. 107 and the doctrine of assumptions
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
associationsrätt, avtalsrätt, civilrätt, förmögenhetsrätt
date added to LUP
2021-06-09 12:31:43
date last changed
2021-06-09 12:31:43
  abstract     = {{When a share issue is carried out by a public listed company, the share issue is usually guaranteed. This is usually ensured by a standby underwriting agreement (Sw: emissionsgarantiavtal), which assures that the share issue gets fully, or at least partly, subscribed. Standby underwriting agreements are common amongst public listed Swedish companies as well as globally. Nevertheless, there are still some concerns as to whether these agreements are legally binding. The uncertainty relates to subscription of shares being subject to certain form requirements prescribed by law. Hence the question of whether preliminary agreements, such as standby underwriting agreements, regarding subscription of shares are legally binding is disputed in the legal doctrine. 

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate under which conditions a standby underwriting agreement is legally binding, whether a guarantor can elude a legally binding agreement and whether there is reason to grant a party the right to make a specific performance claim with regard to the standby underwriting agreement. The purpose of this thesis is achieved through a legal dogmatic method, although there are elements of a critical legal dogmatic method.

Preliminary agreements regarding purchase of real estate are not legally binding. However, an option agreement regarding the purchase of a co-operative apartment is legally binding, according to the ruling NJA 1992 s. 66 from the Supreme court. Moreover, in the case of Emissionsgarantidomen, NJA 2016 s. 107, the Supreme court concluded that a standby underwriting agreement is legally binding to the extent that a party that commits a breach of contract is liable for damages. However, the possibility for the joint party to make a specific performance claim was not regarded in the ruling, due to a prejudice in this matter, NJA 1918 s. 394. 

The investigation undertaken in this thesis shows that the debate regarding the form requirements prescribed by law regarding subscription of shares revolved around a “predominant motive” for a long period of time. Nevertheless, there is no mention of a “predominant motive” in the preparatory work for the modern versions of the Companies Act, i.e., the Company Act from the year of 1975 and onwards. Instead, the matter of importance regarding the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law is described as securing financing for the companies. 

To conclude, a standby underwriting agreement is binding as a general rule, and the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law does not give cause for an exempt. The guarantor may elude the agreement if the information in the prospectus deviates from what the guarantor knew, or assumed, when entering into the standby underwriting agreement. There is a limited possibility for the guarantor to elude the agreement with regard to changed circumstances. This is due to the publication of the prospectus having traits of a third-party pledge. The doctrine of assumptions (Sw: förutsättningsläran) can be used to identify what kind of changed circumstances that constitutes so-called deficient conditions. As a general rule a party bears the risk of his own conditions and there were no reasons to reverse the general rule in Emissionsgarantidomen. In the light of changes in the capital market and changes regarding the motives for the form requirements prescribed by law when subscribing to shares, it would be possible to acknowledge that standby underwriting agreements are legally binding in a way that makes it possible for a party to make a specific performance claim. To some extent, this is already the case as the ruling by the Supreme court in Emissionsgarantidomen enables the issuing company (Sw: emitterande bolag) to make an artificial specific performance claim.}},
  author       = {{Skepastianos, Alex}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Emissionsgarantiavtals rättsliga verkan - Särskilt i ljuset av NJA 2016 s. 107 och förutsättningsläran}},
  year         = {{2021}},