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Förhållandet mellan psykologisk flexibilitet, livskvalitet och psykiatriska symtom: En valideringsstudie av ett nytt mätinstrument

Järvborn Olsson, Veronica LU and Olofsson, Ida LU (2021) PPTN76 20211
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera ett nytt mått på psykologisk flexibilitet respektive inflexibilitet samt utforska hur psykologisk flexibilitet, mätt med detta nya mått, förhåller sig till psykiatriska symtom, upplevd livskvalitet samt ett tidigare etablerat mått på psykologisk flexibilitet. Studien syftade även till att undersöka huruvida varians i upplevd livskvalitet kan sägas medieras statistiskt av varians i psykologisk flexibilitet. I den kliniska gruppen medverkade 96 personer och i den icke-kliniska gruppen 930 personer. Data samlades in via elektronisk enkät och pappersenkät bestående av fem valida skattningsformulär avsedda att mäta psykologisk flexibilitet, livskvalitet samt symtom på depression, ångest och stress.... (More)
Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera ett nytt mått på psykologisk flexibilitet respektive inflexibilitet samt utforska hur psykologisk flexibilitet, mätt med detta nya mått, förhåller sig till psykiatriska symtom, upplevd livskvalitet samt ett tidigare etablerat mått på psykologisk flexibilitet. Studien syftade även till att undersöka huruvida varians i upplevd livskvalitet kan sägas medieras statistiskt av varians i psykologisk flexibilitet. I den kliniska gruppen medverkade 96 personer och i den icke-kliniska gruppen 930 personer. Data samlades in via elektronisk enkät och pappersenkät bestående av fem valida skattningsformulär avsedda att mäta psykologisk flexibilitet, livskvalitet samt symtom på depression, ångest och stress. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av korrelationsanalys, oberoende t-test och medieringsanalys. Resultaten visade på en signifikant skillnad mellan den kliniska och den icke-kliniska gruppen beträffande grad av psykologisk flexibilitet. Ett signifikant positivt samband påvisades mellan psykologisk flexibilitet och upplevd livskvalitet samt ett signifikant negativt samband mellan psykologisk flexibilitet och depression, ångest och stress. Vidare påvisades ett signifikant negativt samband mellan psykologisk inflexibilitet och livskvalitet samt ett positivt samband mellan psykologisk inflexibilitet och depression, ångest och stress. Varians i psykologisk flexibilitet visade sig statistiskt sett fullständigt mediera varians i livskvalitet. Det tidigare måttet SAAQ (en svensk version av AAQ-II), som syftar till att mäta upplevelsemässigt undvikande (eller psykologisk inflexibilitet), visade sig i den kliniska gruppen ha ett signifikant negativt samband med det nyare måttet PFQ-Flexibility och ett signifikant positivt samband med det nyare måttet PFQ-Inflexibility. Studien är en del av en valideringsprocess avseende det nya måttet Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ). Instrumentet verkar onekligen användbart och lovande, men behöver prövas i fler sammanhang. Studien bidrar till ökad kunskap kring hur vi på ett ändamålsenligt sätt kan mäta psykologisk flexibilitet med tydlig förankring i de teorier ACT bygger på. Studien bidrar också till ökad kunskap om relationen mellan psykologisk flexibilitet och upplevd livskvalitet och symtom på psykisk ohälsa. (Less)
The aim of this study was to evaluate a new measure of psychological flexibility and inflexibility and to investigate how psychological flexibility, measured with this new instrument, relates to psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and to a commonly used measure of psychological inflexibility. A second aim was to investigate whether variation in perceived quality of life is mediated statistically by variation in psychological flexibility. The clinical group consisted of 96 participants, and the non-clinical group of 930 participants. Data was collected via anelectronic and paper questionnaire consisting of five valid self-report forms intended to measure psychological flexibility, quality of life and symptoms of depression, anxiety and... (More)
The aim of this study was to evaluate a new measure of psychological flexibility and inflexibility and to investigate how psychological flexibility, measured with this new instrument, relates to psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and to a commonly used measure of psychological inflexibility. A second aim was to investigate whether variation in perceived quality of life is mediated statistically by variation in psychological flexibility. The clinical group consisted of 96 participants, and the non-clinical group of 930 participants. Data was collected via anelectronic and paper questionnaire consisting of five valid self-report forms intended to measure psychological flexibility, quality of life and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The results were analyzed using correlation analysis, independent t-test and mediation analysis. The performed analyses showed a significant difference in terms of level of psychological flexibility between the clinical and the non-clinical group. A significant positive correlation was found between psychological flexibility and perceived quality of life, and a significant negative correlation between psychological flexibility and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation was found between psychological inflexibility and quality of life, and a positive relationship between psychological inflexibility and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Variation in psychological flexibility was statistically shown to completely mediate variation in perceived quality of life. The previous measure SAAQ (a Swedish version of AAQ-II), intended to measure experiential avoidance (or psychological inflexibility), was found to have a significant negative correlation withthe new measure PFQ-Flexibility and a significant positive correlation with the new measure PFQ-Inflexibility. Current study is part of a validation process regarding the new measure Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ). The instrument undeniablyseems useful and promising, but it needs to be evaluated in more contexts. This study contributes to increased knowledge about how we in an expedientwaycan measure psychological flexibility with a clear foundation in the theories ACT is based on. The study also contributes to increased knowledge about the relationship between psychological flexibility and perceived quality of life and psychiatric symptoms (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Järvborn Olsson, Veronica LU and Olofsson, Ida LU
PPTN76 20211
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
psykologisk flexibilitet, psykologisk inflexibilitet, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), psychological flexibility questionnaire (PFQ).
date added to LUP
2021-06-02 10:19:15
date last changed
2021-06-02 10:19:15
  abstract     = {{The aim of this study was to evaluate a new measure of psychological flexibility and inflexibility and to investigate how psychological flexibility, measured with this new instrument, relates to psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and to a commonly used measure of psychological inflexibility. A second aim was to investigate whether variation in perceived quality of life is mediated statistically by variation in psychological flexibility. The clinical group consisted of 96 participants, and the non-clinical group of 930 participants. Data was collected via anelectronic and paper questionnaire consisting of five valid self-report forms intended to measure psychological flexibility, quality of life and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The results were analyzed using correlation analysis, independent t-test and mediation analysis. The performed analyses showed a significant difference in terms of level of psychological flexibility between the clinical and the non-clinical group. A significant positive correlation was found between psychological flexibility and perceived quality of life, and a significant negative correlation between psychological flexibility and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation was found between psychological inflexibility and quality of life, and a positive relationship between psychological inflexibility and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Variation in psychological flexibility was statistically shown to completely mediate variation in perceived quality of life. The previous measure SAAQ (a Swedish version of AAQ-II), intended to measure experiential avoidance (or psychological inflexibility), was found to have a significant negative correlation withthe new measure PFQ-Flexibility and a significant positive correlation with the new measure PFQ-Inflexibility. Current study is part of a validation process regarding the new measure Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ). The instrument undeniablyseems useful and promising, but it needs to be evaluated in more contexts. This study contributes to increased knowledge about how we in an expedientwaycan measure psychological flexibility with a clear foundation in the theories ACT is based on. The study also contributes to increased knowledge about the relationship between psychological flexibility and perceived quality of life and psychiatric symptoms}},
  author       = {{Järvborn Olsson, Veronica and Olofsson, Ida}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Förhållandet mellan psykologisk flexibilitet, livskvalitet och psykiatriska symtom: En valideringsstudie av ett nytt mätinstrument}},
  year         = {{2021}},