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LUP Student Papers


A Method for Evaluating and Mapping Terrestrial Deposition and Preservation Potential- for Palaeostorm Surge Traces. Remote Mapping of the Coast of Scania, Blekinge and Halland, in Southern Sweden, with a Field Study at Dalköpinge Ängar, Trelleborg

Lundgren Sassner, Lykke LU (2021) In Dissertations in Geology at Lund University GEOR02 20211
Department of Geology
Abstract (Swedish)
Studier av palaeostormfloder ger bakgrund till inom vilka intevall stormar av olika storlek förväntas återkomma och träffa olika områden. Denna information kan användas vid modellering, riskbedömning och stadsplanering. Genom att använda de marina ekvationerna av Nittrouer och Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental shelf. Marine Geology 42 : 201-232), har en enkel modell över bevaringspotentialen i terrestra miljöer gjorts. Denna har använts tillsammans med Chaumillon et al. (2017: Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165. 151-184)s definerade faktorer för bildning av stormfloder för att kunna bygga upp... (More)
Studier av palaeostormfloder ger bakgrund till inom vilka intevall stormar av olika storlek förväntas återkomma och träffa olika områden. Denna information kan användas vid modellering, riskbedömning och stadsplanering. Genom att använda de marina ekvationerna av Nittrouer och Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental shelf. Marine Geology 42 : 201-232), har en enkel modell över bevaringspotentialen i terrestra miljöer gjorts. Denna har använts tillsammans med Chaumillon et al. (2017: Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165. 151-184)s definerade faktorer för bildning av stormfloder för att kunna bygga upp en metod över hur man kan fjärrkartera områden där det är gynnsamma förutsättningar för palaeostormstormflodsavlagringar som har bevarats. Fjärrkarteringen har gjorts utmed Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands kust. Under denna studie av Skåne, Blekinge och Halland hittades 68 platser med potential för bevarade spår av palaeostormfloder. Av dessa studerades 12 områden ytterligare för att hitta historisk dokumentation av markanvändning, vilken kan indikera om en mänsklig störning, och för att ta reda på om det finns något naturskydd. Efter att kartläggningen var klar valdes Dalköpinge Ängar för en fältstudie. Här togs fyra borrkärnor med en ryssborr. Dessa studerades, beskrevs och en Loss On Ignition gjordes på de två längsta kärnorna. En biologisk proxy-metod med habitatbestämning av foraminerer och C14-analys gjordes på en kärna, för att spåra förändringar i miljön och möjliga palaeostormflodsavlagringar. Datan från Dalköpinge Ängar visade spår av en stormflod som förändrade miljön daterad till antingen en tid före 1957-1958 (8% sannolikhet) eller 1990-1993 (92% sannolikhet). Med hjälp av dokumentation i gamla tidningar, flygfoton, dokumentation av gamla stormar i Skåne och annan tillgänglig data kunde förändringen som hittats korreleras med en stor storm 1954. Stormflodsfynden i fältstudien indikerar en bra fjärrkartering och metod för att bestämma områden med bevarade stormflodsavlagringar. Detta är den första kartläggningen och sedimentära studien av palaeostormfloder i Sverige. (Less)
Studies of palaeostorm surges provides background into at what frequencies storms of different magnitudes are expected to return and hit different areas. This information can be used when modelling, doing risk assesments and city planing. Using the marine equations of Nittrouer and Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental shelf. Marine Geology 42 : 201-232), a terrestrial model of preservation potential has been made. This has been used along with the important factors, determined by Chaumillon et al. (2017: Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165. 151-184), for storm surges to remote map areas where... (More)
Studies of palaeostorm surges provides background into at what frequencies storms of different magnitudes are expected to return and hit different areas. This information can be used when modelling, doing risk assesments and city planing. Using the marine equations of Nittrouer and Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental shelf. Marine Geology 42 : 201-232), a terrestrial model of preservation potential has been made. This has been used along with the important factors, determined by Chaumillon et al. (2017: Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165. 151-184), for storm surges to remote map areas where there could be palaeostorm surge overwash deposits which should be preserved. The remote mapping was done along the coast of Scania, Blekinge and Halland. During this part of the study 68 locations of sites with potential for preserved palaeostorm surge traces were found. Out of these, 12 areas were further studied to find historical documentation of land use, making sure that the areas have the best possible preservation potential, and to find out the natural conservation status. After the mapping was conducted, Dalköpinge Ängar was chosen as a field study. Here four sediment/peat cores were taken up with a Russian corer and studied. Loss on Ignition was done at the two longest cores; a biological proxy method using the habitat of foraminifers and 14C analysis were done on one core to trace changes in the environment and possible palaeostorm surge overwash deposits. The data from Dalköpinge Ängar showed traces of a storm surge changing the environment dated to sometime prior to 1957-1958 (8% likelihood) or 1990-1993 (92% likelihood). Using documentation in old newspapers, aerial photographs, documentation of old storms in Scania and other documentation available, the deposits could be correlated to a large storm in 1954. The positive result of the field study indicates a good mapping and method of determining areas of well preserved storm surge overwash deposits. This is the first mapping and sedimentary study of palaeostorm surges in Sweden. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lundgren Sassner, Lykke LU
alternative title
En metod för att utvärdera och kartera terrestriell deposition och bevaringspotential- för palaeostormflods sediment. Fjärrkartering av Skåne, Blekinge och Hallands kust, i södra Sverige, med en fältstudie i Dalköpinge Ängar, Trelleborg
GEOR02 20211
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
Storm surge, Storm surge formation, Storm patterns in Baltic Sea, Preservation potential, Terrestrial preservation potential and erosion
Dissertations in Geology at Lund University
report number
date added to LUP
2021-06-13 23:24:02
date last changed
2021-06-13 23:24:02
  abstract     = {{Studies of palaeostorm surges provides background into at what frequencies storms of different magnitudes are expected to return and hit different areas. This information can be used when modelling, doing risk assesments and city planing. Using the marine equations of Nittrouer and Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental shelf. Marine Geology 42 : 201-232), a terrestrial model of preservation potential has been made. This has been used along with the important factors, determined by Chaumillon et al. (2017: Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165. 151-184), for storm surges to remote map areas where there could be palaeostorm surge overwash deposits which should be preserved. The remote mapping was done along the coast of Scania, Blekinge and Halland. During this part of the study 68 locations of sites with potential for preserved palaeostorm surge traces were found. Out of these, 12 areas were further studied to find historical documentation of land use, making sure that the areas have the best possible preservation potential, and to find out the natural conservation status. After the mapping was conducted, Dalköpinge Ängar was chosen as a field study. Here four sediment/peat cores were taken up with a Russian corer and studied. Loss on Ignition was done at the two longest cores; a biological proxy method using the habitat of foraminifers and 14C analysis were done on one core to trace changes in the environment and possible palaeostorm surge overwash deposits. The data from Dalköpinge Ängar showed traces of a storm surge changing the environment dated to sometime prior to 1957-1958 (8% likelihood) or 1990-1993 (92% likelihood). Using documentation in old newspapers, aerial photographs, documentation of old storms in Scania and other documentation available, the deposits could be correlated to a large storm in 1954. The positive result of the field study indicates a good mapping and method of determining areas of well preserved storm surge overwash deposits. This is the first mapping and sedimentary study of palaeostorm surges in Sweden.}},
  author       = {{Lundgren Sassner, Lykke}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{Dissertations in Geology at Lund University}},
  title        = {{A Method for Evaluating and Mapping Terrestrial Deposition and Preservation Potential- for Palaeostorm Surge Traces. Remote Mapping of the Coast of Scania, Blekinge and Halland, in Southern Sweden, with a Field Study at Dalköpinge Ängar, Trelleborg}},
  year         = {{2021}},