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Offentlighetsprincipen och bolag med noterade aktier - Om meddelarfrihet, handlingsoffentlighet och MAR:s informationsgivningsregler

Norberg, Anna LU (2021) JURM02 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
År 2018 överlämnade regeringen lagrådsremissen Offentlighetsprincipen ska gälla i fristående skolor till Lagrådet. Innebörden av lagförslaget var i korthet att offentlighetsprincipen skulle börja gälla för huvudmän för fristående skolor samt att dessa huvudmän skulle jämställas med myndigheter genom en ny bestämmelse i 2 kap. Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400) (OSL). Även en förändring i 13 kap. 2 § OSL föreslogs med innebörden att anställda hos huvudmän för fristående skolor skulle åtnjuta ett meddelarskydd enligt OSL. Emellertid ansåg sig Lagrådet inte kunna tillstyrka lagstiftningen i enlighet med förslagen i remissen. I yttrandet uppmanade Lagrådet till vidare analys av hur utvidgningen av offentlighetsprincipens... (More)
År 2018 överlämnade regeringen lagrådsremissen Offentlighetsprincipen ska gälla i fristående skolor till Lagrådet. Innebörden av lagförslaget var i korthet att offentlighetsprincipen skulle börja gälla för huvudmän för fristående skolor samt att dessa huvudmän skulle jämställas med myndigheter genom en ny bestämmelse i 2 kap. Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400) (OSL). Även en förändring i 13 kap. 2 § OSL föreslogs med innebörden att anställda hos huvudmän för fristående skolor skulle åtnjuta ett meddelarskydd enligt OSL. Emellertid ansåg sig Lagrådet inte kunna tillstyrka lagstiftningen i enlighet med förslagen i remissen. I yttrandet uppmanade Lagrådet till vidare analys av hur utvidgningen av offentlighetsprincipens tillämpningsområde skulle komma att påverka tillämpningen av den EU-rättsliga regleringen avseende börsbolags informationsgivningsskyldigheter.

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida en utvidgad tillämpning av offentlighetsprincipen till att omfatta aktiebolag med aktier noterade på en reglerad marknad kan förenas med EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning 596/2014 (MAR) och dess bestämmelser om informationsgivning. Undersökningen visar att vid en förändring likt lagförslaget torde det bli svårt för börsbolagen att tillämpa undantagsregleringen i artikel 17(4) MAR. En förändring till att börsbolagens anställda omfattas av meddelarskyddet i OSL innebär att avtalad och lagstadgad tystnadsplikt får ge vika för de anställdas rätt att muntligen lämna information till grundlagsskyddad media. Detta kan få följden att börsbolagen får det svårt att motivera och visa på att insiderinformationen som är aktuell för uppskjutandet kan hållas konfidentiell.

Även tillämpningen av röjandeförbudet i artikel 10 MAR torde påverkas på så sätt att de anställdas meddelarfrihet inte begränsas genom regleringen i MAR. Meddelarfriheten skulle anses vara så pass vidsträckt att yppande av insiderinformation till grundlagsskyddad media inte kan betraktas som olagligt röjande av insiderinformation. En inskränkning i uppskjutandemöjligheten för vissa börsbolag skulle även påverka deras möjlighet att på ett ändamålsenligt sätt förhålla sig till sina informationsförpliktelser vilka följer av MAR. Riskerna som följer av att inte möjliggöra för vissa börsbolag att tillämpa i förordningen väsentliga regler kan anses värda att beakta.

Undersökningen visar vidare att vid en utvidgning av handlingsoffentligheten till att omfatta vissa börsbolag kan MAR:s syften jämte handlingsoffentlighetens syften ställas mot varandra. Syftet med MAR:s regler om informationsskyldighet är att aktörerna på marknaden ska ha tillgång till samma information för att upprätthålla en effektiv marknad. Handlingsoffentlighetens syfte är att garantera rättssäkerheten samt effektiviteten i förvaltningen och detta uppnås genom att långtgående bevilja allmänheten insyn i offentlig verksamhet.

I uppsatsen konstateras även att ett utlämnande av allmänna handlingar inte borde betraktas utgöra ett olagligt röjande enligt artikel 10 MAR eftersom utlämnandet görs som ett normalt steg i fullgörande av tjänst, verksamhet eller åligganden. Röjandeförbudet i MAR bör således inte förhindra skyldigheten att lämna ut allmänna handlingar. Samtidigt torde röjandeförbudet i artikel 10 MAR medföra att vissa uppgifter gällande insiderinformation i allmänna handlingar förhindras att lämnas ut då uppgifterna kan anses vara sekretessreglerade enligt 9 kap. 1 § OSL. Det kan således konstateras att utvidgningen av handlingsoffentligheten till att omfatta vissa börsbolag inte bör påverka bolagens tillämpning av informationsgivningsreglerna i MAR. (Less)
In 2018, the government handed over the Law Council's referral that The Principle of Openness shall apply to independent schools to the Law Council. The referral included proposals that The Principle of Openness should be applied by principals of independent schools and that these principals should be equated with authorities through a new provision in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (OSL). Additionally, a change to Chapter 13 Section 2 of the OSL was also proposed, whereby employees of principals for independent schools would enjoy greater messenger protections. Subsequently, the Law Council considered itself unable to approve the legislation in accordance with the proposals in the referral. As such, The Legal Council has called for... (More)
In 2018, the government handed over the Law Council's referral that The Principle of Openness shall apply to independent schools to the Law Council. The referral included proposals that The Principle of Openness should be applied by principals of independent schools and that these principals should be equated with authorities through a new provision in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (OSL). Additionally, a change to Chapter 13 Section 2 of the OSL was also proposed, whereby employees of principals for independent schools would enjoy greater messenger protections. Subsequently, the Law Council considered itself unable to approve the legislation in accordance with the proposals in the referral. As such, The Legal Council has called for further analysis of how the extension of the scope for The Principle of Openness could affect the application of EU legal regulation regarding listed companies’ disclosure obligations.

The thesis aims to examine how an extended application of The Principle of Openness to include limited companies with shares listed on a regulated market can be reconciled with the EU regulation on market abuse 596/2014 (MAR) and its provisions on disclosure of information. The study shows that in the event of a change similar to the referral, it would be difficult for listed companies to apply the exemption regulation in Article 17(4) MAR. A change to the listed companies’ employees being covered by the messenger protection in OSL implies that an agreed or statutory duty of confidentiality may give way to the employees' right to orally provide information to the constitutionally protected media. This can have the consequence that the listed companies find it difficult to justify and show that the inside information that is relevant for publication can be kept confidential.

Subsequently, the application of the disclosure prohibition in Article 10 MAR could also be affected in such a way that the employees' freedom to inform is not restricted by the regulation in MAR. In accordance with this, the freedom to inform would be considered so extensive that the disclosure of inside information to constitutionally protected media cannot be regarded as an illegal disclosure of inside information. Additionally, a restriction on the possibility of deferral of the publication for certain listed companies would also affect their ability to act in an appropriate manner to their information obligations which follow from MAR. The risks arising from not enabling certain listed companies to apply to certain essential rules in MAR may be worth considering.

The thesis further exhibits that in the event of an extension of the publicity of public documents to include listed companies, MARs’ objectives and the objectives of the publicity of documents can be set against each other. The purpose behind MARs’ rules on the obligation to provide information is to ensure that the market participants have access to the same information in order to maintain an efficient market. The purpose of the public access to documents is to guarantee the rule of law and the efficiency in the administration, achieved by giving the public far-reaching insight into the administration’s activities.

In the thesis it is also stated that the disclosure of public documents should not be considered as an unlawful disclosure under Article 10 MAR, since disclosure is made as a normal step in the performance of a service, activity or duty. The disclosure ban in MAR should therefore not prevent the obligation to disclose public documents. At the same time, the prohibition on disclosure in Article 10 MAR implies that certain information concerning inside information in public documents is prevented from being disclosed as the information can be considered to be regulated by secrecy in accordance with Chapter 9 Section 1 in the OSL. Therefore, it can thus be stated that the extension of the public access to documents to also include listed companies should not affect the companies' application of the disclosure rules in MAR. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Norberg, Anna LU
alternative title
The Principle of Openness and companies with listed shares - About freedom of information, public access to documents and MARs' disclosure rules
JURM02 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Associationsrätt, Aktiemarknadsrätt, MAR, Offentlighetsprincipen, Handlingsoffentlighet, Meddelarfrihet
date added to LUP
2021-09-06 09:35:45
date last changed
2021-09-06 09:35:45
  abstract     = {{In 2018, the government handed over the Law Council's referral that The Principle of Openness shall apply to independent schools to the Law Council. The referral included proposals that The Principle of Openness should be applied by principals of independent schools and that these principals should be equated with authorities through a new provision in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (OSL). Additionally, a change to Chapter 13 Section 2 of the OSL was also proposed, whereby employees of principals for independent schools would enjoy greater messenger protections. Subsequently, the Law Council considered itself unable to approve the legislation in accordance with the proposals in the referral. As such, The Legal Council has called for further analysis of how the extension of the scope for The Principle of Openness could affect the application of EU legal regulation regarding listed companies’ disclosure obligations.
The thesis aims to examine how an extended application of The Principle of Openness to include limited companies with shares listed on a regulated market can be reconciled with the EU regulation on market abuse 596/2014 (MAR) and its provisions on disclosure of information. The study shows that in the event of a change similar to the referral, it would be difficult for listed companies to apply the exemption regulation in Article 17(4) MAR. A change to the listed companies’ employees being covered by the messenger protection in OSL implies that an agreed or statutory duty of confidentiality may give way to the employees' right to orally provide information to the constitutionally protected media. This can have the consequence that the listed companies find it difficult to justify and show that the inside information that is relevant for publication can be kept confidential. 

Subsequently, the application of the disclosure prohibition in Article 10 MAR could also be affected in such a way that the employees' freedom to inform is not restricted by the regulation in MAR. In accordance with this, the freedom to inform would be considered so extensive that the disclosure of inside information to constitutionally protected media cannot be regarded as an illegal disclosure of inside information. Additionally, a restriction on the possibility of deferral of the publication for certain listed companies would also affect their ability to act in an appropriate manner to their information obligations which follow from MAR. The risks arising from not enabling certain listed companies to apply to certain essential rules in MAR may be worth considering.
The thesis further exhibits that in the event of an extension of the publicity of public documents to include listed companies, MARs’ objectives and the objectives of the publicity of documents can be set against each other. The purpose behind MARs’ rules on the obligation to provide information is to ensure that the market participants have access to the same information in order to maintain an efficient market. The purpose of the public access to documents is to guarantee the rule of law and the efficiency in the administration, achieved by giving the public far-reaching insight into the administration’s activities. 

In the thesis it is also stated that the disclosure of public documents should not be considered as an unlawful disclosure under Article 10 MAR, since disclosure is made as a normal step in the performance of a service, activity or duty. The disclosure ban in MAR should therefore not prevent the obligation to disclose public documents. At the same time, the prohibition on disclosure in Article 10 MAR implies that certain information concerning inside information in public documents is prevented from being disclosed as the information can be considered to be regulated by secrecy in accordance with Chapter 9 Section 1 in the OSL. Therefore, it can thus be stated that the extension of the public access to documents to also include listed companies should not affect the companies' application of the disclosure rules in MAR.}},
  author       = {{Norberg, Anna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Offentlighetsprincipen och bolag med noterade aktier - Om meddelarfrihet, handlingsoffentlighet och MAR:s informationsgivningsregler}},
  year         = {{2021}},